Week Beginning 21st May

Good evening,

Homework & News for this week:

Spelling: This week, our sound is ‘ow’ as in ‘cow’ ‘now’ ‘town’ etc. This will be the final week that the children receive common words as part of their spelling homework. At parent’s night you will receive a copy of the first 100 common words and the words your child can practice more will be highlighted and any they haven’t covered can be learned in class.

Maths: Homework this week will be adding in tens. The children were practicing this last week in class and did a great job.

Reading: This term I will be doing final running records as the children begin the penultimate weeks of Primary 2. As always, I am very impressed with the children’s reading and passion for discussing their non-fiction books with their classmates.


As I’m sure you’ve heard, we are lucky enough to be going on another school trip! Letters have been sent home with details and a slip to return. Please let me know via the slip if your child requires a school packed lunch on the day. I will also contact those who have offered their assistance on the day via their child’s diary.

A letter was handed out to those who are attending Tuesday’s parents evening. My deepest apologies that I cannot attend. Mr Collins is kindly taking my place and you will each receive a short letter from myself along with your child’s common words list. However, I am looking forward to seeing those attending on the Wednesday.

Remember, this week is a shorter week. We finish on Thursday and return next Tuesday.

Have a lovely week, and thanks for all your continued support.

Miss B