Category Archives: Whole School News

Big Pedal – great start!

Well done to everyone who took part in Big Pedal today – cycling, scooting or walking.

3 classes managed to have 100% participation –

P2F, P2G and P5M

Remember to check the Big Pedal website every day  and see how Bishopton are doing.

Please remember that, at the end of the day, there will be lots of bikes and scooters moving in the playground.  Remember you have to push your bike or scooter and your teacher will make sure that classes take their time leaving and that everyone is safe.

I hope everyone enjoyed it.


Big Pedal 19 -30 April 2021

Sustrans Big Pedal -

This year, as always, the school will be taking part in the Big Pedal, the Sustrans national competition to get everyone moving – cycling, scooting and walking.

Below you will find a video and information sheet.

This year will be a little bit different as we are asking children to bring their bike or scooter on alternate days.  Please see the timetable below for your child’s days.

Date Classes
Mon 19th April P2,P5,P6,P7
Tues 20th April P1,P3 and P4
Wed 21st April P2,P5,P6,P7
Thurs 22nd April P1,P3 and P4
Fri 23rd April P2,P5,P6,P7
Mon 26th April P1,P3 and P4
Tues 27th April P2,P5,P6,P7
Wed 28th April P1,P3 and P4
Thur 29th April P2,P5,P6,P7
Fri 30th April P1,P3 and P4

There are only a few simple rules –

all children must wear a helmet on a bike

bikes and scooters should be wheeled through the playground on the way in and out of school and on the ashy path.

Parents and younger siblings are welcome to join in the challenge.

Each class will get a chance to cycle and scoot with their friends in the playground during the day.

We would ask that you check over bikes and scooters to make sure they are safe to use, especially if they haven’t been used for a while.

Please don’t worry if your child is unable to bring their bike or scooter on any of their days.  Walking counts too!

Big pedal parent info

We are all looking forward to this year’s Big Pedal. It should be lots of fun.


Uniform Consultation

At the most recent Parent Council meeting the issue of school uniform was raised and it was agreed that a consultation would be put to the Parent Forum (P1-6) to gather thoughts for moving forward.

The Parent Council put forward the following proposals:

  1. From August 2021 the option of a more casual uniform should remain.  Those who wish to wear the more formal uniform can continue to do so and formal uniform would still be worn for significant events and school photographs.
  2. In the formal uniform, the colour of the general items is standardised to one colour moving forward. Both colours (grey and navy)  would be acceptable in the short term but future purchases of new uniform should be in the standard colour.

This would make the uniform choices as follows

Casual Uniform

  • Red polo shirt
  • Navy sweatshirt
  • Navy bottoms (joggers, leggings, shorts- No logos)
  • Dark coloured trainers/ outdoor shoes

Formal Uniform

  • White shirt and school tie
  • Navy or Grey jumper or cardigan
  • Navy or grey trousers/skirt/pinafore/shorts etc.
  • Black school shoes

Gym Kit

  • Red polo shirt or T-shirt
  • Navy shorts, leggings or joggers
  • Indoor trainers or black gym shoes


  • Navy school blazer
  • Navy waterproof jacket

Also please note, uniform supplier have been in touch to say that parents are requesting badged items outwith our agreed uniform.  We kindly ask that you stay within the agreed items in order to keep the uniform to a standard set. We are mindful of the pressures put on parents by children to have the same as their classmates and we do not want parents to feel that they need to purchase any additional items of uniform.

Please complete the form below to confirm your choices. Form closes Sunday 18th April.


Big Pedal 2021

Sustrans Big Pedal -

This year, as always, the school will be taking part in the Big Pedal, the Sustrans national competition to get everyone moving – cycling, scooting and walking.

Below you will find a video and information sheet.

This year will be a little bit different as we are asking children to bring their bike or scooter on alternate days.  Please see the timetable below for your child’s days.

Date Classes
Mon 19th April P2,P5,P6,P7
Tues 20th April P1,P3 and P4
Wed 21st April P2,P5,P6,P7
Thurs 22nd April P1,P3 and P4
Fri 23rd April P2,P5,P6,P7
Mon 26th April P1,P3 and P4
Tues 27th April P2,P5,P6,P7
Wed 28th April P1,P3 and P4
Thur 29th April P2,P5,P6,P7
Fri 30th April P1,P3 and P4

There are only a few simple rules –

all children must wear a helmet on a bike

bikes and scooters should be wheeled through the playground on the way in and out of school and on the ashy path.

Parents and younger siblings are welcome to join in the challenge.

Each class will get a chance to cycle and scoot with their friends in the playground during the day.

We would ask that you check over bikes and scooters to make sure they are safe to use, especially if they haven’t been used for a while.

Please don’t worry if your child is unable to bring their bike or scooter on any of their days.  Walking counts too!

Big pedal parent info

We are all looking forward to this year’s Big Pedal. It should be lots of fun.


Relationships, Sexual and Parenthood Health Education

An important part of our Health Education and Personal and Social Development programmes is Sexual Health and Relationships Education.

National Guidelines on Sexual Health Education recommend that within the Primary sector, such lessons should be taught within a context, exploring physical, emotional and social themes.

Again this year, we plan to deliver lessons within this structure using a resource published by Positive Steps. This resource takes a holistic approach, with the lessons taking pupils through topics such as friendships and relationships, puberty and menstruation, decision making and self esteem and, for Primary 7 pupils, human reproduction.

An effective school and parent partnership will enhance and enrich any Sexual Health programme that is undertaken.  I would therefore like to invite you to an information evening to be held through Google Meet on Tuesday 23rd March, commencing at 6.30pm. You will receive a text with the meeting I.D. I will outline the programme and the activities which will be incorporated into the lessons. We hope to conclude the presentation by 7.30pm.  For parents of the P3-7 pupils this is a repeat of previous years’ input, which you may have already received.

Many thanks,

Mrs Davidson

Parent Information – Whole School Return

Dear Parent/Carer,

Return to School

We are all very excited to be able to welcome our P4-7 pupils back to school fulltime on Monday the 15th March. The upper floors of our building have been very quiet over the last few weeks and it will be a pleasure to have everyone back in one place.

We would like to thank all parents and carers for the support they have given to all of our pupils with home learning since January. You have all been marvellous, but I am sure you are breathing a sigh of relief that home learning is over for the time being.

As our P4-7 pupils start to return the COVID-19 mitigations that were in place before we broke up in December will continue.

Strict social distancing protocols for adults remain in place. We would request that only one adult per family accompanies pupils to and from school. Adults are still required to wear a face-covering when on the school premises, including the playground. Once you have dropped your child off, we ask that you leave the playground and do not stand and chat with other adults.

Pupils can arrive at school from 8.45 a.m. when the doors will be open. They should not arrive any earlier than this. Pupils should go straight to their classroom and wash their hands in preparation for a 9.00 a.m. start.

Class bubbles, increased hygiene measures and staggered breaks will remain in place. Lunch will be 12.00-12.45 or 12.45-1.30. Please inform the office if your child intends to go home for lunch.

There is no requirement for social distancing between Primary School pupils but pupils and adults will continue to stay 2m distance.

The school will continue to provide all resources needed by pupils therefore there is no need for pupils to bring anything from home. As increased ventilation is still in place, it is a good idea for pupils to wear layers as the temperature may fluctuate throughout the day. Learning outdoors will continue to feature so wet weather gear remains a requirement.

P1 pupils and any siblings will continue to leave from 3.00 p.m. This will be followed by bus pupils at 3.10 p.m. and the remainder of pupils at 3.15 p.m.

At the end of the day we would again ask that, if pick up is required, only one adult per family comes to collect. If there are older siblings in the family please ask them to collect their younger brothers and sisters and meet the appropriate adult outwith the playground. If it is necessary to enter the playground, please stand well back from the school building. Please do not stand within 2m of adults from another household. 

The outdoor play equipment is out of use as we have no control over who has used it out with school hours. Please do not let pupils or younger siblings use this before or after school for health and safety reasons.

As pupils do not need to distance from each other please let those who are making their own way home leave through the gates first. Family groups that include an adult should maintain a 2m distance from each other as they leave.

Parking and The Car Park

As the numbers increase again on Monday, we would ask that you consider active travel measures. If you do require to drive to school, please park in a considerate manner. Please do not park on the Zig Zags or over our neighbours drives and be vigilant for pedestrians.

As we have had fewer staff in school and the car park has been quieter, we have noticed an increase in cars entering the car park and pedestrians using it as a short cut. Please remember the car park is for school staff and disabled parking only. Parents, including dropping off, picking up for aftercare, should not use the staff car park. Please do not bring pupils through the car park at the start and end of the day. This is a safety issue and we wish to ensure everyone is as safe as possible.

COVID Symptoms

Please note that all COVID protocols remain in place. Please do not send your child to school if the have any of the 3 symptoms of COVID: high temperature, persistent cough or loss of taste or smell. If your child displays any of these symptoms in school, you will be asked to come and collect your child and have them tested. Your child can only return to school on receipt of a negative test result or after 10 days if you choose not to have them tested. We appreciate it can be difficult to differentiate between normal childhood illnesses and COVID but we do have to err on the side of caution especially in light of the new highly transmissible strains in circulation.

As always, our aim is to give our pupils the best experience in school as possible while keeping everyone in our Bishopton Community safe. This has been a difficult few months for us all. If you or your child is struggling with the return to school or any other aspect of dealing with the pandemic, please let us know. We are here to offer any advice or support or to put you in touch with agencies who can help.

Once again, thank you for your continued support as we all work together through this unprecedented situation.

P7 Leavers’ Hoodies

Good Morning,

The senior management team (SMT) have had further discussions about the wearing of the P7 leavers’ sweatshirts.  We do agree that this has been a difficult time for all and recognise that, yet again this year, our P7s have missed out on several opportunities due to the pandemic. We are hoping to try to make up for some of this in the last term, if restrictions allow, but have agreed as an SMT that for this session only we will allow the children to wear their hoodies to school after the Easter holidays.

Looking forward to seeing all back in school next week.

P7 Leavers’ Hoodies

Good Morning,

We would like to ask that Leavers’ Hoodies are only worn as outer wear.  They should not be worn in class. We are trying hard to keep the upper part of the school uniform as near to normal as possible, even with the relaxed uniform policy of the moment.

We know the children are very excited about their return to school and the transition to high school but would very much appreciate your support to keep as near to normal uniform as possible.

Looking forward to seeing everyone back in school next week.

Sumdog Contest – Final Results

Well done to everyone who took part in the Sumdog Contest.  We had 17 classes who qualified and 5 pupils in the Top 50. Playing maths games are fun but also build upon your existing maths skills. Keep playing maths games you enjoy!

27th P4B , Bishopton Primary School 365
36th P4H, Bishopton Primary School 298
44th P3W, Bishopton Primary School 268
49th P5C, Bishopton Primary School 251
66th P6M, Bishopton Primary School 215
76th P4M, Bishopton Primary School 191
78th P3C, Bishopton Primary School 183
79th P6A/G , Bishopton Primary School 183
85th P3M, Bishopton Primary School 171
90th P4J, Bishopton Primary School 156
93rd P7C , Bishopton Primary School 152
96th P7M, Bishopton Primary School 145
102nd P5M , Bishopton Primary School 136
110th P7H, Bishopton Primary School 123
114th P4F, Bishopton Primary School 114
131st P3A, Bishopton Primary School 83
133rd P5R, Bishopton Primary School 78

Top 50 Pupils

  • 14th Seth Y P3C
  • 25th Bella V P3W
  • 31st Jacob A P6M
  • 36th Jack S P3M
  • 47th Luke Y P5C

Sumdog Contest – Day 6 Results

Today is the last day of the Sumdog Contest and we now have 16 classes on the leader board. We also 3 pupils in the Top 50 Pupils! Let’s give it a huge last effort today to see where your class ends up on the leader board.

35th P4H, Bishopton Primary School 261
36th P3W, Bishopton Primary School 246
52nd P5C, Bishopton Primary School 206
65th P6A/G , Bishopton Primary School 186
67th P6M, Bishopton Primary School 183
68th P4M, Bishopton Primary School 182
77th P3C, Bishopton Primary School 172
84th P3M, Bishopton Primary School 149
85th P4J, Bishopton Primary School 149
86th P7M, Bishopton Primary School 144
100th P7C , Bishopton Primary School 120
101st P5M , Bishopton Primary School 119
112th P5R, Bishopton Primary School 96
113th P4F, Bishopton Primary School 96
126th P3A, Bishopton Primary School 79
128th P7H, Bishopton Primary School 73

Top 50 Pupils

  • 8th Seth Y P3C
  • 15th Bella V P3W
  • 19th Jacob A P6M

World Book Day 2021

Good Morning.  Tomorrow, 4 March, is World Book Day.  Classes across the school will be doing fun activities throughout the day to mark the event.

As always, the school have been issued with Book Vouchers for the pupils.  P1-3 and the Hub children will be given theirs in school. Any of these children who have siblings working at home will be given theirs too.  We would like to invite any P4-7 pupils who do not have siblings in school to collect their voucher from Mrs McKechnie in our Main Office.

Happy reading.

Sumdog Contest – Day 5 Results


Yesterday was day 5 of the Renfrewshire Sumdog Contest and we now have 13 classes who have qualified and 6 pupils in the Top 50 Pupils! Well done to everyone who has played the games. The contest closes at 8pm tomorrow so please getting playing to help your class and to build your maths skills! Sumdog

19th P3M, Bishopton Primary School 265
31st P3W, Bishopton Primary School 216
34th P4B , Bishopton Primary School 200
37th P4H, Bishopton Primary School 186
41st P6M, Bishopton Primary School 177
43rd P5C, Bishopton Primary School 177
46th P6A/G , Bishopton Primary School 174
48th P3C, Bishopton Primary School 170
70th P4J, Bishopton Primary School 133
73rd P4M, Bishopton Primary School 132
94th P3A, Bishopton Primary School 97
98th P4F, Bishopton Primary School 83
101st P5M , Bishopton Primary School 79
102nd P5R, Bishopton Primary School 78

Top 50 Pupils

  • 4th Seth Y P3C
  • 31st Cara C P3M
  • 33rd Callum Andrew H P7M
  • 39th Lewis M P6A/G
  • 43rd Bella V P3W
  • 45th Harvey B P4H

Sumdog Contest – Day 4 Results

We now have 13 classes in the contest and 6 pupils in the Top 50! Congratulations to everyone who has played games. Keep playing to help your class climb the leader board. Go for it!

15th P3M, Bishopton Primary School 206
17th P3W, Bishopton Primary School 201
23rd P3C, Bishopton Primary School 187
31st P4H, Bishopton Primary School 163
33rd P6A/G , Bishopton Primary School 152
37th P4B , Bishopton Primary School 143
38th P5C, Bishopton Primary School 142
59th P4M, Bishopton Primary School 108
60th P6M, Bishopton Primary School 108
78th P3A, Bishopton Primary School 80
83rd P4F, Bishopton Primary School 77
92nd P4J, Bishopton Primary School 62
98th P5M , Bishopton Primary School 58

Top 50 Pupils

  • 16th Callum Andrew H P7M
  • 19th Seth Y P3C
  • 22nd Harvey B P4H
  • 29th Cara C P3M
  • 32nd Lewis M P6A/G
  • 46th Jacob A P6M

Sumdog Contest – Day 3 Results

Well done to the pupils who have played games in the Sumdog Contest so far. We now have 8 classes who have qualified (at least 5 players per class need to play) and 5 pupils in the Top 50! What a superb effort from these individuals. Keep up the great effort. If you haven’t played yet, log on and get playing!

16th P3M, Bishopton Primary School 131
24th P4B , Bishopton Primary School 110
32nd P4H, Bishopton Primary School 95
36th P6A/G , Bishopton Primary School 91
47th P4F, Bishopton Primary School 65
49th P6M, Bishopton Primary School 64
57th P4J, Bishopton Primary School 45
63rd P5M , Bishopton Primary School 35

Top 50 Pupils:

12th Callum Andrew H P7M,
14th Seth Y P3C
27th Harvey B P4H
32nd Lewis M P6A/G
41st Amy W P4B

Sumdog Contest – Day 2

In Day 2 of the Renfrewshire Sumdog Contest, we have 8 classes who have qualified (at least 5 players per class need to play). Please play as many games as you can to help your class climb the leader board.

Sumdog Contest in numbers:

  • 236 classes entered
  • 62 classes qualified
  • 799 pupils played
  • 98,155 questions answered
  • 81,178 correct answers (83% accuracy)
26th P6A/G , Bishopton Primary School 96
33rd P4H, Bishopton Primary School 83
35th P4B , Bishopton Primary School 80
41st P4F, Bishopton Primary School 65
46th P6M, Bishopton Primary School 58
49th P3M, Bishopton Primary School 54
52nd P4J, Bishopton Primary School 45
56th P5M , Bishopton Primary School 37

We also have 4 pupils in the Top 50 Students! Well done to these dedicated pupils:

  • 11th Callum H P7M, Bishopton Primary School
  • 29th Lewis M P6A/G , Bishopton Primary School
  • 36th Harvey B P4H, Bishopton Primary School
  • 38th Seth Y P3C, Bishopton Primary School

Sumdog Contest – Day 1

Yesterday was Day 1 of the Renfrewshire Sumdog Contest and we have 6 classes who have qualified (at least 5 players per class need to play). Please play as many games as you can to help your class climb the leader board.

Sumdog Contest in numbers:

  • 236 classes entered
  • 59 classes qualified
  • 765 pupils played
  • 85,066 questions answered
  • 69,565 correct answers
20th P6A/G , Bishopton Primary School 96
39th P4B , Bishopton Primary School 66
40th P4H, Bishopton Primary School 66
41st P4F, Bishopton Primary School 65
50th P4J, Bishopton Primary School 45
52nd P6M, Bishopton Primary School 42

Parents Evening Calls 30th,31st March

Dear Parent/ Carer,

Unfortunately we are still not able to conduct in person parent appointments.  Therefore Parents Evening will take the same format as October 2020; a phone conversation with the class teacher.

These calls will take place on the 30th and 31st March from 3.30 – 6.00 p.m. Class teachers will use the information you provided in October to schedule the calls.

If any of your information has changed please get in touch and let us know.

Appointment information will be sent by the class teacher nearer the time.

In the meantime if there is anything we can do to support you please don’t hesitate to let us know.

First Day for P1-3 Pupils – Reminder of Arrangements

P1-3 pupils have settled well on their first day back in school. It has been lovely to have them back in the building and we look forward to welcoming everyone back as soon as we are allowed to do so.

We have received a number of call asking about the start and end of day arrangements therefore I have copied them below as a reminder.

Thank you once again for sticking to the protocols and keeping everyone in our community safe.

Return to School Information

Strict social distancing protocols for adults remain in place. We would request that only one adult per family accompanies our P1-3 pupils. Adults are still required to wear a face-covering when on the school premises, including the playground. Once you have dropped your child off we ask that you leave the playground and do not stand and chat with other adults.

Pupils can arrive at school from 8.45 a.m. when the doors will be open. Pupils should go straight to their classroom and wash their hands in preparation for a 9.00 a.m. start.

Class bubbles, increased hygiene measures and staggered breaks will remain in place. Lunch will be 12.00-12.45 or 12.45-1.30. Please inform the office if your child intends to go home for lunch.

There is no requirement for social distancing between Primary School pupils but pupils and adults will continue to stay 2m distance.

The school will continue to provide all resources needed by pupils therefore there is no need for pupils to bring anything from home. As increased ventilation is still in place, it is a good idea for pupils to wear layers as the temperature may fluctuate throughout the day. Learning outdoors will continue to feature so wet weather gear remains a requirement.

P1 pupils and any siblings will leave from 3.00 p.m. This will be followed by bus pupils at 3.10 p.m and the remainder of P2,3 and P4-7 hub pupils at 3.15 p.m.

At the end of the day we would again ask that, if pick up is required, only one adult per family comes to collect. If it is necessary to enter the playground, please stand well back from the school building. Please do not stand within 2m of adults from another household. 

The outdoor play equipment is out of use as we have no control over who has used it out with school hours. Please do not let pupils or younger siblings use this before or after school for health and safety reasons.

As pupils do not need to distance from each other please let those who are making their own way home leave through the gates first. Family groups that include an adult should maintain a 2m distance from each other as they leave.

Active Schools

We are encouraging all Bishopton Primary School families to follow Renfrewshire Leisure Sports Services social media platforms. Together we aim to support all of our young people and families to remain active during this challenging time. Sport Services will be posting resources, local campaigns, virtual sport/physical activity sessions and lots more on our social media channels below. Please like/follow the platforms to help us get Renfrewshire families, more active, more often.


Twitter: @RLSportServices


YouTube :