Category Archives: Whole School News

P1 and P7 Fun in the Sun

Yellow Sun icon | Free SVG

This afternoon P7 joined us to help us practice some of the skills we have been learning in P.E. It was just wonderful to see everyone having so much fun in the sun. The P1’s had a great time playing with their buddies and I am sure they were all very tired when they got home today. We are already looking forward to the next time we all get together. Here are some photos; hopefully I managed to catch everyone.

Our New Outdoor Classroom

We are all absolutely thrilled with our new outdoor classroom that was installed this week.

The classroom has a whiteboard and seating for pupils and along with  new outdoor learning resources, portable connection for some iPads,  gives us many options for taking the learning outdoors.

We are looking forward to making good use of it in the weeks ahead.

Thank you to Mrs Davidson who has been overseeing the project.

Congratulations P5- Literacy Planet Word Mania Winners

Congratulations to our Primary 5 pupils who placed first in the UK in the Literacy Planet Word Mania competition.

They worked so hard on this to gain and retain first place throughout the finals week.  We are very proud of your achievements.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the competition. Many of our classes placed high on the daily and weekly leader boards. Well done!

P5 have won a yearly subscription of Literacy Planet for the school worth £1800 and a £270 voucher to spend on school resources to support literacy.

Bishy’s Got Talent 2022

Calling all musicians, singers, actors, poets, dancers, comedians, jugglers, groups, entertainers of all kinds. If you would like to showcase your talent, please collect an application form from Mrs McNaught or Miss McDowall.

Auditions will take place at lunchtimes from Monday 23rd May 2022.

All applications to be completed and returned to Miss McDowall by
Wednesday 18th May 2022.

The Talent Show will take place on Friday 10th June 2022.

We are looking forward to seeing all of our talented pupils showing off their skills.

Big Walk and Wheel

Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel -

As you know, prior to the Easter break we took part in Sustrans inter-school cycling, walking, wheeling and scooting challenge, the Big Walk and Wheel ….. and what fun we had!

This year, for the first time, we are presenting the class who had the most active travel over the two weeks of our Big Walk and Pedal with the Mrs Ferguson Big Pedal award. Many of you will know that it was  Mrs Ferguson who first introduced us to the Big Pedal a number of years ago. She is a huge cycling fan and always wanted to instil her enthusiasm in all of us. I am delighted to announce that P1S are the very first winners of this fabulous shield and we are very excited to share our class photo with you.

A huge well done to all of the classes at Bishopton Primary; we finished in 48th place out of the 2,440 schools who took part. What an amazing achievement! Go Bishopton!


Active Schools Clubs – Term 4

We are delighted to offer the following clubs this term:

Mondays, Bishopton PS, Fun Games (P3-P4 only), 3:15pm-4:15pm (starts Monday 9th May)

Wednesdays, Bishopton PS, Fun Games (P1-P2 only), 3:15pm–4:15pm (starts Wednesday 27th April)

These can be booked through the following website:

Parents and guardians can collect the pupils from the top playground doors at the end of the sessions.

The Park Mains Complex clubs will also return on Friday.

Fridays, Park Mains HS/Sports Complex (Games Hall/Small Gym), Play Club (P1-P3 only), 3:45pm–4:45pm

Fridays, Park Mains HS/Sports Complex (Games Hall/Small Gym), Multisport (P4-P7 only), 3:45pm-4:45pm

Fridays, Park Mains HS/Sports Complex (Synthetic outdoor Astro pitch), McDonalds Matchday Football Centre in partnership with SFA, (P1-P3 only), 3:45pm-4:45pm

Fridays, Park Mains HS/Sports Complex, (Synthetic outdoor Astro pitch), McDonalds Matchday Football Centre in partnership with SFA, (P4-P7 only), 4:45pm-5:45pm

These can be booked through the following website

If you have any questions, please get in touch with Mr McAvoy or Fraser Buchan, our Active Schools Co-ordinator.

Big Walk and Wheel

What an amazing two weeks. Congratulations to everyone who took part!

The school is currently 43rd on the UK leader board with 3215 total journeys and 85.66% of the school participating in active journeys.

This is a fantastic achievement.

We look forward to announcing the Mrs Ferguson Big Pedal award for the winning class after the Easter Holidays.

Have a great holiday!


Park Mains Youth Participatory Project

Park Mains S5 and S6 pupils have been visiting the school for the last four weeks as part of their Sports development class. They have been trained up to deliver different sessions relating to the PE curriculum and have been working with our Primary 7 pupils.

The pupils have really enjoyed the experience having lots of fun whilst developing their teamwork, throwing, catching and hand-eye coordination.

A big thank you to Mia, Olivia, Dillion and Sam for all of their hard work. Here are some pictures of our sessions.

End of Term Whole School Sumdog Contest – Final Results

@AttainRen @sumdog

Our whole school Sumdog contest came to an end today and the last few hours only showed the true determination of our pupils. Well done to everyone who took part and did themselves and their class proud. Here are 8 of our Top 10 pupils looking pleased to receive their certificate, sticker and Sumdog pencil or pen.

Class Leader Board

Rank Class Total Score Average (score divided by no. of pupils played)
1st P6S 12061 804
2nd P4R 18994 654.9
3rd P7C 19252 621
4th P2E 7919 565.6
5th P6A 11394 455.7
6th P7CK 13729 351.7
7th P4M 7478 299.1
8th P3M 4101 178.3
9th P3AM 5486 161.3
10th P6M 3314 157.8
11th P2K 3359 134.36
12th P5A 1878 93.9
13th P1P 1310 93.5
14th P1S 716 89.5
15th P5C 343 85.7
16th P2B 1128 80.5
17th P5R 612 47

Top 10 Pupils Score

Rank Name Class Score
1 Nathan H Primary 7C 7212
2 Jonah V Primary 2E 6630
3 Caitlyn M Primary 7C 5412
4 Cameron L Primary 6A 4365
5 Vanessa A Primary 6S 4260
6 Jack S Primary 4R 3235
7 Emmie M Primary 4R 3132
8 Caleb V Primary 4M 2884
9 Freya M Primary 7CK 2725
10 Blair H Primary 6S 2715

Symmetry is Egg-citing!

Classroom Treasures: Easter Egg Symmetry @AttainRen

This week every pupil designed a symmetrical egg. They could either use an egg with one horizontal or one vertical line of symmetry or to challenge themselves by designing an egg with two lines of symmetry. The prize was a chocolate egg for the P1-3, P4-5 and P6-7 winner.

Success Criteria:

  • symmetrical
  • colourful
  • neat
  • creative

The three best designs were chosen from every class then these were put through to the final round. I was blown away by the standard of the designs because the pupils had been so careful to make them symmetrical AND the creativity was superb. So many unique ideas and patterns that demonstrated the many different individuals we have at our wonderful school.

Have a look at the three best designs from each class. These imaginative pupils won a sweet treat. Scroll to the bottom to see our final winners.

P1P – Peter, Jessica M and Beatrice

P1S – Esmaé, Lucy and Cara

P2B – Ruth, Rosie and Matthew

P2E – Ross, Orla and Heather

P2K – Max, Harry and Lewis

P3AM – Halle, Kai and Abby

P3M – Emma B, Jessica and Rob

P4M – Kari, Tom and Abigail M

P4R – Aimee, Ava and Aoife

P5A – Luca, Charlie and Isla B

P5C – Ruben, Rebecca and Karmen

P5R – Gracie, Alyssa and Zander

P6A – Daisy, Finn and Gavin

P6M – Gracie, Isla E and Daniel

P6S – Oscar, Lucas D and Maya P

P7C – Nathan, Ava and Rebecca

P7CK – Mairi, Olivia G and Emily

Here are our proud winners.

End of Term Whole School Sumdog Contest – Day 3

@AttainRen  @sumdog

Here are the results of Day 3 (Wednesday) of our whole school Sumdog contest . Well done to the Top 10 Pupils for Wednesday and the winning class. P2E have been bumped into 2nd position by P7C! Keep up the brilliant effort.

Class Leader Board

Rank Class Total Score Average (score divided by no. of pupils played)
1st P6S 7249 517.7
2nd P2E 5089 462.6
3rd P7C 12102 417.3
4th P4R 11758 405.4
5th P6A 7670 306.8
6th P4M 5596 223.8
7th P7CK 8427 216
8th P3AM 3799 158.2
9th P3M 3390 147.3
10th P1P 619 103.1667
11th P6M 1939 96.9
12th P5A 1643 82.15
13th P5R 671 67.1
14th P1S 335 55.83333
15th P2B 646 53.8
16th P2K 952 50.1
17th P5C 69 34.5

Pupil Leader Board

Rank Name Class Name Score
1 Nathan H Primary 7C 4497
2 Jonah V Primary 2E 4264
3 Caitlyn M Primary 7C 3582
4 Cameron L Primary 6A 2745
5 Vanessa A Primary 6S 2645
6 Emmie M Primary 4R 2060
7 Caleb V Primary 4M 2035
8 Jack S Primary 4R 1836
9 Blair H Primary 6S 1735
10 Freya M Primary 7CK 1728
11 Eilish I Primary 6A 1590
12 Connor M Primary 4M 1283
13 Ava L Primary 4R 1170