Category Archives: News & Updates

ThingLink PL @ThingLink_EDU

Great opportunity this week to tune into the @ThingLink @ThingLink_EDU webinar on Wednesday afternoon. Louise shared lots of new updates, the accessibility features and some great ideas of how to get the most out of ThingLink. Why not check it out some of their great ideas on their blog? Here’s one of my favourites: Virtual Exhibition

Remember if you want a Renfrewshire ThingLink seat, just get in touch!

Get Safe Online Ambassador Training @GetSafeOnline

There is still time to sign up for our bespoke Get Safe Online Ambassador training for school staff. There are two sessions – one during the school day and one after school so make sure you can attend both.

Primary Staff, sign up via CPD Manager to Course ID 82006.

Secondary Staff, sign up via CPD Manager to Course ID 82007.

This is a great opportunity to consider internet safety and helpful resources to use with your learners.

Using Edge to create a Teams App for multiple accounts #MicrosoftEdge

Do you have 2 accounts that you regularly use with Teams? If the answer is yes, follow this easy hack to keep them separate on your desktop!

Make sure you are signed into the Desktop app with your main account.

Then, open Edge:

  • Sign into your Teams account with your second email.
  • Go to 3 dots on top right hand side
  • Select Apps and Install this sites as an app
  • Name your Team and click Install.

You can set it to auto open when you start up your machine.

This is iPad Course 13 March @RenfrewshireRTC #AppleEDU

This course is being held at Todholm Primary on 13 March at 4 pm. We will explore the ways in which the built in features on an iPad can be used to enhance learning and teaching and in class experiences. Contact Pam for a space.

You will get hands on experience to:

  • Start integrating Apple technology into your teaching
  • Discover how features and tools can support specific student learning needs
  • Learn how to get started with the Apple Teacher

Get Safe Online (GSO) Ambassadors and Leaflets #CSW2023

GSO Apps guide for parents and Ambassadors

A final useful guide for parents which gives a brief description of some of the most popular apps.

We are delighted to offer a second opportunity for school staff to become a Get Safe Online Ambassador. These courses are available to book on CPD Manager, Primary Staff Cohort, Course ID: 82006 and Secondary Staff Cohort, Course ID: 82007.