Wk beg 14.05.18

Hello! I hope you’e had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed the weather. Please see below for class news and updates.

Spelling: Our sound this week is ew as in jewel, flew and blew. There will be no common words given out this week as I am working to create a list of spelling words specific to your child.

Reading: Reading books have been issued. Super storytelling voices!

Maths: We have been doing a lot of mental maths work in class and homework this week is to compete in the Sumdog contest. I have been very impressed with childrens addition and subtraction skills, particularly their use of different vocabulary. Paper homework will resume next week.

Parents Night: Thank you for your return of parents night requests. Appointment times have now been issued and I have done my best to accomodate requests. Please let me know if there are any issues regarding your allocation.

Trip: As I’m sure you’ll have heard all about, we are heading to Calderglen Country Park on June 5th! A letter has been issued about trip cost and packed lunches. We will be looking for parent helpers to accompany us – if you are free please pop a note in your child’s diary and I’ll be in touch.

Uganda: I am thoroughly enjoying teaching the children about Africa and hearing their fabulous thoughts and ideas. We will soon be embarking on a Primary 2 enterprise and sustainability project and I am appealing for some material donations! If you have any tubes (eg Pringles or equivalent), larger tin cans or jam jars (I can clean these!) at home that you are finished with then please send them to school – we would be delighted to take them off your hands. All will be revealed in the coming weeks!

Thank you as always for your support and have a super week!

Miss Cauley