Tag Archives: ICT

Renfrewshire Sumdog Contest – Friday 25th to Thursday 1st



Our school has been entered into the Renfrewshire Sumdog Contest which runs from 8am on Friday 25th November until 8pm on Thursday 1st December.

To take part, simply play Sumdog’s maths games. If you do not have your Sumdog Username and Password, please ask your teacher. Scores are based on accuracy, and questions tailored to your level – so everyone has a fair chance.

To make contests fair every pupil is limited to 1000 questions. However, it’s fun to take part even if students only answer a few questions.

The motivation is to climb the leader board and beat all other participating schools within Renfrewshire. You can also win rewards for your Sumdog account. Click here to find out more about the prizes.

Here are some things to keep in mind during the contest:

  • You can play at any time.
  • For the score to count, the Renfrewshire Maths Contest activity must be showing in the green panel on the left of the your screen when you click to start each game.
  • Your scores are based on correct answers.
  • A class’s score is the average of the scores from all students from that class who take part.
  • To appear on the leaderboard, at least 10 pupils from each class need to play.
  • As some pupils have limited computer access, every pupil is limited to 1000 contest questions. However, their free logins let them keep playing other activities afterwards.

P7M – Food Inspired ICT Art

This afternoon we combined our Food topic with Art and ICT to produce masterpieces, inspired by Giuseppe  Arcimboldo (1527-1593).  He was an Italian painter best known for creating imaginative portrait heads made entirely of such objects as fruits, vegetables, flowers, fish, and books. We looked at a few of his paintings and discussed our opinions, what we thought we saw and if the title matched the  image.

We then used Pic Collage on the iPads to create our own collage using clipped fruit and vegetable images from the internet. We tried to add as much detail as possible, thinking carefully what fruit and vegetables best looked like facial features and body parts. What do you think?


Mangahigh Challenge Fai-To!


You have been offered the chance to challenge another school to a Fai-To. If your students decide to proceed with the Fai-To challenge, they will face up to 9 rounds of head to head mathematics competition.

How Fai-To Works
When you next log in, you will be offered a choice of two different schools to challenge. You can also decide not to challenge anyone (boo!). If 6 pupils vote to challenge one of the schools, then the Fai-To is on, and the first school to win 5 rounds of the Fai-To is the Winner. The defending school will receive 1 advantage round for free. Each subsequent round lasts 24 hours, and you score points by winning medal points as usual. Fai-To does not affect the way that you use Mangahigh.

As the Challenger, if we win the Fai-To, we will capture the Defender’s current trophy for your cabinet. You can upgrade your trophies by winning more Fai-Tos.  The honour of the school is at stake!



Famous German Landmarks

Today you are going to research one of the famous landmarks of Germany –  it could be a manmade building or a natural wonder. You have to find out at least 10 facts about the landmark and create an A5 drawing of the landmark. Think about why it is famous? Why was is built? Who visits it? What is it’s history? Where is it in Germany?


Brandenburg Gate 1

Brandenburg Gate 2

Brandenburg Gate 3


Neuschwanstein Castle 1

Neuschwanstein Castle 2

Neuschwanstein Castle 3


Cologne Cathedral 1

Cologne Cathedral 2

Cologne Cathedral 3


Frauenkirche 1

Frauenkirche 2

Frauenkirche 3


Reichstag 1

Reichstag 2

Reichstag 3


Bavarian Alps – Zugspitze 1

Bavarian Alps – Zugspitze 2

Bavarian Alps – Zugspitze 3

P7M – Percentage of a Number

This week we have been revising and practising how to calculate the percentage of an amount.  See the examples below to remind you how to calculate the answer and how to record the working.

Please play the games below to try out your knowledge and understanding.

Percent Shopping

Percent of a Number

Converting between a Percentages and Fractions

Once you have played all of the games above, please practise the 72 Learn Its: Hit the Button




P7 German Online Games


Please play some of the games below to practise your German vocabulary.







P7M – Holes: The book Vs the film

Last term we read and studied Holes by Louis Sachar. We used the characters, setting and plot to help us with our Book Detective tasks.  We watched the Disney film version of the book to compare them.

I asked you to explain your understanding of the similarities and differences (at least three), what your favourite part of the book and film was (with reasons), what you would change about either version and to explain which was better in your opinion.

You used Showbie to answer these questions. I was really impressed with the amount of thought and effort the majority of you out in. It’s amazing how much more I can get out of you when you’re typing!  Some of you showed a really good understanding of what you read and viewed. A few of you still need to put a lot more effort in to show you understand the text (written or visual). Although the success criteria focussed on your understanding and opinions, you should still take pride in your work – spelling, grammar and punctuation are always important. Have a read at your peers’ opinions – are they similar to your own? Enjoy!


Similarities:  Stanly and the rest are all characters,the warden scratched mr sir and the climbed up mount thumb
Differences: stanly was thin in the film,mr pendanski fell in a hole and mr sir was old in the film
The best part about the film was the end because zero/hector found his mum and dad or when mr pendanski fell in the hole
The best thing about the book was the first couple of chapters because it was about what would happen to you if u were bit.
There is nothing that I would change.
The best one was the film because it was funnier.


All of the characters are the same in the book as the film and the animals are the same is well and all the characters have the same nickname.
The differences are that at the start it doesn’t say that barf bag was bitten and that zero talks more and it is says in the film that mr pendaski is a docter
The part of the film that I liked most was at the end when they were really rich
The part of the book that I liked best was when Stanley got away from camp
The change that I would make is that all the characters got away from camp
I liked the film better because it had more detail and the changes were better


Book vs film
1) Stanley ran away
2) it was both based around the same subject .
3) Stanley and zero found the treasure.

1) Stanley found football boots instead of trainers
2)  The part of the film I liked best was when caveman and zero ran away. Because I didn’t no what they would do or what would happen next .
The part of the book I liked best was when Stanley found some new shoes because they were expensive
Changes I would of made is its changed subject to fast so I would change that .
I think the book was better because you could see what was going on in real life.

Rachel B

The similarities in the film were all the characters,the characters names were funnily enough all the same as the ones in the book.A difference that I noticed was that in the book it said that Stanley was the fattest,heaviest kid in the class but actually in the film he was very slim.
The part in the film I liked best was the part when the lizards never bit Stanley and Zero,I liked this part because I was very shocked because the lizards normally always bite and you die a slow painful death.
The part in the book I liked best was when he”Stole”the shoes because he didn’t actually steal them,they fell on his head so he decided to take them.This was my favourite part because you could create a great image in your head because it was so descriptive!
The things I would change in the book/movie are..Make Stanley the way the book says,show Stanley in school at the start and make the movie more of a cliffhanger.
I think the film was better because it was more entertaining then reading the book because instead of creating images in your head,you can actually see what’s happening. More similarities are the characters appearances (except Stanley)
The look of camp green lake
Another difference is in the movie Stanley is wearing an orange suit but in the book he is wearing shorts and tshirt.


  1. Everything was the same pretty much Stanley was made out more fat
  2. I liked that they all of the nicknames
  3. The best part of the book was the end
  4. diffreces Stanley was not fat. The book didn’t tell the us why twitch was called twitch. Camp green lake never got turned into a girls camp.
  5. things the same zero dropped the shoes on Stanley’s head. Stanley and zero ran away . Stanley drove mr sirs truck into the big hole
  6. I liked the movie better because it was just something different The book was very boring because there was not a single picture at all
  7. The best part of the movie is that zero hit mr pendanski with the shovel across the head


Holes book vs film
The similarities is they go to camp green lake.
The other similarities is they have yellow spotted lizard that is dangerous.
The third similarities is they all have the people in the book in the film.

In the book it said Stanley is fat but in the film Stanley is skinny.
In the film Stanley walked the mountain with Zero on his back in the book Stanley had to walk back down the mountains to get the shove.
In the film Stanley nearly fell of cliff in the book he didn’t.
The part of the film I liked best is when Zero hit the shovel in mr pendenski face because Mr Pendanski was making fun of Zero because he can’t read but then Zero ran away.
The part of the book I liked best was when Stanley first arrived at camp green lake because he didn’t know what to do at first then he settled in.
The changes I would make in the film and the book is no yellow spotted lizard because it kills you.
I think the film was better because it explains more than the book and it is different from the book and it is better because it has more details.


Both have Stanley and Zero
Both have yellow spotted lizards
Stanley and Zero run away

Stanley gets boots in the movie but in the book he gets trainers
In the movie if arm pit lifts up his arm everyone runs away
In a the movie the teacher waights him to the lightest kid in the class and he waided much more than the lightest kid in the class
The part of the film I liked best was when Stanlay krashed mr sir’s car into a hole and I liked it because mr sir’s reaction was so funny
The part of the book I liked best was when they stole mr sir’s sunflower seeds I liked this because mr sir was furious with them
I wouldn’t make any changes to the book or film
I think the film was better because I don’t like reading

Ryan G

1 They had all the same names in the bock and the film

In the film stanly was not fat at all

My favrit part of the movie was the truck crash

When he went to camp green lack

The film because it had more description


1) The similarities of the book are that some of the characters look the Same in the film as the are in the book. The lines are the same as the book.

2) The differences of the book are some of the characters don’t look the same as they are described in the book. Some of the characters are not as nice in the film as they are in the book.

3) The bit if the book that I liked the best is the part where Zero found his mum. I like that part because its happy.

4) The part of the film that I like the best is when Stanley drove the car in the the hole. I like that part because it is funny.

5) The changes that I would make to the book are what happened to the other boys that went to Camp Green Lake. Same with the film.

6) I think that the film is better because it has more parts to it.


They say the same thing .
Where the same clothes.
There names are the same.

Not the same ending.
Stanley is not fat .
The car was not the same.

The best part of the film was the ending

The best part of the book was . When it was Stanley first day at the camp.

I don’t think that there need to be any changes in the book or in the film .

I think the film was the best because it had a great ending and you can see what they look like and that you get to see the stuff they find .It was Stanley first day because you didn’t know what it was going to look like.

No changes because it is good the way it is and it was the best book I have read and the best film I have watched

The ending was the best part because it rain and it was funny when it was turn into the girl camp and when they where in the pool and mr sir was in jail with the warden and mr pendancekey


The similarities of the book and film are that they both have the same story line (they are both about a boy who is sent Camp Green Lake and half to dig holes all day), both the film and the book have the same characters and they all have there own nickname for example Stanley is called Caveman, the last similarity is both the film and book both have it when Stanley and Zero find the treasure chest while there digging and take it home and find out it has diamonds and stuff like that inside!

The differences from the book and the film are that in the book it says that Stanley is very fat but in the film it tells you nothing about him being bullied about his weight! Another difference is that at the end of the film it starts to rain very heavily but in the book that doesn’t happen. Also in the book it’s Mr Pendanski but in the film its Dr Pendanski!

The part of the film I liked best was when they when they went up the mountain to big thumb, I liked that the best because it was well explained and also I feel happy for them since they were literally dying without food or water but when they got to the top they found both of those things!!

The part of the book I liked best was when he first went to Camp Green lake because it was well described and I could picture exactly what Camp Green lake looked like!

I wouldn’t change anything about the book or the film I personally think they were both great! This kind of book/film is one only a handful of people would like though but I really enjoyed them both and wouldn’t change a thing!!

Personally I would say that the film was better because sometimes when reading you can’t pick up the main parts of the story but with the film its physically in front of you so it’s easier to understand. Even though I said the film was better, the book was better at describing things with all the WOW words and adjectives!!

Rachael L

The similarities are armpit also knowing as Theodore push Stanley to the ground because he did not call him armpit his nickname.

Also a similarities was when they found Zero under the bout.

One of the differences was when they didn’t loose the shovel because in the book they loose the shovel in a punch of weeds and they had to search have for it.

Another difference is when the book said that Stanley was fat but in the movie he is not.

The part I liked the best in the film was when they found out that Zero second name was Zeroane because in the past Stanley great great grandfather meet Zero’s great grandmother.

The best part in the book was when they found Zero under the bout.

There is no changes I would make to the book or the film because I found it really good.

I loved the film and the book just the same because some of the parts are just the same and it’s so good.


The similarities are
That they all have the same names as well as the book. They all have the same events. Stanley takes the blame of the seeds.
The differences are
In the book it says Stanley was fat but in the film he isn’t. When Zero and Stanley run away from the camp the only way they will survive is if they climb to the top of God’s Thumb but in the book it doesn’t say that. In the film it says that they found a box of treasure but it doesn’t say that in the book.
The part of of the film I liked best was when Stanley said he wouldn’t leave Zero alone at the camp and when he gave Zero the money and some of the treasure because it was lovely of Stanley and it shows that he is a good friend.
The part of the book I liked best was when Stanley apparently stole Clyde Livingstone’s shoes because it told a lot of detail and it was a bit funny because it said they fell from the sky.
The changes I would make about the film is if some more events were explained in the book so they could be more alike.
I think the film was better because it was well more exciting and more detail to what actually happened.

The part of the book I liked best was  


12/10/16. Holes book vs film

The similarity
Stanley and Hector both run away from camp.
Dr Pandancekey still picks on Zero.

The differences
Stanley gets boots instead of white trainers.
Mr sir shots a yellow spotted lizard in front of stanly after his first hole.
Sweet feet isn’t there at the end with zeros mum and Stanley’s parents.

Best part of the book
I think that the best part of the book is when
Zero hits mr Pandancekey and runs away. Because mr Pandancekey asked zero what does d I g spell then zero hits him and says dig then runs away.

Best part of the movie
I think that the best part of the movie is when the warden scratches mr sir with her nail polish. Because I liked that she scratched mr sir instead of Stanley.

No I wouldn’t change anything about the book or the film.


Similar- the names,digging holes and the size,the lizards and what they do to you
Different-Stanley’s height and weight,it didn’t show you the part where he was in America,in the film his mum writes back to him but she doesn’t in the book

The part of the film I liked best was the part where Zero says to the warden that the case belonged to Stanley yelnats because it was kind of exciting to see his name on the case

The part of the book I liked best was the end because it was like a happily ever after and everyone was happy

I wouldn’t change anything about the book or the film because I think they are very good and someone has put a lot of effort into making them and they are alright as they are

I think the film was better because it had more explanation about what happened


The similarities to the book and the film is that they both have things about yellow spotted lizards and they can still kill also it is all the same characters and the same people.One other thing that was similar between the movie and the book was that Zero and Stanley ran away and made it to big thumb and then went back again.

Differences between the book and the movie is that it didn’t tell you anything about what was found in the big treasure chest it was only told you that what they found was worth a lot of money.Another difference between the book and the movie was that Stanley was made skinner in the movie than he was in the book also Zero wasn’t helping Staley dig the hole in the book he was away getting water however in the film Zero was helping Stanley dig the hole.

The part of the film I liked the most was when Staley and Zero returned back to the camp to try and find treasure . I liked this part the most because it was worrying when all the yellow spotted lizards were on top of Stanley and Zero because I didn’t no if they were going to die or not.

The part of the book I liked the most was when Staley found Zero because I didn’t want Zero to die because he was the only one that was being nice to Staley at that moment in time and was his only good friend .

I wouldn’t make any changes except from the bit at the start of the film because I found it a we bit boring . I found the start of the film boring because there wasn’t really anything major or exiting going on at the start except when Stanley went to camp green lake and that being the only good bit at the start made it a wee bit dull.

I think the film was better because you could see what all the character looked like and what they were having to live in for a wee while.


The similarities from the the book holes and the movie holes

1.They both have the same story line.
2.They both have the same characters .
3.the same stuff happened in both.

The differences between the book holes and the movie holes.

1.the movie describes it a bit better than the book .
2.the movie is a lot more detailed .
3.the book has not got a lot of pictures .

The part of the movie I liked the best was when Zero and Stanley ran away and they were getting the water and onions off the mountain .

The part of the book I liked best was when Stanley just arrived at camp green lake and everyone was telling him what to do.

If I could make any changes to the book or the movie I would put more detail into the book and more pictures and I don’t think that I could make any changes to the movie.

I would say the movie is better than the book because it was more detailed than the book it had a lot more pictures than the book.


1.Theodore beating up Stanley 2.same descriptions 3. Zero being dumb

1.mr sir was not drinking soda when Stanley first met him( in the movie )
2.Stanley wasn’t fat (in the movie )
3.(in the book ) Stanley liked dirt at big thumb but in the movie that never happened

The part of the film I liked best was when he opened the treasure chest and there was gold and really expensive stuff inside I like this part because it was a really nice part of the movie and a happy ending .

The part of the book I liked the best was when Stanley and Zero where claiming the big thumb because it was a fun section to read about and it made me want to turn the page.
The changes I would make to the book or the film is try to stick to the same plot line because when you watch the movie and then read the book and u see something you did not see in the movie you wonder if you missed it out .

I liked the film better because it was more enjoyable and it gives you a better feeling of what It is about a bit more also you got to see it for real not imagine it in your head


Similarities:That Stanley was sitting quite far back on the bus,Armpit threw Stanley to the ground and said his name was Armpit not Theodor, X Ray said he wanted the bits of treasure so he could get the day off.

Differences: In the film Armpit has a wee dance and lifts up his arms and every one hates his armpit smell, In the book it says Stanley was fat but in the film he was quite skinny, In the book it says that Mr Sirs face swollen up to the size of a half cantaloupe but in the film it had swollen up a wee bit.

The part of the film I liked best was when Stanley ran away because he found Zero and climbed up a big Rocky Mountain to survive.

The part off the book I liked best was when he was on the bus quite scared because it was more nerve wracking than the film.

The changes I would make are: make the book a bit more interesting with more details about stuff.

I think the film was better because it was a bit more interesting than the book.



The characters are the same as the book and they have the same names not t movie t

Sorry the characters are the same as the book and they have the same names as the book and the iMovie because it is better and more instisenting

Differences are that the book does not tell you every thing about holes because when I read holes it not tell you every thing thAt was in the movie and when Stanley went home and it did not say about when they lost zero

The part that I liked was when satnley went back to his family so they where so clad to be a hole family

The book was a bit boring for me any way the movie was much better

Another difference when the book said satnley was fat but he was not fat at all so the but was lieing

Ryan M

Zero digs Stanley’s hole for him ,Stanley tacks the blame for Stealing the sunflower seeds and mr pendanski offers Stanley to run away from camp green lake

3 differences 1.it doesn’t say in the book that zero hits one of the camp counselares with the shovel 2. They climb to the top of gods thumb 3.they found a treasure chest

The part of the film that I liked best was when Stanley rambed the truck into the hole

The part of the book tha I liked best was Stanley got arested for him having the shoes
But didn’t steel them

The changes I would make would be that I’ll make it that Stanley wasn’t fat

I think the film was better because the film shows that Stanley didn’t steel the shoes

I liked the part of the film where Stanley rambed the truck in the hole because all the water went everywhere


The book and the film have lots of similarities like all the characters and that in the book it says that the beds are stained and that the desert is full of holes.


All of the characters in the book are the same in the movie. All of the bits in the book like the main parts are in the movie.

I the movie it said Mrs pantansci the doctors but in the book it just said Mrs Pentanci

My favourite part of the film is the end because stanly gets to go back to his family and he brings his friend.

The start because the book sounds good and I was looking forward to reading it.😎

I would not want to make eany changes the to book

I think the film because i do not like to read and it was more funner

Ryan O

People that are in the book are in the film.
Stanley is friends with Zero in the book and the film. The lizards surrounded Stanley and zero in the book and the film.
In the book it said Stanley is fat. In the film he is not fat.
In the book Stanley had to walk back down the mountain to get the shovel. In the film he didn’t go back down the mountain to get the shovel. In the film Stanley nearly fell of a cliff and in the book he didn’t.
The part of the film I liked best was when Stanley and Zero got to go home.
The part of the book I liked best was when Stanley found onions.
The change I would make to the book is for there to be pictures.
I think the book was better because there was a lot more in it.


The similarities
The nicknames
Mr Sir
Stanley driving the truck into a hole

The differences are
Stanley’s appearance
The End
Sam the onion picker getting killed

The best part of the film was all of it because it was a entertaining movie.

I didn’t really enjoy the book because it didn’t catch my attention.

I would make lots of changes like make it more exciting and more eye catching.

I would make no changes because it was brilliant.

P7 Maths – Time Topic


Today we started our new maths topic, Time. To see where you are with your knowledge and understanding we recapped units of measurement, digital and analogue clocks. Please use the websites below to recap on time.

Maths is Fun – Time Clocks

Maths is Fun – Analogue & Digital

As well as the month poem to help you remember how many days each month has, please try out the ‘knuckle method’.

  Maths is Fun – knuckle method and month rhyme


P7 – What is Fracking?


What is fracking? Today you will be accessing a number of resources to find out the answer to this question. This task will be completed in three parts.

In your topic jotters you should take detailed notes, with suitable headings. Remember your notes should include important vocabulary relevant to the topic you are researching. Definitions of this vocabulary should also be included to help with your understanding. Please ensure each group member takes detailed notes as you will ALL require the information for the third part of the task which will take place next week.

BEFORE accessing the links below, please read over the task sheet carefully with your group members to ensure everyone is aware of the areas they should be researching. Any sections of the task sheet which require group discussion should also be completed at this time.

Please note that some of the videos also have written information. You should ensure you access BOTH resources. Fracking is a controversial subject and many people feel passionately about it. Some provocative language and phrases are used to get the public to feel and act.

Fracking: Videos (Class Teacher will show these)

Fracking in Scotland

Telegraph: How Hydraulic Fracturing Works Video

What is fracking and why is it controversial? (Class Teacher will show this)

P7 Maths Revision website

maths 1

Throughout Primary 7 you will be introduced to a few new maths concepts as well as revising and being challenged by concepts you have already learned.

The website below has questions for every Maths and Numeracy Experience and Outcome in the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence. Please use the questions to help you practise, revise and improve on these concepts. Enjoy!


Comparing Lives in Japan and Scotland

imgres imgres-1

Learning Outcome:

By comparing the lifestyle and culture of citizens in Japan with those of Scotland, I can discuss the similarities and differences. SOC 2-19a

Skill for Learning: Analysis – I can compare and contrast lifestyles in Japan with Scotland by using my own personal experience and research.

Please use the weblinks below as well as the topic books to find out as much as you can about life for children and adults in Japan. You will then use this information to compare it to your own life and the adults you interviewed. You should take notes (key words and phrases) about the daily routine of Japanese children and adults. While you are researching, you should be thinking about your life and the information you gathered from your interview(s) of adults. Other questions to think about and information to research:

  • child’s daily routine (what time do they get up? go to school? go to bed?)
  • what is school life like for a Japanese child?
  • what do children/adults/families do in their spare time?
  • what age do children start school and move onto secondary school?
  • what are men and women’s role in the family?
  • how often do they spend time as a family (including their grandparents)?
  • what are typical daily meals?

A Day in the Life

A Kid’s Life in Japan

Children in Japan (use the tabs on the left-handside to navigate the website)

Housing, Food & Clothes

Everyday Life in Japan

Home Life

Various Schools – Urban and Rural

School in Japan (video – Teacher to show whole class)

P7 All About Japan Task

Today you will be finding out “All About Japan”. Your task is to research a number of areas relating to Japanese lifestyle and culture. Please read you task sheet very carefully to ensure you know exactly which areas you are requiring information for. As discussed in class, you should refer closely to the focus skills highlighted today to ensure the success of this task.

Please access the links below to find the required information. You should NOT access any other websites without the permission of the class teacher.


Japan: Factslides

Nature & Climate

Japanese Culture



National Flag & Anthem

National Anthem with sub-titles

National Flower

Japanese Symbols

Japan: Fact Monster

Homes, Food & Clothing


The Imperial Family

How to Count to Ten in Japanese


Feelings Photos


You all experience a wide range of emotions and feelings on a daily basis but often when asked how you feel you will say “Fine” or “Good” or “Happy” or “Sad”. Sometimes you might be feeling exactly this way, however why use a boring word when there are a lot more exciting words to express how you feel. These wow words or phrases can also be used in your writing.

Today you worked in pairs to find the definition of a variety of ‘feelings’ words and then took photos of each other expressing that emotion.

The Skill for Learning you were developing was:

Application – I can apply my knowledge of language and use my face and body to express an emotion.

The Skill for Life you were developing was:

Literacy – I can use a dictionary to find the definition of a word.

You took lots of photos and then had to edit your choices by deleting unwanted photos. Here are the final results:

SAM_3525 SAM_3526 SAM_3527