Category Archives: Uncategorized

P1F – Cutting Our Felt

This week, P1F used their paper template to help them cut out their felt. This was a very tricky task! They worked with a partner to help them hold down the template on the felt while they drew round it with chalk. Once the chalk outline was complete, they used scissors to carefully cut around the edge.

Well done to everyone for working so hard and taking their time to complete the task! In our next craft and design lessons, we will be decorating the bunting using various materials. I can’t wait to see how the bunting looks when it’s finished!

Here is the class hard at work!



P3/2 – Evaluating Existing Products

P3/2 are making great progress with their Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch project. In our next lesson, they will begin designing their replacement lunchboxes for Mr Grinling.

We discussed that before starting to design a new product, we should evaluate what has gone before. In groups, they sorted 9 different lunchboxes from best to worst by different criteria: strength, appearance, water-resistance and finally, as a lunchbox for Mrs Grinling to send to the lighthouse containing lunch.

Here are P3/2 sharing their ideas and evaluating the products.

P7 German Body Parts – Der Körper

This week in German we learned the vocabulary for body parts. We practised saying them, matched the German to English words and sung two songs. Please visit the links below to play some games to help you practise them at home.

German Parts of the Body (quite detailed)

P5 – Stirling Castle Trip

Image result for lion rampant flag

Today we had our trip to Stirling Castle. I was delighted to see so many of you were able to point out important landmarks from The Battle of Stirling Bridge. Well done!

We had a fun-filled day where we were able to investigate pretty much every area in, and outside, the castle. Exhibitions were visited, games were played, actors told us about different areas within the Great Hall and we even counted unicorns. What a busy day!

Please remember to tell someone at home all about our trip today. What new information did you learn?

A huge thank you to our parent helpers who came along today. It was greatly appreciated. Between us many, many photographs were taken. We got a little snap happy with the cameras as there were nearly 200 taken! Have a wee nosey!


P2/1 Technologies – Designing Our Bunting

P2/1 are making great progress with their bunting craft and design project. They started by creating some fantastic designs for their bunting.

The design criteria said that the designs should be; bright and colourful, have an easy to read number and, if possible, have drawings on it that match the number on the bunting.

It  was then time to give each other some feedback by using 2 stars and a wish. This is when they think about 2 things they like about the design and 1 thing they would like to improve.

Here are P2/1 hard at work!


P5H Book Detective Homework – due 5/10/16

Good evening everyone.

Please read on to find your Book Detective homework due on Wednesday 5th October.

Please read chapter 27. Your summariser for these chapters should include information from ALL of the chapters as this will show your understanding of what you have read.  An illustration, with a written explanation, should also be completed. Please choose your favourite part to read aloud to your group members in class and record the chapter, page number and number of the paragraph you have chosen in your Book Detective jotter along with a short explanation why you picked your chosen paragraph. There is no need for you to write out the paragraph you have chosen.

Please ensure you complete this task otherwise you will have no information to share with your group and will be unable to participate in our class lesson.

Due to our class trip tomorrow (Thursday) I will return your Book Detective jotters on Friday.

I hope you are looking forward to our trip as much as I am.

Mrs Hughes

Open afternoon

As we are nearing the end of the term, P3/2 would like to invite one parent /guardian in to see our work from term 1.  We have been working very hard on our Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch topic and are excited to share our learning.  Our open afternoon will be Friday 7th October.  It will start at 2pm and last until approximately 3pm.  The children will be performing 2 songs for you all and then you will get the opportunity to come in to class to see our work.  There will also be a small picnic prepared by the children and some dramas will be performed using our craft Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch model islands. The children will be creating special invites for you this Friday but a letter has also be sent home with the details.

We look forward to seeing you.

Mrs Fulton

Times Table Songs

Hi Primary 6!

I have found a great YouTube channel for learning times tables! It could help us with some of the tricker, higher ones!

The channel is called Mr DeMaio and he is a fellow teacher from America who has created songs to help us learn our times tables!

Check him out!

Miss Grant

Elmer Day – Friday 7th October

As we near the end of our Elmer topic, we will be having a celebration day with our buddies on Friday 7th October.

Like Elmer, we would like you to be as colourful as you can that day so it will be a non-uniform day.

In the morning we will be doing lots of Elmer activities and in the afternoon we will do something amazing with all your milk cartons and a little help from our buddies.

We are really looking forward to it.

P5S – The Battle of Bannockburn Presentations

Image result for lion rampant shield

Learning Outcome I can use my knowledge of a historical event in a creative way to clearly show my understanding of what happened.

Yesterday we learned all about the Battle of Bannockburn. Information for you to research was provided to give you an understanding of how the battle progressed and the important key figures involved.

To show your understanding you were asked to present the knowledge learned in a creative way of your choice. All clans decided to present in the form of a drama reenactment. Costumes and weapons were designed to create a more “authentic” version of the battle.

I have to say that the majority of the clans actually included a huge amount of accurate and relevant information within their drama presentation. Well done!

Primary 5 – Scottish Country Dancing

Image result for lion rampant shield

Our topic this week took us to the world of dance. The children were introduced to the wonders of the “Gay Gordons” dance. After their initial horror at having to dance with a boy or girl, everyone got right into the swing of things. We have some natural dancers within Primary 5.

We still have a few aspects of the dance to perfect, however both Mrs Hughes and I were very pleased at just how well everyone picked it up. Here’s hoping you all remember the steps for next week!

Here are a few action shots.

Hello everyone, hope you had a lovely long weekend. Here is your homework for this week.


Twirls – P1-10 for Thursday (Reading days will be on a Tuesday and Thursday and reading pages will be issued on a Monday)

Crunchies – P1-7 for Wednesday and P8-14 for Friday (Reading days will be on a Wednesday and Friday and reading pages will be issued on a Monday)

Buttons – P1-6 for Wednesday and P7-12 for Friday (Reading days will be on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday and reading pages will be issued on a Monday)

SpellingBlue group – ‘a-e’
hare, care, scare, share, square, nightmare, litre and millilitre.

Red group – ‘a-e’

hare, care, rare, fare, share, scare, litre and millilitre.

Green group – ‘ch’

such, coach, touch, chick, lunch, crunch, litre and millilitre.

Remember to rewrite the words using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check. Choose 3 words to write a sentence for. Try to include ambitious vocabulary and connectives in these. Then choose a Spell Well activity to help consolidate your words.

Maths – Primary 4 have been working on functions this week and have been using the function machine on the Topmarks website  to guess the rule (add or subtract).  I have included a game below which will help to reinforce this concept. Please also remember to continue to practice your times tables and number bonds! 🙂

P5S Kite Flying Fun!

P5S had a very successful kite-flying outing in the rain today. After making the kites out of paper, art straws, tape, string and ribbon, the class went out to test them. It was a little damp outside so the kites got a little wet! This meant they were heavier and harder to fly and there were also a few technical issues (things falling apart!).

Despite the problems caused by the weather, everyone managed to get their kite to fly! Well done everyone. Next week we will start to plan our final kite. Get thinking about the different materials and designs you may use.

As requested, here are the instructions to make the kite at home.

activity-sheet-making-a-delta-kite-copy-1 activity-sheet-making-a-delta-kite-copy-2