Category Archives: Primary 2E

P2 – Learning from home

Hi everyone,

We hope you’re having a lovely weekend. As we spoke about last week, learning will be a little different. Learning will take place on Microsoft Teams (your child has a username and password for this) and has had practise logging in in class. Everyday, we will post tasks to be completed. These may be in the form of assignments that will be posted on Microsoft Teams, or a message on our class teams page. To complete tasks, you can take a picture of work you have completed on paper and upload it, use the class notebooks function, or upload on assignments directly. Remember you can upload photos of you playing outside too. Don’t worry too much about hand in dates, just do your best to complete what you can. Remember, learning can take place in the form of helping around the house, cooking and baking and going outside in the garden too. Don’t worry if we have a few teething problems with the technology, just carry on doing what you can.

Each day, we will log on from 9am and would ask that you check in with us at some point throughout the day. We will be available to chat if you need anything at all. You can contact us through teams on the chat function, on the teams class page or through email.

Take care, we’re in this together. Don’t forget to play and have fun!

Miss Grant, Miss Finnigan, Mrs Kane, Miss Gilbert, Miss Frew and Mrs Simpson

PE Kits ⛹️‍♀️

I hope you have been enjoying playing outside in your gardens, in this lovely Spring sunshine ☀

For those of you who were off school last week, I have your PE kits safely stored in my house. They have had a hot wash and a nice time blowing in the breeze on my washing line, before being packed away into our blue kit box for safe keeping.

Mrs Simpson 😀



Big Pedal 2020

Good news !  The Big Pedal cycling, scooting and walking challenge is back.  From Wednesday 22nd April to Tuesday 5th May we would like you to bring your bike or scooter to school every day. You will get the chance to bike or scoot with your classmates and your teacher. If you can’t bring a bike or scooter, you can walk and that will count too.  For more information have a look at the Big Pedal website.

This is a national competition to see how many journeys we can make biking, scooting or walking. Please ask an adult to check that your bike or scooter is in good working order. You may bring a lock to use but you must be responsible for the key.

Rules – all cyclists MUST wear a helmet

– no cycling or scooting in the playground ( or the ashy path) unless you are with your teacher (on the way in/out, playtime and lunchtime)

We have taken part in this challenge for the last few years and it is always good fun.  We are usually in the top 10. Let’s try for top 3 this year!

Happy cycling/scooting/walking

Mrs Ferguson

Homework w.b 16/03/20

Hello everyone,

We hope you had a lovely weekend.

Please see homework and weekly notes below.

Primary 2 notes:

  • We would ask that if you haven’t already returned the packed lunch slip, could you please do so by Tuesday 24th March.
Day Homework Issued Homework Task Day Homework Submitted
Monday– Spelling Sound –  ‘ou’;

  1.  out
  2.  loud
  3.  mouth
  4.  round
  5.  make
  6.  space
  7.  note
  8.  globe
Spelling – words will be shared on the Primary 2 Blog, weekly.1.        words to be written out twice, neatly.  Add as many of your own words using the words given. Eg. Chop – chops, chopping, chopped, chopsticks

2.  Two sentences, using words from that week’s list.


Thursday of the same week.Please encourage your child to use a capital letter and full stop in their sentence.
Monday Maths grid – 1 activity per week Friday of the same week.
Monday Reading – new books given out. Friday of the same week.

As always, if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Many thanks,

The Primary Two team

Glow and Microsoft Teams

Good afternoon,

P2 pupils have been issued with an email address and password for Glow. Please use this to log in to Glow (This is the Scottish Schools National Intranet, you can find it by searching glow in google) The children have been shown how to access Microsoft Teams, which is the app shown first on the Bishopton Apps List.

Please log in using your child’s sign in to check it is working properly. If you have any problems, please let your child’s class teacher know as soon as possible. If you need another note of the email address and password, let us know.

Many thanks,

P2 Teachers

Calderglen Country Park Trip

Hi all,

We have received the official numbers for the buses. We would love for some parents to join us on the trip. We are looking for 2  parent helpers for each class.

If you are interested in coming along to help would you please contact your child’s class teacher. We will pick names out of a hat and let you know in due course.

Thanks again for your continued support.

Primary Two teaching team.

Primary 2 Trip to Calderglen Country Park

On Tuesday 31st March Primary 2 will be going on a school trip to Calderglen Country Park.

Please access your Parent Pay Account to give permission, and to make payment for your child to take part in this event.

Children should wear a red school polo-shirt, leggings/tracksuit bottoms, waterproof coat and wellie boots/sturdy shoes suitable for walking along muddy trails.

Children should bring a small rucksack to carry their water bottle, snack and lunch. Your child will be responsible for their own belongings, so please ensure the bag is manageable for them to carry.

If you would like school to provide a packed lunch for your child please complete and return the slip to your child’s class teacher by Tuesday 24th March. Otherwise we will assume that you are happy to provide lunch for your child.

We are looking forward to a fun filled day. Many thanks again for your ongoing support.

The Primary 2 Team.

Homework W.B 9th March

Hello everyone,

We hope you had a lovely weekend

Please see homework and weekly notes below.

Primary 2 notes:

  • Today your child received a letter regarding a lunch for the school trip. Please return this as soon as possible so that we know if your child requires a school lunch to be provided for them. In addition, we will be needing some helpers to assist us on our trip. Please let your child’s class teacher know if you are kindly able to help, either at the end of the day or via the homework diary.
Day Homework Issued Homework Task Day Homework Submitted
Monday– Spelling Sound –  ‘ew;

  1.  few
  2.  new
  3.  chew
  4.  stew
  5.  come
  6.  may
  7.  made
  8.  part
Spelling – words will be shared on the Primary 2 Blog, weekly.1.        words to be written out twice, neatly.  Add as many of your own words using the words given. Eg. Chop – chops, chopping, chopped, chopsticks

2.  One sentence, using words from that week’s list.


Thursday of the same week.Please encourage your child to use a capital letter and full stop in their sentence.
Monday Maths grid – 1 activity per week Friday of the same week.
Monday Reading – new books given out. Friday of the same week.

As always, If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Many thanks,

The Primary Two team

World book day

Good Afternoon,

Tomorrow is World Book Day. It will be a non-uniform day, children can wear pyjamas, onesies or a costume if they wish. There is a £1 donation for this.

Could we please ask that children bring in a book from home which they can read in class. We will also be having a special read and munch. Therefore, please could you also provide a healthy snack. If they wish, children can bring in a Teddy from home too.

Throughout the day we will be carrying out lots of fun activities. We hope to post some photos of the activities on the blog too.

If you would like to join in with World Book Day at home, you could have your child read a book to you.  We would love to find out your favourite part of the book and why!

As always, thank you for your continued support.

Miss Frew, Miss Gilbert and Mrs Kane



week Beginning 2nd March

Hello everyone,

We hope you had a relaxing weekend

Please see homework and weekly notes below.

Primary 2 notes:

  • This week we will be celebrating world book day. Please keep a lookout on your child’s class blog for activities which will be organised.
Day Homework Issued Homework Task Day Homework Submitted
Monday– Spelling Sound –  ‘ow’ making the “oa” sound

Spelling Words:

  1. own
  2. mow
  3. snow
  4. slow
  5. did
  6. day
  7. down
  8. get
Spelling – words will be shared on the Primary 2 Blog, weekly.

1.        words to be written out twice, neatly.  Add as many of your own words using the words given. Eg. Chop – chops, chopping, chopped, chopsticks

2.  One sentence, using words from that week’s list.


Thursday of the same week.

Please encourage your child to use a capital letter and full stop in their sentence.

Monday Maths grid – 1 activity per week Friday of the same week.
Monday Reading – new books given out. Friday of the same week.

Thank you for your continued support. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher.

Kind regards,

The Primary 2 Teaching Team.