Category Archives: Whole School News

P1-3 Return Monday 22nd February

Dear Parent/Carer,

It has now been confirmed that all P1-3 pupils will return to in school education from Monday 22nd February 2021. Home learning will continue for almost all pupils in P4-7.

The First Minister was quite clear in her announcement that the return to school for P1-3 pupils did not signal a wider easing of restrictions and the ‘stay at home’ message remains very much in place.  For employees and employers there is still a legal obligation for working at home, where possible, to facilitate the continued home learning for almost all P4-7 pupils. Therefore there is no expectation that P4-7 pupils, other than those already identified, will return to school at this time.

The return of the P1-3 pupils will be monitored over the next few weeks to assess the impact on community transmission of the new more infectious variants.  It is vital, as a school community, we do all in our power to minimise the opportunities for transmission and keep everyone associated with our school as safe as possible. In doing this we have the best chance to see our P4-7 pupils return soon (possible date 15th March).

As our P1-3 pupils start to return the COVID-19 mitigations that were in place before we broke up in December will continue.

Strict social distancing protocols for adults remain in place. We would request that only one adult per family accompanies our P1-3 pupils. Adults are still required to wear a face-covering when on the school premises, including the playground. Once you have dropped your child off we ask that you leave the playground and do not stand and chat with other adults.

Pupils can arrive at school from 8.45 a.m when the doors will be open. Pupils should go straight to their classroom and wash their hands in preparation for a 9.00 a.m. start.

Class bubbles, increased hygiene measures and staggered breaks will remain in place. Lunch will be 12.00-12.45 or 12.45-1.30. Please inform the office if your child intends to go home for lunch.

There is no requirement for social distancing between Primary School pupils but pupils and adults will continue to stay 2m distance.

The school will continue to provide all resources needed by pupils therefore there is no need for pupils to bring anything from home. As increased ventilation is still in place, it is a good idea for pupils to wear layers as the temperature may fluctuate throughout the day. Learning outdoors will continue to feature so wet weather gear remains a requirement.

P1 pupils and any siblings will leave from 3.00 p.m. This will be followed by bus pupils at 3.10 p.m and the remainder of P2,3 and P4-7 hub pupils at 3.15 p.m.

At the end of the day we would again ask that, if pick up is required, only one adult per family comes to collect. If it is necessary to enter the playground, please stand well back from the school building. Please do not stand within 2m of adults from another household.  The outdoor play equipment is out of use as we have no control over who has used it out with school hours. Please do not let pupils or younger siblings use this before or after school for health and safety reasons.

As pupils do not need to distance from each other please let those who are making their own way home leave through the gates first. Family groups that include an adult should maintain a 2m distance from each other as they leave.

By sticking to the protocols we have the best chance of keeping everyone within our community safe and transmission rates low. This also gives us the best chance of welcoming our P4-7 pupils back at the earliest opportunity.

Once again, thank you for your continued support during this very difficult period. If you have any questions or require any additional supports please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Have a lovely holiday weekend!

Please remember that this weekend is the February holiday weekend. We hope that you all have a great time and enjoy some time away from your screen.

Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th are holidays and Wednesday 10th is a staff in-service day.

There will be no work posted on Teams for these 3 days.

Please note that the school is closed to hub pupils on these days. Parents of pupils who attend the hub will need to make alternative arrangements for these days.

All school holiday dates and in-service days can be found here. 

We look forward to seeing you online or in the hub on Thursday 11th February. In the meantime take care and stay safe.

Coping During COVID


If you are worried about your child’s wellbeing due to the impact of COVID-19 and home learning, we can offer a listening ear, support and advice.

0300 300 0170   OPTION 4
10 AM – 4 PM (MON-FRI)

Parents and carers can contact the service on the above number to request a callback from someone in education.

(within 2 working days where possible)


If you need to speak to someone straight away, please use one of the national support lines:

Breathing Space 0800 83 85 87
Samaritans 116 123
Childline 0800 1111

Coping During COVID Flyer

Holiday Weekend – 8th – 10th Feb

Please note that next weekend is the February holiday weekend.

Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th are holidays and Wednesday 10th is a staff in-service day.

There will be no work posted on Teams for these 3 days.

Please note that the school is closed to hub pupils on these days. Parents of pupils who attend the hub will need to make alternative arrangements for these days.

All school holiday dates and in-service days can be found here. 

Word and PowerPoint Download via Glow

Well done to everyone on doing such a great job with their online learning! We seem to be having less technical issues as the days go on which makes things a lot easier.

One thing some of you may not be aware of is that all Glow users can download Microsoft Office 365 onto their devices (Word, PowerPoint, Excel etc.). This should really help if you are having problems with viewing, or editing, some of the resources that are being added to assignments.

Here are some pointers on how to download Office 365:

Once your child has logged into Glow and are in the Launchpad area, if they click on the wee house, this will take them to the Bishopton Primary School apps area.

Look for this tile and it will guide you through downloading Office365 onto your device.

Office is also available as an app on tablets/iPads etc. Look for this icon in your app store. As with Teams, the login details are the full Glow email address (eg. and the password used to access Glow).

Microsoft Office - Wikipedia

Hopefully this will help a little!

Miss Burnett

Spelling Help -Information for Parents

Spelling Leaflet for Parents

Please read the above leaflet to help support your child with their spelling. The leaflet explains the strategies and routines we use in school and home learning to teach spelling sounds and patterns. It explains the technical terms and the child friendly language we use. It also gives you an overview of what is taught each day in school. We hope you find this useful.

Kind regards,

Miss McDowall and the Spelling Working Party

Renfrewshire Advice Works Support Service

Please see attached information regarding Renfrewshire Advice Works Support Services.

If you feel this might be of use to you in any way please contact Mrs McNaught or the relevant DHT.

Please remember, if you are struggling in any way throughout the current lockdown,  we are here to point you in the direction of someone who can help.  Don’t hesitate to give us as call.

Renfrewshire AW Schools Support Service

Sumdog Contest – Final Results

A huge congratulations to all of the pupils who worked hard to earn points for their class during the Sumdog Contest. The final positions are down below but remember the most important thing is you had fun and you practised your maths skills! A big shout out to Jacob in P6M who also ended up in 50th position in the Top 50 pupils. Well done!

35th P6M, Bishopton Primary School 357
61st P3M, Bishopton Primary School 288
68th P4H, Bishopton Primary School 273
79th P4M, Bishopton Primary School 257
84th P2J, Bishopton Primary School 247
89th P3A, Bishopton Primary School 238
99th P3W, Bishopton Primary School 215
100th P3F, Bishopton Primary School 215
105th P4J, Bishopton Primary School 210
111th P2G, Bishopton Primary School 200
118th P7M, Bishopton Primary School 186
121st P4B , Bishopton Primary School 184
137th P5C, Bishopton Primary School 153
142nd P5R, Bishopton Primary School 147
149th P6A/G , Bishopton Primary School 138
154th P3C, Bishopton Primary School 133
166th P5M , Bishopton Primary School 114
175th P7C , Bishopton Primary School 87
176th P4F, Bishopton Primary School 87
177th P2H, Bishopton Primary School 85
181st P2F, Bishopton Primary School 78

Sumdog Contest – Day 7

We have 12 hours left for one big push in the Renfrewshire Sumdog Contest! Well done to all of the pupils who have taken part so far. The contest closes at 8pm tonight so play some games, practise your maths and numeracy skills and help your class climb the leader board.

28th P6M, Bishopton Primary School 329
51st P3M, Bishopton Primary School 261
73rd P2J, Bishopton Primary School 223
77th P3A, Bishopton Primary School 216
81st P4H, Bishopton Primary School 205
104th P3W, Bishopton Primary School 173
106th P7M, Bishopton Primary School 172
109th P4J, Bishopton Primary School 165
113th P3F, Bishopton Primary School 160
119th P5C, Bishopton Primary School 151
120th P4M, Bishopton Primary School 151
129th P4B , Bishopton Primary School 135
131st P2G, Bishopton Primary School 129
136th P5R, Bishopton Primary School 121
143rd P3C, Bishopton Primary School 117
146th P6A/G , Bishopton Primary School 113
152nd P5M , Bishopton Primary School 104
166th P4F, Bishopton Primary School 85
169th P2H, Bishopton Primary School 81
175th P2F, Bishopton Primary School 74
176th P7C , Bishopton Primary School 73

Wednesday 20th January

Good morning everyone,

Happy Wednesday!

Well done to everyone for all your hard work in the classrooms. I know just how proud the teachers are with you all. It’s great to have the majority of issues now fixed in MS TEAMs and the assignments section working properly again, as we may be online a bit longer to keep everyone safe.

Remember it’s really important for you to ‘check-in’ with your online class teacher before 9.45 am so that we know you are all safe and well.

Remember do what you can and try to get outside when the weather allows.

Keep safe,


Mr Collins

Sumdog Contest – Day 6

Well done to everyone who has played a game in Sumdog to help their class climb the leader board. We now have 21 classes in the contest. Keep playing to practise your maths and numeracy skills. The contest ends at 8pm tomorrow.

26th P6M, Bishopton Primary School 274
48th P3M, Bishopton Primary School 223
67th P2J, Bishopton Primary School 183
75th P3A, Bishopton Primary School 178
87th P5R, Bishopton Primary School 164
90th P7M, Bishopton Primary School 160
101st P3W, Bishopton Primary School 144
107th P4H, Bishopton Primary School 135
113th P5C, Bishopton Primary School 123
114th P4M, Bishopton Primary School 123
116th P3F, Bishopton Primary School 119
119th P4J, Bishopton Primary School 116
121st P4B , Bishopton Primary School 115
124th P2G, Bishopton Primary School 114
132nd P6A/G , Bishopton Primary School 107
139th P3C, Bishopton Primary School 99
144th P5M , Bishopton Primary School 94
153rd P7C , Bishopton Primary School 81
156th P4F, Bishopton Primary School 78
163rd P2F, Bishopton Primary School 69
165th P2H, Bishopton Primary School 68

Sumdog Contest – Day 5

We now have 20 classes on the leader board and a different pupil in the Top 50! Well done to everyone who has played and a huge congratulations to Riley in P6M who is currently in 35th place. Keep trying your best and play until 8pm on Thursday.

41st P6M, Bishopton Primary School 178
64th P7M, Bishopton Primary School 147
67th P2J, Bishopton Primary School 142
68th P3M, Bishopton Primary School 142
70th P3A, Bishopton Primary School 142
81st P5C, Bishopton Primary School 125
90th P5R, Bishopton Primary School 114
99th P4B , Bishopton Primary School 103
104th P4H, Bishopton Primary School 96
107th P7C , Bishopton Primary School 95
108th P4M, Bishopton Primary School 95
110th P3F, Bishopton Primary School 92
113th P4J, Bishopton Primary School 90
120th P4F, Bishopton Primary School 82
124th P5M , Bishopton Primary School 78
129th P3W, Bishopton Primary School 74
132nd P6A/G , Bishopton Primary School 73
138th P2G, Bishopton Primary School 66
140th P3C, Bishopton Primary School 65
155th P2F, Bishopton Primary School 41

Team Issues Resolved and Welcome Back Mr McAvoy

Hello everyone. We are hoping that the majority of our Teams issues have now been resolved. Hopefully things should start to settle down within Teams and we should be able to get into a routine.  If you are still experiencing any issues please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Also we are pleased to welcome Mr McAvoy back today. Therefore from today any parent from P3 or P4 should contact Mr McAvoy if they have any concerns.

DHT numbers are:

Mr Collins – P1&2 – 07541 049686

Mr McAvoy – P3&4 – 07541 063783

Mrs Davidson – P5-7- 07541 063788

Sumdog Contest – Day 4

We now have 13 classes that have qualified for the Renfrewshire Sumdog Contest and one pupil in the Top 50 pupils! Well done to everyone who has taken part so far and a huge congratulations to Oscar in P6M who is currently in 48th place. Remember each class needs at least 5 players before they qualify.  Keep trying your best!

27th P3A, Bishopton Primary School 151
42nd P3M, Bishopton Primary School 130
59th P6M, Bishopton Primary School 103
75th P7M, Bishopton Primary School 77
79th P2J, Bishopton Primary School 74
80th P5C, Bishopton Primary School 73
81st P4M, Bishopton Primary School 72
83rd P4B , Bishopton Primary School 72
93rd P4J, Bishopton Primary School 62
100th P4H, Bishopton Primary School 54
103rd P3W, Bishopton Primary School 46
106th P6A/G , Bishopton Primary School 41
109th P3F, Bishopton Primary School 31

Home Learning Week 2

Hello everyone. First of all thank you all for your patience during the first week of home learning.

As you will be aware, there have been significant issues with Microsoft Teams over the last week that have affected users, including teachers. This has been very disappointing as all of our dedicated staff in Bishopton had been working tirelessly over the previous days to ensue we were ready to go.

The issues have manifested themselves in different ways intermittently throughout the week. Some users have experienced difficulty with Teams meetings and the ability to join a meeting. Others have experienced issues with uploading and downloading documents. One of our major difficulties has been that teachers have not been able to access assignments on their laptops so we ask that you bear with us while this is sorted out. We have been working around this by posting on the General Channel within the Class Team or via the class blog.

We are also aware that many pupils had issues with opening the recorded PowerPoints or Word Documents. We have been trying to work around this by creating video files and pdfs. Please remember, if you do not have the Microsoft apps on your device they can be accessed free through Glow and downloaded onto your device. You have 5 free downloads on PCs or Laptops and 10 for Mobile devices and Tablets. Just login with your Glow username and password once the app has been downloaded.

If you are having issues with Glow and IT please contact the school and we will do what we can to support you to resolve your issues.

We are all hoping that week 2 is a bit smoother. We are all committed to providing the best home learning experience possible. Please don’t stress or panic if things do not go to plan. Let us know and we will do all we can to address the issues and provide you with the appropriate support.

Sumdog Contest – Day 3

Well done to those of you who have taken part in the Renfrewshire Sumdog Contest so far. We currently have 12 classes on the leader board. Keep playing games to answer up to 1000 questions. Try your best and help your class to climb the leader board.

42nd P3M, Bishopton Primary School 107
57th P3A, Bishopton Primary School 85
63rd P7M, Bishopton Primary School 77
65th P6M, Bishopton Primary School 76
81st P4J, Bishopton Primary School 62
85th P4M, Bishopton Primary School 57
87th P4B , Bishopton Primary School 55
90th P4H, Bishopton Primary School 53
92nd P2J, Bishopton Primary School 50
97th P6A/G , Bishopton Primary School 43
99th P3W, Bishopton Primary School 39
100th P3F, Bishopton Primary School 31

Pupils Attending the Hub

Dear Parent/Carer,

Further to the announcements made today, in regards to the rules around minimising interactions to the bare essentials to remove as many opportunities as possible for the virus to spread, I would once again like to remind you of the criteria for pupils attending a place in the hub.

In order for a child to attend the hub a child must be identified as vulnerable or both parents (or single parent) must be key workers, who cannot work from home and have no alternative childcare.

On any days when a parent is working from home or alternative childcare is available your child cannot attend the hub. If you were working from home during the last lockdown then the assumption is that you will be doing so again.

By keeping the number of children taking up hub places in school to the absolute minimum necessary during this strict lockdown, we have the best chance to reduce the interactions that allow the virus to spread and ultimately to keep our whole community safe.

Therefore, once again, we ask that you support us in our efforts by following the guidance and attending the hub only if and when absolutely necessary.



Wednesday 13th January 2021

Good morning everyone.

We are all keeping our fingers crossed that Teams will work better today.

Please try not to become frustrated if Teams isn’t working as well as you would like. Your teacher has given you activities that can be completed away from a computer.

If you are having technical issues please do one of those activities and come back to the computer later.

Parents– Class teachers are busy during the day managing their Teams. If you have any issues please call the SMT on the numbers provided and we will get back to you. You can also email the enquiries email address marking your email for the attention of the relevant member of SMT.

Please remember we are here to help and support you in any way possible. Do not hesitate to get in touch if you are having any difficulties.

Good luck everyone – we can do it!

Mr Collins