Week Beg 21.05.18

Good evening, I hope you have all enjoyed the sunny weather this weekend! Please see below for homework and class news.

Spelling: This week, our sound is ‘ow’ as in ‘cow’ ‘now’ ‘town’ etc.  Weekly spelling will no longer contain common words as we look to ensure that your child is comfortable using all the sounds we have learned so far in Primary 2.  At parent’s night you will receive a personalised copy of the first 100 common words with highlighted focus words for your child. We will continue to work on these words in class.

Maths: Homework this week will be counting in 3s. We have been practising this in class and it is helping us prepare for learning the 3 times table.

Reading: Reading books will be handed out tomorrow as normal and collected in again on Thursday. There will be no read and munch this week.


Thank you so much to everyone who has returned their Parents Night slip – I will see you all this week.

Trip: We can’t wait to go on our trip to Calderglen! Thank you very much to everyone that volunteered to help out – it is much appreciated – we now have some helpers for the day. Letters have been issued about the trip – if your child requires a school packed lunch, please return the slip by next Friday as orders must be placed by the kitchen.

Sports Day: Your child was issued with a letter last week regarding the format of Sports Day. We are in need of 2 parent helpers to walk with our class to the ROF field. We will be leaving around 10.45 (just at the end of break time). Please let me know if you can help.

Recycled items: Thank you so much for all the recycled jars, boxes, tubes and bottles we have received so far! Please keep them coming – we are most appreciative!

Have a wonderful week and as always, thank you for your support.