If you are worried about yourself or your child’s wellbeing, Renfrewshire Education Psychology service are here to help.
You can contact the school for a referral or self refer using the email address below.
If you are worried about yourself or your child’s wellbeing, Renfrewshire Education Psychology service are here to help.
You can contact the school for a referral or self refer using the email address below.
Good morning everyone. We are all keeping our fingers crossed that Teams is working better today.
Please remember teachers will have also posted tasks that can be completed away from the computer. If you are having technical issues you can do one of those activities and come back to the computer later.
Parents- Class teachers are busy during the day managing their Teams. If you have any issues please call the SMT on the numbers provided and we will get back to you. You can also email the enquiries email address marking your email for the attention of the relevant member of SMT.
Please remember we are here to help and support you in any way possible. Do not hesitate to get in touch if you are having any difficulties.
Good luck everyone. I know, as always, you will do a fantastic job today.
*We have been informed this is a UK wide issue with Teams this morning. Microsoft are working on it. Fingers crossed for a smoother start tomorrow. *
Good morning. I am sorry that some people are experiencing connectivity issues this morning. As many will remember this happened on the first day of home learning during the last lockdown.
Whilst it is frustrating, we ask that you are patient. It should become easier as they day goes on and the initial rush to download tasks and assignments subsides.
Please keep trying throughout the day. Remember not all tasks require you to be online. Choose another task and work on that while you are waiting.
If you feel like braving the weather you might even choose to go for a walk and look for our outdoor learning cards posted around the village.
Please don’t stress if you can’t get on straight away we do understand that the technology does not always work as we would like it to.
Happy new year to all in our school community and welcome back after an extended winter break. Unfortunately, once again, this is not the start to a new term that any of us were hoping for.
As you will be aware COVID 19 cases are not diminishing and we are all under a strict new lockdown. As a result of this school buildings are closed to the vast majority of pupils and staff in order to comply with the requirements to minimise person to person interaction, to significantly reduce the number of households mixing and consequently to reduce community transmission.
The school will remain open for key worker’s children but only if their job function cannot be carried out from home and there is no alternative childcare option available. If an adult is at home during the school day (including working from home) the expectation is that pupils will remain at home. A very small number of identified vulnerable children will also attend. We hope that in sticking with this and keeping our numbers as low as possible all of our children will be able to return to the school building in shortest time possible.
For those of you who have experienced the previous lockdown, you will know that we will be using Microsoft Teams through Glow to deliver our remote learning. New pupils will have been introduced to these platforms by their class teacher. All pupils have access to Glow and the Teams app can be downloaded to a variety of devices. Previous Blog posts detail how to do this but if you have any problems please don’t hesitate to get in touch and we will support you to get your child logged in to Glow and Teams.
Each stage(P1-7) will share their outline for home learning with you. Some have already done this and others will over the next day or so. As a school we are trying to balance the current guidance on home learning with the feedback we received from parents during the last lockdown.
Teachers will provide an offering that is as close to a school day as possible. This means a timetable will be issued and home learning activities provided in line with the timetable. This will include a mixture of “live’ teacher interactions though Team Meetings, teacher recorded lessons to view online, links to other online recorded lesson and opportunities for independent learning tasks.
Previous feedback from parents indicated that there was a flexibility required in the timing of tasks due to the sharing of devices between siblings and availability of adult supervision within the home. As a result we will structure the majority of tasks so that they can be completed at a time that is suitable to each family circumstances. Teachers will give advance warning of ‘live’ sessions. They will work with colleagues to avoid clashes with siblings as much as possible.
We understand how difficult this is for families and we are here to support you as much as possible. If you have any issues with connectivity, access to IT or the home learning please get in touch with us. I (Mrs McNaught) will be in school each day and can be contacted on the school number. Mr Collins is currently supporting P1-3, as he will be mostly working from home he can be contacted on 07541 049686 during normal office hours. Similarly Mrs Davidson is supporting P4-7 and can be contacted on 07541 063788. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you require any form of help or support.
Pupils who are in school will follow the same programme that has been provided for those at home. They will have access to the class Team in school and will complete the tasks provided by their own class teacher. Groups of pupils in school will be supported by a teacher to access and complete the learning provided by the class teacher.
Attendance- School attendance will continue to be recorded on a daily basis. Therefore it is important that your child checks in with the teacher on the check in post each morning. If your child is ill and is unable to participate in school work then we ask that you follow the normal procedures and call the school office before 9.30 to let us know.
I’m sure it will take us all a couple of weeks to get back into the swing of this so please be patient while we get everything up and running. This is not an ideal situation for any of us and we must all work together to ensure the best outcomes for the young people that we all care deeply about.
Be assured we are all working flat out to give your child the best home learning experience possible and we are here to support you too as you grapple with this. If you have any concerns at all please get in touch using the numbers provided.
Please continue to check the school blog and social media channels as we will provide updates on a regular basis.
Dear Parents/Carers,
The school office is receiving a high volume of calls this morning as there seems to be some confusion over the hub places in school. Some people are under the impression that pupils can attend school should their parent wish them to. This is not the case.
The overarching policy aim of these exceptional school closures, is to reduce the number of children, young people and adults from different households interacting in- person within communities (including schools) as far as possible, in order to prevent COVID-related harms. If it is possible for children to be cared for safely and have their learning supported sufficiently well at home, that approach should be preferred.
To be clear, in order for a child to attend the hub a child must be identified as vulnerable or both parents (or single parent) must be key workers who cannot work from home and have no alternative childcare. If there are any days when a parent is working from home or alternative childcare is available the child should not attend the hub.
When in the hub, classes will be staffed on a rota system. Pupils attending will be supported by a teacher but will access the same learning as their classmates and provided by their own class teacher.
As stated above, the aim is to minimise the impact of the spread of COVID-19 amongst our school and community and to keep everyone as safe and healthy as possible.
Therefore we ask that you support us in our efforts by following the guidance and attending the hub only if and when absolutely necessary.
As, in line government expectations, most staff from school will be working from home, the following mobile numbers can be used during school hours to contact the relevant DHT.
During Mr McAvoy’s absence Mr Collins will cover P1-3 and Mrs Davidson will cover P4-7.
Mr Collins can be contacted on 07541 049686
Mrs Davidson can be contacted on 07541 063788
Mr Collins and Mrs Davidson will also use these numbers to make outgoing calls when they are working from home. It might be worthwhile to take note of these numbers so that you recognise it as a school call should we need to make contact with you.
Mrs McNaught will be in school everyday and can be contacted on the usual number -0300 300 0147
We hope that this is helpful to you. Please remember if you have any concerns do not hesitate to get in touch. We are here to assist you in any way possible.
Please note the arrangements for those pupils attending the Bishopton Primary Hub starting Thursday 7th January.
Children should attend during normal school hours 9.00-3.15. Staff will be available in the playground tomorrow morning to direct pupils to the correct entrance. Please note this may not be the entrance that they would normally use. Pupils attending the hub will be in a new bubble. Hubs will be staffed on a rota basis and pupils will not necessarily have their current class teacher. Staggered breaks and lunches will follow the same pattern as Term 1 and 2. A free school lunch will be available for those pupils who are entitled.
Pupils will be able to bring their own devices and connect to the temporary network if they would rather use their own.
The purpose of school closures is to minimise the opportunity for community transmission, therefor only the staff directly involved in the hub will be in school on any one day. As per the government guidelines all other staff will work from home supporting the home learning.
In order to keep everyone in the community safe please keep in mind the following government guidance when considering the days your child should attend.
If you have any questions regarding the hub please call the school and we will be happy to respond.
As always our primary goal is to keep all in our community safe and healthy during these worrying times.
A reminder that the school will be open for vulnerable pupils and pupils of keyworkers only from Thursday the 7th January. The school is closed to all other pupils from Wednesday the 6th January. Home learning will commence on Monday 11th January.
To qualify for a place in school, both parents must be keyworkers, or a single parent keyworker, and have no other childcare options.
Keyworkers are defined as:
In light of the announcement on Monday the 4th January, if you have applied for a place but no longer require it due to the fact you are now working from home, please phone the school on Wednesday 6th January to let us know.
Dear Parents/ Carers,
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a good new year and to say how disappointed we all are not to be welcoming everyone back to school on Wednesday. As always we support any decision that keeps all those in our school community as safe and well as possible.
Following today’s announcement the school is making plans to support remote learning during January. Home learning will be through the MS Teams platform and you child will need to log in with their Glow login. If they have forgotten this over the holidays you can fill in the form on the school website for it to be reset.
If both parents are keyworkers, or if you are a single parent keyworker, and you have no other childcare options, you can apply for a hub place by filling in the form here. Applications should be made by 5p.m on Tuesday the 5th January.
We will keep you updated with more information as it becomes available and look forward to seeing everyone when it is safe to do so. Please take care. Information on how to contact the senior management team during this latest lockdown will follow in the next few days.
Hello there,
As you will be aware we will return to online learning for the week beginning 11th January. If your child has forgotten their password to get into Glow and Teams, please complete the form below. It will be reset to a default password of bishopton123. When your child logs in to Glow for the first time with this password they will be prompted to change their password. We have found that a 3 word phrase (with spaces) works well and helps them to remember it. For example big pink pig.
There are various help pages and videos for Glow and Teams here. Help on changing passwords can be found in the document below.
Take care, stay safe, and have a wonderful Christmas!
From Bishopton Primary Staff
Student – Glow Password Change Guidance
Following the Scottish Government announcement regarding the changes to the reopening of schools in January 2021, please follow the link below for more information.
Please note no pupils will attend school on Wednesday the 6th January. If you are a key worker and wish to apply for childcare/in-school learning for the period of the 7th – 15th January you should do so by clicking on the link in the Renfrewshire website.
All other pupils will start home learning on the 11th January. In-school learning for all will not resume until at least the 18th January. We will be in touch on the 7th and 8th with more information regarding this.
We will keep you updated with more information as it becomes available.
Dear Parents/Carers,
On behalf of all staff at Bishopton Primary I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
How we celebrate this year will be very different from other years but I sincerely hope that you are able to take some time to relax and recharge over the next few weeks.
This has been a very strange time for us all but as a school we have really appreciated your support and encouragement throughout this very difficult time.
Our pupils have been amazing and their kindness and generosity to each other and the community has been outstanding.
We look forward to welcoming everyone back on Wednesday 6th January.
Once again thank you, take care and stay safe.
The staff- Bishopton Primary
We have had a lovely thank you from Ms McHattie of Bishopton Parish Church for our Christmas Hampers. Please click on the link below to read her kind words.
Thank you very much for your continued support with our Charitable Donations. So far we have raised almost £550 for Save the Children. There is still time to donate through Parent Pay if you wish.
I am also delighted to announce that we raised over £800 for Children in Need. In today’s climate this is a phenomenal sum. Well done and thank you once again.
A great big thank you to our Bishopton Family. We collected so many donations for our hampers that we were able to make up 38 very full packages. As always our families are very generous. We must also thank out local Co-op for donating the bags which made Mrs Fraser and Mrs Jack’s job of packing so much easier. We are very grateful to both of them for doing such a super job.
Rev Smith of Bishopton Parish Church put us in touch with Erskine, Bishopton and Inchinnan Unite Volunteers who were delighted to uplift the hampers and distribute them to families in Bishopton. Our House Captains made us very proud when we handed over the packages. 4 of the Captains then delivered a hamper personally to a local resident close to the school.
We are very happy to be able to support our local community and once again thank you all for your generosity.
Merry Christmas everyone.
From Friday 18th December, hots dogs are no longer an option. The hot meal choice on a Friday is now macaroni cheese.
Dear Parents,
Just a reminder that parents should not be communicating with class teachers through their child’s Glow email address or through the class Team. Glow is solely for pupil and staff use.
Communication should be directly from the parent’s own email address and should, in the main, be directed through the bishoptonenquiries@renfrewshire.gov.uk email address. If a teacher has agreed to communication from a parent through their Glow email address please be mindful of the fact that are only obliged to respond during working hours, outwith teaching time.
If you have an urgent enquiry during the school day you can call the office and speak to the relevant depute who will be happy to follow up with the class teacher.
Thank you for your support.
Christmas has arrived! There is a definite buzz about school today. Christmas lunch day, Nativity rehearsals and a reminder about Christmas Jumper Day tomorrow.
We are looking forward to the fun and remember to make your donation through Parent Pay.
Thanking you in advance.
At our assemblies this week we announced the winners of the Road Safety Competition. We had lots of wonderful entries and it made the job of judging very difficult. Thank you to Abby, Caitlyn and Oliver for helping me to make the difficult decisions. Each of the talented winners received a Clean Air snood. They were as follows:
P1C Orla, P1M Harris, P1P Callum, P1S Ollie, P1W Callum, P2E Craig, P2F Oliver, P2G Phoebe, P2H Megen, P2J Brooke
P3A Connor, P3C Lucy, P3F Ryan, P3M Nathan, P4B Alyssa, P4F Lily Mae, P4J Gabriella, P4H Freya, P4M Leia
P5C Oscar, P5M Abigail, P5R Kyle, P6A/G Jessica, P6M Caitlyn, P7C Zara, P7H Olivia, P7M Layla
Our overall winner was Lucy from P3C with this wonderful piece of work which will now be professionally printed as a poster for the school.
We will also be creating a display in school of all the winners for everyone to admire.
Well done to all of our talented entrants and thank you for your enthusiasm.
Our Parent Council have also been working hard to support our Road Safety messages and have put together this very professional video. Please click on the link.
Join RSNO and Children’s Classic Concerts for a free family Christmas show, ‘The Night Before Christmas,’ this Saturday. Kids and grown-ups can watch and sing along as Owen Gunnell makes a mad-dash attempt to organise his Christmas festivities after discovering he slept through the first 12 days of December! The story follows the CCC presenter as he scrambles to organise his celebrations and even discovers he forgot to write his letter to Santa. With a little bit of help from the RSNO musicians and the RSNO Junior Chorus, Owen endeavours to get sorted on time, and get everyone in the Christmas spirit along the way.
‘The Night Before Christmas’ will premiere live on the STV Player and the RSNO and CCC’s Facebook pages and YouTube channels on 12 December 2020 at 2pm. It will be available to watch for 30 days.
A trailer for the show can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMDl5F43xL8
A reminder that we close at 2.30pm on Friday 18th December 2020 until 8.45am on Wednesday 6th January 2021.
A reminder for all pupils that only menu available on Thursday is the Christmas menu. If you haven’t ordered Christmas Lunch you will have to bring a packed lunch.
Thank you
There are still a substantial number of the parents who haven’t opened their Parent Portal accounts. This should be opened by the main contact (usually mum) and the instructions are as follows:-
This year has not been so good for lots of children and grown-ups. When it comes to having fun we have some catching up to do. In this spirit we will be having our usual Christmas Jumper Day to support Save the Children. We would like everyone to put on a Christmas Jumper. It could be an old jumper or top covered with stickers, tinsel, foil or anything sparkly. You don’t have to go to the shops! Our Pupil Council have already made posters and displayed them in their classroom.
As before, we are suggesting a donation of £1 which you can make through Parent Pay. This will be open until 18 December.
Thanking you in advance and looking forward to a fun day.
Please see the attached letter regarding payment over the Christmas Holidays for those entitled to free school meals.
If you haven’t already applied and think you may be entitled please follow the link in the letter attached.
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