First Day Connectivity Issues – Update



*We have been informed this is a UK wide issue with Teams this morning. Microsoft are working on it. Fingers crossed for a smoother start tomorrow. *

Good morning. I am sorry that some people are experiencing connectivity issues this morning. As many will remember this happened on the first day of home learning during the last lockdown.

Whilst it is frustrating, we ask that you are patient. It should become easier as they day goes on and the initial rush to download tasks and assignments subsides.

Please keep trying throughout the day. Remember not all tasks require you to be online. Choose another task and work on that while you are waiting.

If you feel like braving the weather you might even choose to go for a walk and look for our outdoor learning cards posted around the village.

Please don’t stress if you can’t get on straight away we do understand that the  technology does not always work as we would like it to.

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