Category Archives: Whole School News

Christmas House Art Day 2021!

On Monday we had our Christmas house art day and what a lovely day it was! Pupils were looking fabulous – dressed in their house colours and feeling very festive, they brought a great energy to the day.

Our art day was themed around the Global Goals and we worked together to discuss how best to have a sustainable Christmas.

As well as creating our overall house displays, we created a variety of Christmas decorations from household items. We made cd baubles from CDs and DVDs, yarn Christmas baubles from wool and cardboard, and festive photo frames from lollipop sticks.

Have a look at our stunning Christmas Tree below, featuring all of our beautiful decorations! Let us know if you need the instructions to make your own.

Everyone worked very hard and had great fun! A massive thanks to our Primary 7 pupils who led a huge selection of festive games and crafts.

Thank you for all your support, donations and well wishes. Here’s to a festive December!



Global Goal 15: Life on Land



Global Goal 12: Sustainable Consumption and Production



Global Goal 2: Zero Hunger


Global Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being


Christmas Jumper Day


 This year has been slightly better than last and in celebration we will be having our usual Christmas Jumper Day to support Save the Children.  We would like everyone to put on a Christmas Jumper. It could be an old jumper or top covered with stickers, tinsel, foil or anything sparkly.  You don’t have to go to the shops!  Our Pupil Council have already made posters and displayed them in their classroom.

As before, we are suggesting a donation of £1 which you can make through Parent Pay.  This will be open until 18 December.

Thanking you in advance and looking forward to a fun day.




Volunteer as a Parent Group Leader

Dear Parent/Carer

Renfrewshire Council is partnering with Klas Care, Active Communities and The Tannahill Centre to deliver a new parenting programme called Empowering Parents, Empowering Communities (EPEC). EPEC is a peer led parenting programme and we are recruiting parents and carers from across Renfrewshire to train as Parent Group Leaders.

Parent Group Leaders will deliver the EPEC courses locally to small groups of parents of 2 to 11 years olds to help them:

  •     become more confident parents
  •     develop their parenting skills
  •     increase their understanding of positive parenting.

Parent Group Leaders will receive comprehensive training and ongoing supervision and support.

The training will be delivered one day a week for 10 weeks from the end of January 2022 until April 2022.

We will arrange the training days to suit parents and carers who volunteer. We can also look at arranging the training at evenings or weekends for people who work during the week. We will also provide free childcare if it is needed.

Parents will then deliver the training to other parents in the local communities from April 2022.

If anyone would be interested in finding out more about becoming a Parent / group Leader or would like to apply, the attached leaflet and link provide more information.

House Art Day

It’s that time of year again!

Our annual Christmas Art House Day is on Monday 29th November. Pupils will work together with their House peers from other stages to create a Christmas and Winter display.

We look forward to feeling festive and enjoying a day of expressive arts. This year, our displays will be themed around the Global Goals and pupils and staff will work together to learn how we can all have a more sustainable festive season, enjoy life’s simple pleasures and take responsibility for all that we can in our daily lives.

Pupils are asked to wear their House colours but they will be using a variety of art materials as well as glue and paint so they may get messy! Please do not wear your best clothes!

A reminder of the House colours:

  • Eagles – yellow or gold
  • Falcons – blue
  • Hawks – green
  • Ospreys – red

Thanks for all your support and donations – we know it will be a fabulous day!

Keep Safe Kids App

Keep Safe Kids app is a new way for children and young people in Renfrewshire to:

  • find health and wellbeing support
  • report bullying and wellbeing concerns

Developed by 60+ pupils from six schools and @Iammescotland, the app is also packed with help and information for you as a parent or carer.

All reports made through the app are sent directly to the school and will be picked up in the normal way during school hours. Reports can be made anonymously and at any time of day. Information is not stored on the app meaning your data is secure.

Download the Keep Safe Kids app from iOs and Android.




If you have any questions regarding the app please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Children in Need Winners

Well done to all the boys and girls who took part in the colouring  competition. It was a very hard job to pick the winners but with some help from P6A & P6S and Mrs Davidson we chose the following winners.

Mrs McNaught chose our Pudsey Raffle winner.
Thank you to everyone who took part throughout the week. It was lovely to see the children dressed up on Friday and having lots of fun throughout the week. We have raised a fantastic amount for Children in Need. We will keep the parent pay open until the end of the week and give a final total on Friday.

Thank you for your continued support.



⭐Children in Need 2021⭐ @BBCCIN #ChildreninNeed

What is Children in Need? - Answered - Twinkl Teaching WikiWhat a fantastic week we have all had at Bishopton. Thank you to all the children and staff for a fantastic week filled with lots of fun!😊

Well done to everyone who has completed the sponsored walk through Bishopton and Dargavel, if you have any pictures please could you send them to your teacher or upload them on to your teams.

The pupils have loved getting involved in the colouring competition and produced beautiful work, It will be a hard job picking a winner from P1-3 and P4-7. The winner will be picked on Tuesday. If you have any entries don’t worry, we will collect them on Monday. Our Pudsey Teddy Raffle winner will also be announced on Tuesday.

To finish our week we had a lovely Friday full of sparkle and glam! 🌟It was great to see everyone in their fancy outfits! We hope you all had a lovely day.

⭐So far we have raised £1451 ⭐

Thank you all for the continued support and have a lovely weekend.

Miss Altman

@BBCCIN #ChildreninNeed

How our support for BBC Children in Need helps families access everyday essentials

Donations Wanted

Free Stock Photo 11969 Jumbled Pile of Colorful Wooden Toy Blocks | freeimageslive

Primary 1 are are looking to update some of our play resources to enhance our free play learning experience. With Christmas just around the corner and on the back of COP26, our hope is that we can get donations from home that are no longer wanted or used without buying brand new. At the children’s request, we are looking for donations of the following items:

  • Wooden blocks
  • Jigsaws
  • Board Games
  • Child sized furniture
  • Construction sets
  • Dolls and accessories
  • Puppets
  • Small world figures
  • Sand/water play toys
  • Role play sets e.g. play doctor kit
  • Threading and lacing toys

If you can help us and have items you are willing to donate, please reply to this post with a note of the items, as this will ensure there are no duplications. We will then get back to you to confirm where and when to donate the item/s.

Please only send donations to school that are clean and in good condition.

This is an ideal opportunity to clear out before Christmas, whilst supporting our learners.

We appreciate your support.

COVID Guidance – Reminders

Over the last couple of weeks we have seen a significant increase in the number of adults in the playground at the start and end of the school day.

With COVID still circulating in the community it is important that we all continue to follow the appropriate guidance to keep everyone safe.  The COVID mitigations for schools have remained unchanged and we ask that you continue to follow the guidance below.

  • Adult social distancing is still in place on school premises including the playground. Adults from different households should remain at least 1m from each other at all times.
  • Unless exempt, all adults should wear a face covering on school premises at drop off and pick up times.
  • Staggered entry and finishing times are in place to minimise congestion. Adults should drop and go or pick up and go in order to keep the grounds clear for the next group.
  • Only one adult per family should attend. If at all possible adults should drop off or meet pupils outwith the playground. If adult pickup is required, adults should stand as far back from the lines as possible.
  • At the end of the day adults and pupils should exit the grounds immediately to allow the adults and pupils at after care to access the grounds.

Where a positive case is identified within the school the following applies. Only those who are in the same physical class as a positive case, and therefore a ‘low risk’ contact will receive a warning letter via a text message. Another letter will be sent if there are any additional cases in the same class after a 5 day period.
If you receive such a letter, the recommendation is that your child takes a lateral flow test if possible before returning to school.

By continuing to follow the guidance, it is hoped, we will be able to minimise the risks for everyone within our school community.

Thank you for your support in this matter. We will inform you as soon as there are any changes to the current approach.

Children in Need 2021 – Sponsored Walk

Children in Need - Wikipedia

Your child should have received a letter today regarding our activities for Children in Need next week. You can find a copy of the letter here –  BBC Children in Need Fundraising Letter 2021

A Children in Need area has been set up on Parent Pay. Please deposit any sponsorship money and donations for ‘Get your Glam on for Pudsey’ in this area. Money for the raffle and colouring competitions can be collected in school.

The sponsored walk route is located here – Map of Sponsored Walk

You can also download a sponsor form  here- Sponsor-Form 2021

I will be putting up signs along the route for you to take pictures with as you make your way round. Please upload any pictures to your class team, there will be Children in Need post up on Friday for you to add your pictures to.

Have lots of fun, be safe and we look forward to seeing your pictures!

Miss Altman

Where Roots And Wings Entwine: "Show Your Spots, Let's Raise Lots!"


House Art Day: Donations Wanted!

Hello everyone!

It’s almost time for one of the most festive celebrations in our school calendar – House Art Day!

This year, House Art Day will be on Monday 29th November and we need your help!

To highlight the importance of our climate and environment, pupils at Bishopton Primary will create seasonal displays entirely made of sustainable materials. We will base these on the Sustainable Development Goals ( and hope that we can continue to emphasise how we can make a massive difference to our planet by thinking global yet acting local!

Making these displays will be loads of fun, but to make them the best we can we really need the following things, so please – save them for us if you’ll be using them at home! You can either bring things in as and when, are collect things up and bring in a large batch whenever suits you.

*Cardboard boxes (cereal/muesli/porridge boxes are ideal)

*Unwanted Christmas tree decorations – plain baubles would be perfect, but we’ll take anything you have!

*Unwanted CDs/DVDs – we don’t even need the cases, just the disc would be fab

*Any unwanted scraps of material

*Any unwanted wool

Any donations should be handed in to your child’s class teacher.

Thank you so much for your support; we’re really looking forward to the day ahead! Please check back in later in the month for more information about the day.

Miss Cauley and BPS teaching staff


Children in Need 2021 – 15th-19th November

Children in Need - WikipediaChildren in Need this year is Friday 19th of November.  We have lots of activities planned throughout the week.

This years theme is Get Your Strictly On! On Friday 19th we invite you to get your fanciest outfit on to raise money for CIN, Don’t forget the sparkle! To raise money for CIN we have set up a donation area on parent pay with a suggested donation of £1.

Throughout the week we are encouraging pupils to take part in a sponsored walk through Bishopton/Dargavel. Take part with your friends/family and upload pictures onto your teams page or send them to your teacher. You don’t have to walk, you could Pedal for Pudsey, Scoot for Pudsey or dance your way round. Just make sure you have lots of fun! A letter, sponsor form and map of the route will be sent out tomorrow. You can find a map and directions of the route here – Map of Sponsored Walk.  All sponsor money should be paid through parent pay, there is a specific area set up for this.

Throughout the week, children will have the opportunity to enter into the Pudsey Raffle. Mrs McKechnie (former member of staff) has very kindly donated a beautifully knitted Pudsey which her friend has made for us. The raffle will have a suggested donation of 50p and all money will be collected in school for this. If your child would like to take part then please send your donation to school next week, Primary 6 pupils will come around the classes throughout the week to give out raffles.

P1-3 pupils will also have the opportunity to take part in a Pudsey colouring competition with a Pudsey themed prize for the winning picture. (20p suggested donation to take part)

P4-7 pupils will also have the opportunity to take part in a Pudsey mindfulness  colouring competition with a Pudsey themed prize for the winning picture. (20p suggested donation to take part)

Children in Need: What are you doing to raise money? - CBBC Newsround

Book Week Scotland

Book Week Scotland 2021 is from the 15th until 21st November this year.

To celebrate this we have arranged some fun activities in school.

  • On Tuesday 16th November our P7 buddies will go to P1 in the afternoon to support our P1’s to launch their new Book Bug Bags by reading their free books and enjoying the games.


  • On Tuesday 16th November all P1-7 pupils are invited to wear their PJs and bring their favourite bedtime story to school.


  • Google Meet – some classes will be asking for parent volunteers to join the class on Google Meet to read a story.


  • Masked Reader – as we did over lockdown, we will have a recorded mystery masked reader reading a story for the children to guess who it might be.


  • Our weekly assemblies will be based around the Book Week theme of celebrating books and reading.


  • We are hoping to have a visit from a local author which will be streamed over Teams to classes. This is still to confirmed.


  • Read Like Pudsey – to support Children in Need, which is also running the same week, we are asking that as many children from P1-7 send in a picture of themselves reading with Pudsey (a picture or a bear), wearing Pudsey ears, dressed like Pudsey, wearing yellow, anything Children in Need themed. The picture can be uploaded to their class blog or emailed to the class teacher.

Winners from each stage will receive a £10 book token.

(Further information will follow regarding Children in Need)

Take part in a benefit check this November

Are you receiving all the benefits you are entitled to?

Talk Money Week is running from Monday 8 to Friday 12 November and is an opportunity for everyone to be more open about their finances. This year Renfrewshire Council’s Advice Works and Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau have teamed up to offer free benefit check appointments to ensure Renfrewshire residents are receiving all the benefits they are due.

We won’t just look at income based benefits like Universal Credit we will also see whether you qualify for Scottish benefits like the Scottish Child Payment or Best Start Grants and things like Council Tax Reduction or Free School Meals.  We can also give you some idea of whether you or a family member should apply for disability benefits or Pension Credit.

Appointments will last up to 60 minutes and will take place by video, over the phone or face to face.

Appointments can quickly and easily be booked online here – Book an appointment

You can also call Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau on 0141 889 2121 or Advice Works on 0300 300 1238 and ask for a Talk Money Week appointment.

We know working out what to claim can be confusing, but we will have trained advisers there to ensure you and your family are getting everything you should be.

We expect places will fill up quickly, so get in now to secure a time that suits you and see if we can help boost the money in your pocket