Shelter Scotland

Sharon from Shelter Scotland came to our school assembly this week. She was presented with a cheque for £1152.00 from our pupil Oliver Robertson.

Oliver put his best foot forward to raise hundreds of pounds for a Homeless Charity. He made a commitment to run 2km everyday for 2 weeks to raise money to help the Homeless in the U.K.  Oliver’s family set up a JustGiving Fundraising page so that friends and family could sponsor his run in aid of Shelter Scotland.

Oliver was inspired to help the worthy cause after witnessing people living rough on the streets during the wintry weather. His original fundraising target was £50 but, within a week, he had already raised £1000.

Oliver isn’t used to running such a distance, so the charity challenge has been difficult. He feels really proud that he is helping so many people.


Each year, Shelter Scotland is a registered charity that helps more than half a million people who are struggling with bad housing or homelessness.