Awards, Star Pupil of the Week Star Pupil of the Week 04/09/2023 September 5, 2023 A. inchinnanprim Star of the week 050923
Awards, Head Teacher's Award Head Teacher’s Award – Best Work 28/08/2023 August 29, 2023 A. inchinnanprim Best Work 280823
Awards, Star Pupil of the Week Star Pupil of the Week 28/08/2023 August 29, 2023 A. inchinnanprim Star of the week 290823
Awards, Star Pupil of the Week Star of the Week 19/06/2023 June 19, 2023 A. inchinnanprim Star of the Week 190623
Awards, Curriculum for Excellence Awards Curriculum for Excellence 12/06/2023 June 12, 2023 A. inchinnanprim 120623 Curriculum for excellence
Awards, Star Pupil of the Week Star of the Week 12/06/2023 June 12, 2023 A. inchinnanprim 120623 Star of the week