Category Archives: Whole School News

Sports Day 2021

This year, sports day will be a little bit different but with the same house pride as always. Due to current regulations, we can only race in our classes and this will be done in our PE slots. No spectators are allowed.

Our wonderful house captains will be recording our class races. We will then put it all together so we can watch the races unfold and find out who has won the coveted sports day trophy. This will be shared with parents and family.

Due to the unpredictable nature of the weather, we are asking pupils to bring their house colours to school (in your school bag) every possible race day next week (Tuesday-Friday). Please do not worry if you do not have house colours, you will still race for your team. We suggest you wear casual uniform to school on these days. This will allow us to rearrange any races if the weather takes a turn for the worse.

Below is a reminder of our house colours. There is absolutely no need to buy anything new.

Falcons – Blue
Ospreys – Red
Eagles – Yellow
Hawks – Green

Good luck to all of the houses!

Go Team Bishopton!

Active Schools Clubs

We are delighted to welcome back our Active Schools team for Primary 6 and 7. This will be in the form of two Multi sports clubs down on the school field.

3:15 pm – 4:15 pm
Bishopton Primary Multisport (P6 only) (0 mths – 0 mths)  Info & Booking
3:15 pm – 4:15 pm
Bishopton Primary Multisport (P7 only) (0 mths – 0 mths)  Info & Booking

Click on the link below to sign up:



Reminder- Staying Vigilant and Responding to COVID-19 Symptoms

Dear Parent/Carer,

As we move down the levels and gain more freedoms, it is vitally important that we continue to remain vigilant to the threat of COVID-19,  do all we can to prevent transmission and keep our whole community safe.

Please see below a reminder of the procedures that remain in place should anyone develop any one of the 3 most commons symptoms i.e. fever, new continuous cough, loss or change in taste or smell.

  • It is essential that people do not attend school if symptomatic. Everyone who develops symptoms of COVID-19 – a new, continuous cough; fever or loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste – should self- isolate straight away, stay at home and arrange a test via the appropriate method (see below).
  • People who live in the same household as a person with symptoms must also self-isolate straight away and stay at home. Other members of the household do not require a test, unless they are also symptomatic. If the test result for the symptomatic person is negative, and they are not already isolating as a ‘close contact’ of a confirmed case, they can end isolation and return to work or school when they are well enough and have not had a fever for 48 hours assuming also that they are not quarantining for foreign travel reasons. The rest of their household can end isolation straight away. Ideally, testing should be undertaken in the first 3 days of symptoms appearing, although testing is effective until day
  • If the test is positive, the symptomatic person must remain in isolation until 10 days from symptom onset, or longer if symptoms (e.g. fever or breathlessness) persist (with the exception of cough or loss of/change of sense of taste or smell, as these symptoms can persist for several weeks after the infectious period). They must otherwise be well and remain fever-free for 48 hours without medication. The rest of the household must remain in isolation for 10 days from symptom onset in the symptomatic person, even if they don’t have symptoms themselves, as they may be incubating the
  • Everyone who tests positive for COVID-19 will be put in touch with the local contact tracing team so that other close contacts can be identified. All close contacts who are in the same household as confirmed cases must self-isolate immediately. They will usually be contacted by Test and Protect to reinforce self-isolation for 10 days from symptom onset in the symptomatic person. Contacts from outside the household of the confirmed case will be asked to self-isolate at home for 10 days from the date of last exposure to the case. Sometimes this advice is given locally via the school on the advice of the Health Protection Team.
  • Everyone who needs to self-isolate as close contacts of confirmed cases must continue to do so for 10 days, even if they have a negative test
  • Unless otherwise advised by Test and Protect or local Incident Management Teams, where children, young people or staff do not have symptoms but are self-isolating as a close contact of person who is a confirmed case, other people in their household will not be asked to self-isolate along with them.
  • The Protect Scotland app from NHS Scotland’s Test and Protect is designed to help people and reduce the spread of coronavirus. The app will alert an individual if they have been in close contact with another app user who has tested positive for coronavirus and can help in determining contacts that may have otherwise been missed while keeping people’s information private and anonymous. Advice from Health Protection Teams may override advice from the app to self-isolate.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Mrs McNaught

PEF Proposals 2021-22

Dear Parent/Carer

Please see the attached form regarding the PEF allocation and proposals for session 2021/22. We welcome your thoughts and comments on this. These proposals are based on an analysis of our current data and what we consider to be best value for the funds available.

Should you wish to discuss this, please do not hesitate to give the school a call on 0300 300 0147.

The form will remain open until Friday the 4th June.  Thank you for taking the time to respond.

P7 Activity Day

Primary 7 took part in their Activity Day with the help of Active Schools. They took part in frisbee golf, archery and team building.

It was brilliant to see the pupils being able to work alongside one another, develop their communication skills and enjoy some new sports too!

Thank you to Active Schools for organising this day!

#ActivityDay #ActiveSchools

Video Recording Update

Dear parents/carers,

We are ordering specially designed t-shirts in House colours for the pupils to wear in their video recordings. They will arrive in approximately two weeks so could we please hold off recording your child performing until they receive their t-shirt. Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,

Karen McDowall

Principal Teacher

Video Recording

Dear Parent/Carer

Video Recording

As you will all be aware this is a big year for Bishopton Primary School.  After many years of growing, due to the expansion of Bishopton, a second school is due to open in the Village and a number of our pupils will be moving on after the summer break.  Once again, due to COVID restrictions, we will be unable to do any large-scale events at the end of session. Therefore, this year to mark the end of an era and to celebrate new beginnings, we have decided to produce a virtual End of Term Concert that you can watch from the comfort of your own home.

However, as pupils are not allowed to sing in school, we need your help to record the content.

Your child’s class teacher will have uploaded a backing track onto Teams and provided you with a copy of the words. The children will have listened to this many times in class and will have discussed ideas as to what the videos might look like. Now it’s over to you to record!

We require videos that only include your child singing with no audible backing track. The easiest way to do this is with the child singing along to the track whilst listening through headphones. Your child’s class teacher may not need your child to sing the whole song and they will let you know what is required.

As children under 12 are allowed to meet up outwith school, your child may feel more comfortable singing with a group of their friends and this is fine too. Once again your child’s class teacher will keep you informed of any specific requests for their song.

The most important point is that the videos are recorded with no audible backing track. This will allow us to combine all of the pupil voices into one track.

Please title your video file child’s name and class e.g.joebloggsP6H.mp4

Please email your video to by Friday 4 June 2021.

If your child is reluctant to do this at home, classes will also be recording some lip-synched content in school. This will ensure that everyone gets to appear in the concert.  We would however, like to have as much singing from the pupils as possible so your support in this is greatly appreciated.

If you have any further questions regarding this please get in touch with your child’s class teacher.

Yours faithfully

Wendy McNaught


Big Pedal – Big Success

That’s the Big Pedal over for another year.  Well done to everyone who took part and all the parents who made it possible.

This year we managed – 2794 journeys with 44.94% of the school taking part (remembering that only about half of the school were involved every day).

We hope you will keep being active – cycling, scooting and walking as much as you can as we all know how good it is for our physical and mental health.

Well done

Renfrewshire Virtual Cross Country

Bishopton Primary took part in the first ever virtual Cross-Country event. Everyone was able to take part under the following conditions:

P1 and 2 –  10 minutes of running.
P3,4 and 5 – 12 minutes of running.
P6 and 7 -15 minutes of running.

The pupils ran around the school pitch, which is 100m long, an unbelievable 12,449 times!!!

We feel this is some achievement and it was lovely to see everyone cheering each other on. A massive thank you to our P7’s who are the current Renfrewshire Road Race champions and recorded a message to inspire our pupils. I think it did the job!

Well done everyone!


Big Pedal week 1

Resources – Sustrans Big Pedal 2021Currently we are 376 in the league table for Big Pedal out of 514 schools in the UK. (37 out of 51 in Scotland).  Bear in mind, we are only doing about half of our school every day.  I think that is a brilliant result!

Total journeys so far – 1216

Total % of school roll taking part 42.12%.

(still a few figures to be added in for last week too).

As always, Bishopton rises to the challenge. Well done everyone.  Hope you’ve had fun taking part especially with the great weather.

One more week to go.  Keep up the good work!

                        A Walk a Day | Cartoon clip art, Friends clipart, Cartoon

The Big Pedal

Good Morning,

Can we just say how impressed we are with the number of scooters and bikes taking part in this year’s Big Pedal. The children are so enthusiastic and loving the experience.

We would also like to remind you that children should not come through the school car park at anytime. As you know we are ever expanding and our car park is always busy, not only with staff but with deliveries and maintenance vehicles.  We are very aware of safety and hope that you will support us in keeping all safe. During Big Pedal, entry to and exit from school will take a bit longer and we appreciate your patience.

Road Safety at this time is a big focus and the teachers are reinforcing this in class.  Please speak to your child and support us to keep your child safe.

Thank you once again for your continued support.