Family Wellbeing Service

The Family Wellbeing Service is one of the services working to support children and families in Renfrewshire. We are a multi disciplinary team based in different areas across Renfrewshire and appointed in teams linked to the school clusters in each area.

The main aim of the service is to increase the educational attainment of young people by developing links between home and school thus ensuring that pupils identified through the school’s Extended Support Framework as facing issues at home, or in school, which are proving to be barriers to learning are offered additional support.

Support offered to pupils can be given individually or in a group setting. Parents are kept fully involved and initially a home visit will be offered to discuss the referral, and thereafter progress will be reviewed and evaluated on a regular basis keeping parents and pupils fully informed.

Support is also offered to pupils having been identified as being anxious at times of change. Moving from pre 5 to primary, primary to secondary school and from secondary to further education or employment. As this can be a stressful time to both pupils and parents we can work with you and your child’s school to ensure a smooth transition, and help them learn how to cope with change.

The Family Wellbeing service is a non statutory service and staff work in partnership with parents or carers and school staff. We also work in partnership with other agencies including Counselling and support services, Health, Social Work and Community Learning and Development and other identified local voluntary and government agencies.



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