All posts by J Hunter

Harvest Service October 2018

The Pupil Council have been extremely busy this year so far
planning a number of events and activities.

Our Harvest Service collection was an amazing success. The school collected 305.70kg for Erskine Foodbank which is 728 meals for people in crisis within our community.  A cheque for £55 will be sent. Many thanks for your generosity and support with this work.


Inchinnan Garden Elves

Look out for our gardening club elves who have been busy helping to tidy the school grounds as well as planting lots of daffodil bulbs along the front of the school.

Thank you to Baillie’s Personlised Gift Shop for donating hats and high visibility vests for our gardening club members to wear.





Fairtrade Certificate

Well done to last years Fairtrade Committee who received a special certificate for Highly Commended as part of the Renfrewshire Council Fairtrade School Awards 2018.

The certificate is on display in our reception area.

Inchinnan Primary Gritting Plan Rationale

Renfrewshire Council School Footpath Gritting Plan

Parents should follow the advice outlined in the schools gritting plan and pass this information on to anyone else who may be collecting their child / children from the school.

It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure their own safety. This is particularly important when there is a chance that area may be slippery during periods of cold weather, and /or snow when there is a danger of ice having formed

Click to view the Inchinnan Primary Gritting Plan

Click to view school map

Remembrance Day


We celebrated Remembrance Day with a special assembly this year.

The Pupil Council took part in the Assembly and all the children made a poppy to be part of the 100 years memorial display.


Children in Need Fundraiser Day 16.11.18

Our School Pupil Council have been really busy and organised a fundraising event on Friday 16th November for the whole school to take part in order to raise money for Children in Need.

Activities such as

  • a whole school pyjama / onesie day

  • selling wristbands throughout the week

  • pupil council reading Pudsey story to all the classes

  • whole school dance to ‘Baby Shark Song’ along with children from Inchinnan Community Nursery

were organised and enjoyed by all. Their efforts raised over £200 to be sent to Children in Need. Well done everyone!


Scottish Book Trust – Book Week Scotland.

Book Week Scotland is a celebration of books and reading that takes place across Scotland every year. This year it was 19th to 25th November.

Here are our Primary two and Primary three children receiving their free Read, Write and Count bags.

Read, Write and Count is a new campaign to support parents of children in primaries 1 to 3 who want to take a more active role in their children’s learning.

Visit the Read, Write, Count website where you can find easy, fun ideas for activities to do together.


Scottish Afternoon 28.11.18

Fantastic performances from all our children at our Scottish Afternoon on Wednesday 28th November in celebration of St. Andrews Day.  The children did the school proud. They performed poems, Scottish songs, guitar recital and dances. It was also lovely to see our Pr.1 children dance the ‘dashing white sergeant’ with their Pr.7 buddies.


Thank you to our parents, carers and friends of Inchinnan Primary who help support our school events.

Inchinnan Church Christmas Tree Service

Angelic  carol singing tonight from all the community groups at the Christmas Tree service in the church. Thank you to all the children who represented the school. Our tree was decorated with stars made by every class in school  and our chosen carol was ‘O Holy Night’. The event was followed with a lovely cup of hot chocolate and biscuits