Tag Archives: Reading

P5S – Library Visit

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Yesterday we popped along to the library to change our books. After the great success of last term’s personal reading challenge we are aiming to keep it going. Once again a number of books were taken out so it looks like a lot of reading will be happening over the next few weeks. I particularly liked the fact that you were discussing the books you had chosen and decided to swap them with one another when you had finished them!

Thank you to our parent helpers. We couldn’t have gone without you!

P5S – Fun with Language!

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In class we have been looking at figurative language and how it can make our writing more interesting. We looked at alliteration, personification and simile. Can you tell someone at home what each of these are? Can you give them an example?

Using what we know about our class novel: One Dog and his Boy we created some figurative language of our own. The results were great! Have a look …….


P5S – Library Visit

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This morning we had our last visit of the term to the library. Once again lots of books were taken out to read over the next few weeks. We had animal books, books about careers and transport, Diary of a Wimpy Kid books, Jacqueline Wilson books ……. lots and lots of different books. I am loving the enthusiasm from you, even those of you who are claiming you still don’t like reading despite all the books you have got through this term. Well done everyone!

Thank you to our two parent helpers who came along with us today. Our next visit will be on Tuesday 25th April.

P5S – Eco Week – No Paper Day!

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Today for the start of our Eco Week we had a “No Paper” Day in school. This meant no paper at all: no books, no jotters, no scrap paper, no post-its, no paper towels ……. just no paper! How did we do? Tell someone at home.

The point of today’s exercise was to get you thinking about just how much paper we use on a daily basis. Lots! We need to try and cut back wherever possible to help reduce the amount being used. Let’s see if we can keep it up and use less paper for the rest of the term. It can be done!

Today we took part in a number of paperless activities. Our survey with P7M was completed on whiteboards and the iPads. Our class novel was read from the iPad. We practiced the four operations using Math Slide on the iPads (what fun that was!). This week’s blind spelling test was completed on whiteboards and even your scores were recorded on the big board. Finally our reading comprehension lesson, linked to our class novel, was all drama based as you were introduced to the world of “Freeze Frame”. Again, what fun we had with that! A very busy day …….. with no paper!

P5S – Hot Seating!

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This morning we continued with our class novel: One Dog and his Boy by Eva Ibbotson. I am delighted at just how much you are enjoying this book. Please tell someone at home what has happened so far.

Today we had a few of you in the “hot seat” where you became one of the characters in the book: Hal, Kayley or Fleck. Everyone had to decide on a question they would like to ask each of these characters …… and what fabulous questions we had!

It is called a “hot seat” because you need to think quickly and respond to the questions posed by your classmates. I am so pleased you enjoyed this activity as it is a great way to not only explore the characters and plot of a story but it also builds on your communication skills. As we continue with our novel, we will have other opportunities to take part in this type of activity so if you didn’t get a chance today, your time in the “seat” will happen.

P5S – World Book Day

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 Today we celebrated World Book Day in school. PJs and onsies were worn alongside book character costumes. Thank you to everyone who paid a donation to do so. Another thank you to those of you who took part in the readathon to raise money for new literacy resources for our school. You individuals raised a whopping £140.00 sponsor money. Added to the £19.50 donations we received, our class raised £161.50 towards the amazing total overall ……. over £2000.00.

In class we had lots of activities going on that were all linked to reading. We read some more of our class novel, One Dog and his Boy. We had a Read and Munch with P2/1 which was so successful we are planning more. We had lots of ERIC time. Our Bounce Back session today had you all comfy on the floor where I think some of you struggled to stay awake! We also played Conscious Alley for the first time which was linked to our class novel. Our day ended with a whole school assembly dedicated to reading. One of our class was even the lucky winner of the best costume for P4-5 and received a token to spend on ……. books!

The enthusiasm for reading has increased greatly over the last few months and I really hope it continues. Books are wonderful and we can learn so much from them.

Here are some photographs from our very busy day. Enjoy!



P5S – Reminder

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Please remember that we will be having a “Read and Munch” with P2/1 tomorrow (Thursday) as part of our World Book Day. You should bring your favourite book or your personal reader along with a piece of fruit (fruit is optional).

You may also dress up as your favourite book character or wear your Pjs/onsie. If you are not dressing up, school uniform should be worn. A £1 donation is suggested for doing so. Any readathon sponsor money should also be brought in tomorrow.

See you in the morning!

P5S Library Visit

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This morning we had another visit to the library where you returned your books and chose some new ones. Once again quite a number of books were taken out to use in our Personal Reading Challenge. It was great to see so many of you trying different authors too. Well done!

We still have 6 weeks of our Personal Reading Challenge to go so still plenty of time for reading, especially since we have our school readathon going on for World Book Day.

Our next visit to the library will be on Tuesday 21st March. This will allow you to take out some books to read over the Easter break.

Here are a few photographs from today’s visit.

P5S – Library Visit – Helper Needed

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This term we are continuing with our Personal Reading Challenge and once again we will be visiting Bishopton Library every month.

Our first visit of the term will be on Tuesday 17th January at 10.00am. We will be returning to school in time for break. One parent helper will be required on the day. If someone at home is able to help, please leave a message on the blog or bring a note in your diary.

Thanking you.

P5H Book Detective Homework – due 13.12.12

Good afternoon everyone, here is your Book Detectives homework for this week.

Your homework pages this week are :

Blue –  Call 999 P21 – end of book

Yellow – Scrap Man and Scrapcat P27 – end of book

Red – The Case of the Smiling Shark Chpt4 – end of book

Green – Sing for your Supper Chpt3 – end of book

Once you have completed your reading you should complete your  two segments using the information from the pages/chapters you have read.

Question Master:

Please write out 1 literal and 1 evaluative question pus one other which can be either literal or evaluative (your choice) which can be shared with your group members during our next session on Tuesday.

Please remember to provide sentence answers for each of your questions.  A number of you are forgetting this part of your homework.


Please create a detailed picture of something important in the part of the book you have read. Please do not copy illustrations that are in the book as the idea of this task is for you to show your understanding of the story in a drawing.  A short  explanation of why you chose your illustration should also be included. If possible please colour your illustration with pencil.

Remember to choose a short section/paragraph from the book to read aloud to your group members. You should briefly explain your choice.

This task should be completed in your Book Detectives jotter for Tuesday 13th December.

Please remember if you do not complete this task fully you will find it hard to participate in our class lesson and it will be recorded as incomplete homework.

As you are all now coming to the end of your books, this will be the last Book Detectives homework until after our Christmas break.

See you tomorrow.

Mrs Hughes

P5S – Book Detectives Homework due 8.12.16

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As discussed in class, you will read a set amount of pages per week. Please see below for the pages to be read by each group this week.

Green: Carnival King – Please complete the book.

Yellow:    Hostage – Please complete the book.

Red:   Over the Rainbow – Please complete the book.

Blue:   Kid Wonder and the Sticky Skyscraper – Please complete the book.

Once you have completed the reading this week you should then complete two segments using the information from the chapters read: Question Master and Illustrator.  A short section from the book should also be chosen to read aloud to your group members.

We have gone over the types of questions you should be coming up with this week: literal and evaluative. Please remember that answers for literal questions are found in the text. Evaluative questions are your thoughts and opinions on what you have read, eg. Why do you think Sonia’s dad did not want to be entered into the cake competition?  You should use what you have read to justify your answer, eg. use evidence from the text to make judgements on what you have read.

Please come up with 5 questions (3 of one style and 2 of the other) which can be shared with your group members during our next session. You must also have detailed answers for each of your questions. Please remember your answers should be written in full sentences.

You should also completed a detailed illustration of an interesting part of the story so far. A short, written explanation should also be included. This task should be completed in your Book Detectives jotter. This task should be completed and returned to school for Thursday 8th December.

Please remember that you will be unable to participate in our class lesson if you do not complete this task.

P5S – Book Detectives due 1.12.16

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As discussed in class, you will read a set amount of pages per week. Please see below for the pages to be read by each group this week.

Green: Carnival King – Please read the introduction and chp. 1-5 inclusive (pages 4-40).

Yellow:    Hostage – Please read chp. 1-7 inclusive (pages 3-27).

Red:   Over the Rainbow – Please read the introduction and chp. 1-2 inclusive (pages 4-20).

Blue:   Kid Wonder and the Sticky Skyscraper – Please read chp. 1-4 inclusive (pages 3-24).

Once you have completed the reading this week you should then complete two segments using the information from the chapters read: Question Master and Illustrator.  A short section from the book should also be chosen to read aloud to your group members.

We have gone over the types of questions you should be coming up with this week: literal and evaluative. Please remember that answers for literal questions are found in the text. Evaluative questions are your thoughts and opinions on what you have read, eg. Why do you think Sonia’s dad did not want to be entered into the cake competition?  You should use what you have read to justify your answer, eg. use evidence from the text to make judgements on what you have read.

Please come up with 5 questions (3 of one style and 2 of the other) which can be shared with your group members during our next session. You must also have detailed answers for each of your questions. Please remember your answers should be written in full sentences.

You should also completed a detailed illustration of an interesting part of the story so far. A short, written explanation should also be included. This task should be completed in your Book Detectives jotter. This task should be completed and returned to school for Thursday 1st December.

Please remember that you will be unable to participate in our class lesson if you do not complete this task.

P5H Book Detectives Homework – due 29.11.16

Good evening everyone as promised here is your Book Detectives homework for this week.

Your homework pages are:

Blue –  Cool Clive – P24-end of book

Yellow – Me and my Newt P29-end of book

Red – Front Page Story P28-end of book

Green – Tomb Raider P34-end of book

Once you have completed your reading you should complete your  two segments using the information from the chapters you have read.

Question Master:

Please write out 5 evaluative questions which can be shared with your group members during our next session on Tuesday. Remember with evaluative questions the answer is ‘beyond the lines’ in other words your questions should make your group

  • share their opinion about an aspect of the book.

Examples of Evaluative questions are:

  • What makes this a good text? What evidence do you have to justify your opinion?
  • Could it be better? How?
  • Is it as good as …?
  • Which is better and why?
  • How would you feel if……?

Please remember to provide sentence answers for each of your questions.  A number of you are forgetting this part of your homework.


Please complete a detailed illustration of an interesting part of the story so far. A short, written explanation of what you have drawn and why should also be included. If possible please colour your illustration with pencil.

Remember to choose a short section/paragraph from the book to read aloud to your group members. You should briefly explain your choice.

This task should be completed in your Book Detectives jotter for Tuesday 29th November.

Please remember if you do not complete this task fully you will find it hard to participate in our class lesson and it will be recorded as incomplete homework.

See you tomorrow.

Mrs Hughes

P5S – Book Detectives due 24.11.16

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As discussed in class, you will read a set amount of pages per week. Please see below for the pages to be read by each group this week.

Green:  Sing for Supper – Please complete the book.

Yellow:    The Personality Potion– Please complete the book.

Red:   Kid Wonder and the Terrible Truth – Please complete the book.

Blue:   Call 999 – Please complete the book.

Once you have completed the reading this week you should then complete two segments using the information from the chapters read: Question Master and Illustrator.  A short section from the book should also be chosen to read aloud to your group members.

We have gone over the types of questions you should be coming up with this week: evaluative. These questions are your thoughts and opinions on what you have read, eg. Why do you think Sonia’s dad did not want to be entered into the cake competition?  You should use what you have read to justify your answer, eg. use evidence from the text to make judgements on what you have read.

Please come up with 5 questions which can be shared with your group members during our next session. You must also have detailed answers for each of your questions. Please remember your answers should be written in full sentences.

You should also completed a detailed illustration of an interesting part of the story so far. A short, written explanation should also be included. This task should be completed in your Book Detectives jotter. This task should be completed and returned to school for Thursday 24th November.

Please remember that you will be unable to participate in our class lesson if you do not complete this task.

P5S – Book Detectives Homework due 17.11.16

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As discussed in class, you will read a set amount of pages per week. Please see below for the pages to be read by each group this week.

Green:  Sing for Supper – Please read chapters 1 – 2: pages 3-31 inclusive.

Yellow:    The Personality Potion– Please read chapters 1-3: pages 3-28 inclusive.

Red:   Kid Wonder and the Terrible Truth – Please read chapters 1-3: pages 3-24 inclusive

Blue:   Call 999 – Please read chapters 1-3: pages 3-28 inclusive.

Once you have completed the reading each week you should then complete two segments using the information from the chapters read: Question Master and Illustrator.  A short section from the book should also be chosen to read aloud to your group members.

We have gone over the types of questions you should be coming up with this week: evaluative. These questions are your thoughts and opinions on what you have read, eg. Why do you think Sonia’s dad did not want to be entered into the cake competition?  Please come up with 5 questions which can be shared with your group members during our next session. You must also have detailed answers for each of your questions. Please remember your answers should be written in full sentences.

You should also completed a detailed illustration of an interesting part of the story so far. A short, written explanation should also be included. This task should be completed in your Book Detectives jotter.

Please remember that you will be unable to participate in our class lesson if you do not complete this task.

5H Book Detectives Homework – due 8.11.16

Yesterday you were all put into your new groups and given your new reading books. As we discussed in class, you will read approximately half of your book per week. Please see below for the pages to be read by each group this week.

Blue:  Billy’s Luck – Please read to the end of chapter 2 (p23).

Yellow:  Dads Win Prizes – Please read to the end of chapter 4 (p18).

Red:  Pet Squad – Please read to the end of chapter 5 (p21).

Green:  Antarctic Adventure – Please read to the end of chapter 3 (p27).

Once you have completed your reading you should complete your  two segments using the information from the chapters you have read i.e. Question Master and Illustrator.  You should also choose a short section/paragraph from the book to read aloud to your group members. You should briefly record why you have chosen this section/paragraph.

In class yesterday we went over the types of questions you should be coming up with this week: literal (the answer is found directly in the text). Please write out 5 questions which can be shared with your group members during our next session on Tuesday (due to us changing our Book Detective day). You must also have detailed answers for each of your questions.

You should also complete a detailed illustration of an interesting part of the story so far. A short, written explanation should also be included. This task should be completed in your Book Detectives jotter.

Please remember if you do not complete this task you will be unable to participate in our class lesson and it will be recorded as incomplete homework.

P5S – Book Detectives Homework – due 10.11.16

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Here is your book Detectives homework for the this week.

All groups (Blue, Red, Yellow and Green) should complete the second half of their book. Once you have completed the reading, please come up with 5 literal questions (questions where the answer can be found directly in the text) for your Question Master segment. Answers to your questions should also be given. Please complete a detailed illustration of an interesting part of the story. A short, written explanation should also be given.

This task should be completed in your Book Detectives jotter for Thursday 10th November.  Please remember you will be unable to participate in the class lesson if you do not complete this task.

P5S – Book Detectives

Image result for reading books cartoon

Today you were put into your new groups and issued with your new reading books. As discussed in class, you will read a set amount of pages per week. Please see below for the pages to be read by each group this week.

Blue:   Billy’s Luck – Please read chapters 1-2: pages 3-23 inclusive.

Red:     Dads Win Prizes – Please read chapters 1-5: pages 3-27 inclusive.

Yellow:   Front Page Story – Please read chapters 1-3: pages 3-27 inclusive

Green:   Tomb Raiders – Please read chapters 1-3: pages 4-33 inclusive.

Once you have completed the reading each week you should then complete two segments using the information from the chapters read: Question Master and Illustrator.  A short section from the book should also be chosen to read aloud to your group members.

We have gone over the types of questions you should be coming up with this week: literal (the answer is found directly in the text). Please come up with 5 questions which can be shared with your group members during our next session. You must also have detailed answers for each of your questions.

You should also completed a detailed illustration of an interesting part of the story so far. A short, written explanation should also be included. This task should be completed in your Book Detectives jotter.

Please remember that you will be unable to participate in our class lesson if you do not complete this task.

P5S – Library Visit – Helpers Needed

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As part of our Personal Reading Challenge we will be visiting Bishopton Library. This will allow you access to a number of books that you can use for our challenge.

Our first visit will be on Tuesday 1st November at 10.00am. We will be returning to school in time for break. Two parent helpers will be required on the day. If someone at home is able to help, please leave a message on the blog or bring a note in your diary.

P5S – Personal Reading Challenge

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Now that we are well into the swing of things in Primary 5, it is time to introduce our Personal Reading Challenge. This challenge will run alongside your weekly reading homework, however you will be in charge of choosing and recording the books you read.

On Monday (24th) I will discuss the finer points of our challenge but meantime I would like you to be choosing, or thinking about, your first book for the challenge.

Happy reading!

P5S – Enjoying Reading In Class

Everyone in class is increasing the amount of time they spend reading each week through our reading time. Even our reluctant readers seem to be enjoying our ERIC sessions: especially if they have the chance to read one of the growing number of Guiness Book of Records we have in class. These books seem to be in high demand! I may even have to start a rota for them just like the bean bags.

Here is everyone Enjoying Reading IClass today.

P5S – Enjoying ERIC!

We have had another week where we have Enjoyed Reading  IClass. As a school we are promoting the importance of reading and every day we will have a short time in class where we will just read and discuss the books we are reading.

Our beanbag rota is working very well and our pillows and blankets are being used very creatively. Remember you are more than welcome to bring in your own pillow and/or blanket to use during these sessions. Our classroom cupboard is filling up very quickly with a selection which have already been brought from home.

Here are a few photographs from some of our sessions this week.