Category Archives: Uncategorized

Looking to learn a new language? 

SCILT is delighted to have partnered with e-Sgoil to contribute to their national offer of timetabled, live, online classes that will support youngsters of all ages throughout the period of school closures.

These interactive, real-time classes are all led by experienced language educators on a secure platform. All participants will require is access to a computer and their Glow password.Full programme details are on the timetable along with links to enrol.

Coronavirus Update – School Closure

Coronavirus – national school closure

The Scottish Government has announced schools across Scotland will close after Friday.

We are working with them to ensure continued support for children and families affected. We will provide more info as soon as we can.

Please follow the council on Twitter @RenCouncil or visit the latest updates. Visit for health advice.

Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus – information for parents and carers

The government has announced that the response to coronavirus is moving from ‘Contain’ to ‘Delay’. The advice right now is that schools and nurseries will remain open.

We are continuing to follow national guidance and our school remains open with business as usual. If this changes, we will inform you as soon as possible.

Please follow the council on Twitter @RenCouncil or visit for the latest updates. For health advice, visit

Coronavirus / COVID-19

Dear Parent / Carer
You may be aware of ongoing media coverage of the impacts of the Coronavirus or COVID-19. The school and Council are continuing to monitor the situation and keep up to date with the latest guidance published by NHS Scotland and the Scottish Government to ensure we are fully prepared.

Where do I find the latest information?
For the latest information and up-to-date guidance, please visit
This page provides information on the countries noted as ‘risk areas’, what to do if you’ve recently travelled there, or if you’ve been in contact with someone who has. Information is also available at

I think this applies to me.
If you believe you or your child may be affected, please stay at home and phone NHS24 on 111 or your local GP – you should call rather than visit your GP in the first instance. Once you’ve received medical advice and if it requires your child to remain off school, please call the school to advise.