P2R news

We are planning to have our P2 woodland and local community walk on Friday 8th December. (weather permitting)  The children have been learning about the Forestry Commission and ways in which our woodland areas in Scotland are very useful and important to our society.  We watched this video together and had a wonderful discussion about the importance of looking after our woodland areas and our local community.


If you are able to join us on our walk, please pop a note in the diary and we will be in touch as soon as possible.  We aim to leave the school at 9:15 and be back by playtime at 10:30.  Thank you in advance.

This Friday we will continue our read and munch.  Pupils are welcome to bring in a healthy snack and story to read in class.

In the next couple of week we will be beginning our formal French lessons in class. We intend to embed this Language in our everyday routines so prepare for the children to be using French at home and singing some French songs!!!

Merci beaucoup

Mrs Fulton