Wk Beg 30.4.18

Hello everyone! I hope you have enjoyed your weekend and spent lots of time outside in the beautiful weather. Please see below for homework and weekly news update:

Reading books: New reading books with be handed out tomorrow. Please, if you are able, continue to discuss the book with your child and keep encouraging them to use their storyteller voice.

Spelling: Our spelling sound this week is ‘ow’ as in snow, blow and flow. Children are encouraged to combine sounds that we have learned this year in order to make new words, for example, show.

Wordwalls: These continue to be checked in class.

Maths: In class we are learning about halves and quarters and a sheet will be issued on this. We have also begun to think about groups of two and are working very hard to learn how to half and double numbers within 20.

Big Pedal: We had great fun last week scooting about the playground on our bikes and scooters. Pupils can bring these to school again this week. If you are bringing a bike, please remember your helmet.

Just a reminder that pupils are off on Friday of this coming week and Monday (7th May) of next week.

Have a wonderful week ahead!

Miss Cauley