Awards, Head Teacher's Award Head Teacher’s Award- Best work 02/10/23 October 4, 2023 A. inchinnanprim Best Work 021023
Awards, Star Pupil of the Week Star Pupil of the Week 02/10/2023 October 4, 2023 A. inchinnanprim Star of the Week 021023
Awards, Values Award School Value Awards 18/09/2023 September 18, 2023 A. inchinnanprim School Value Awards 180923
Awards, Star Pupil of the Week Star Pupil of the Week 18/09/2023 September 18, 2023 A. inchinnanprim Star of the Week 180923
Awards, Star Pupil of the Week Star Pupil of the Week 11/09/2023 September 12, 2023 A. inchinnanprim Star of the week 110923
Awards, Health Awards Health & Wellbeing Awards 11/09/2023 September 11, 2023 A. inchinnanprim HWB 110923
Awards, Curriculum for Excellence Awards Curriculum for Excellence Awards 04/09/2023 September 11, 2023 A. inchinnanprim 040922 Curriculum for excellence