All posts by J Hunter

Chess Club Dragon League Feb 2019

Milo, Calum  and Callum  represented the school at the Glasgow (Dragon) Primary Schools Chess League on Saturday 9th February. The event was held in Bishopbriggs and although this was the first time they had played against pupils from other schools they certainly rose to the occasion and were great ambassadors for the school.

A total of 32 teams played in this heat representing schools in the greater western Glasgow area, divided into different divisions/groups. The boys played 5 matches against other schools, won the first four matches and finishing with a loss to the school that won their group. This was a fantastic achievement for the pupils and their second place finish meant each won an individual silver medal.

All did superbly well and even managed a close 2-1 win in the local derby against the Bishopton C team.

I am sure that they all enjoyed themselves immensely and their chess abilities also improved.


All Ready for action!

Digital Leaders Committee

Inchinnan Digital Leaders Committee Group 18 -19

The Digital Leaders Committee group are offering an ICT learning clinic for our Primary One and Primary Two pupils over the next few weeks. It will take place every Friday during lunchtime, weather permitting, within the outdoor classroom area.


Pupils can drop in for 10 minutes max. and work one to one with a Digital Leader on using the school IPads. This opportunity can enhance their ICT skills using features such as creating and editing photos, familiarising themselves with available Apps, as well as learning about all the basic functions of the IPAD without the use of WIFI.

 Digital leaders will organise a fair booking system for all children who are interested in participating. 

Model Making Schools project

Inchinnan Historical Interest Group

As part of the ‘St. Conval to All Hallows’ project the group invited Sue Furness and our children from Inchinnan Primary School to make some models of the early churches at All Hallows.

Working with the oldest three classes at Inchinnan Primary, Sue got children from each class to make two sets of models – one based on Galloway’s drawing of the church that was knocked down in 1828, and one of what the earlier version of that building might have looked like.

Click the link below to view the school model and information about the project.


Inchinnan Christmas Fayre

There was a great turnout to support the Parent Council and school for our Christmas Fayre. The event  took place on Monday 3rd December at 6pm to 8pm.  The children from all the classes made things / items to sell on the night.

There was a great selection of stalls including tombola, a raffle, stalls selling gifts, home baking and even hotdogs, mince pies and mulled wine!

We also were very lucky that Santa and his reindeers could visit too.

A huge thank you to Colleen Hayes and all the other parent council members, parents , teachers and pupils who gave up their time to support with stalls to ensure this event was a great success.

The event raised £1092. A great achievement.

Here are some of the photos taken on the night.



School Christmas Lunch 13.12.18

Children enjoyed the school lunch yesterday. Thank you to Lynn Scullion and Ann Donnelly for their hard work in the kitchen. Thank you also to Mrs. Johnstone and Matthew Retson  for decorating the lunch hall. Christmas music played, the tree was lit and the children and staff looked very festive in their Christmas Jumpers.

Here are some of the children enjoying their lunch of steak pie or turkey!



Pupil Council

The Pupil Council have been really busy sorting and re-stocking our class Wet Play Boxes. The boxes are filled with games, toys and other items that the children can use during a wet interval or break. The Pupil Council had asked each class for suggestions for items for the boxes and  a wish list was made.

The boxes are now ready and in all the classes for the children to use.



Our school choir sang beautifully at the Inchinnan Parish Church lunch club for all the diners on Thursday and then at the Paisley Centre Shopping Mall where they sang for charity. It was lovely to see some of the choir’s parents and families also turning up to support their children at the two events.

The choir is run by two of our parents, Mrs. Robertson and Mrs. Russell. Thank you  for giving up your time to support the children at their singing club and for accompanying them at these events. Thank you also to Miss McQuistan for accompanying the children.

Reindeer Winner

Well done to Pr.5 pupil Oscar Fox who won our reindeer competition. The ‘Guess the Reindeer’ poster had been started at the school Christmas Fayre and finished on Friday. The lucky winner had been revealed during Assembly this week.