Category Archives: Uncategorized

P5-7 Origami Masterclass

This afternoon, we had our first origami masterclass. We discussed the origins of origami. The Japanese word “origami” itself is a compound of two smaller Japanese words: “ori” (root verb “oru”), meaning to fold, and “kami”, meaning paper.

You then had a choice of origami instructions to follow in order to make some paper creations! I was impressed with your co-operative skills when helping each other and sharing resources. I hope you show off your folding skills and works of art to someone at home. Visit the website below to find more instructions:


Making Toys

We have been enjoying our Toys topic. We have been learning about toys from the past and comparing them to toys from the present. Last week we started learning about how different toys move, and we designed our own toys in our topic groups. Yesterday we experimented with different toys and grouped them into ‘push’ and ‘pull’ toys. Then we made our own ‘push’ peg toys. Here are some pictures of us with our toys.






Stop Motion Animation Masterclass

Here are some photos of the P5-7 members of the stop motion animation masterclass. We learned how to use the iMotion app to take still photos and run them together to make a short animation.  We had to be very careful to move our “characters” a tiny amount each time, keep the iPad steady and try to not get our hands in the photo! Next week we will be editing the animations and adding sound effects.

I was very impressed with the hard work and creativity shown by this group. Well done to you all on listening to the instructions on how to make your animation and then working together really well. I can’t wait to see the finished movies next week.

Miss Burnett

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New Reading Books

Good Afternoon.

All children in P2H have been given a new reading book today. I was aware that many of the children had already completed their non-fiction books, as the books are a lot shorter than their fiction reading books. We have read the new reading book together today in class, and we will be reading more and answering questions on the texts on Friday.

Miss Hamilton.

P5S – Brazil – Beatriz Milhazes Artwork P5 Style

Image result for brazil flag

Most of our artwork inspired by Brazilian artist Beatriz Milhazes  @milhazesbeatrix is finally completed and on the wall! I have to say it was definitely worth the wait. They look fabulous!

Beatriz is an artist known for her colourful abstract paintings filled with many different shapes and swirling patterns: just like a kaleidoscope.

Everyone in class chose their favourite painting and created their own interpretation using paints or pencils. The final pieces are just wonderful. I am a very proud teacher.

Please show off your design to someone at home.




Show and Tell

Today was the Giraffe group show and tell. We have been practising our questioning skills during our show and tell time. The children enjoy sharing their news and toys with the class and it is giving them plenty of practice for their upcoming Toys topic talk. Here are a few pictures from today.

P7M – Food Inspired ICT Art

This afternoon we combined our Food topic with Art and ICT to produce masterpieces, inspired by Giuseppe  Arcimboldo (1527-1593).  He was an Italian painter best known for creating imaginative portrait heads made entirely of such objects as fruits, vegetables, flowers, fish, and books. We looked at a few of his paintings and discussed our opinions, what we thought we saw and if the title matched the  image.

We then used Pic Collage on the iPads to create our own collage using clipped fruit and vegetable images from the internet. We tried to add as much detail as possible, thinking carefully what fruit and vegetables best looked like facial features and body parts. What do you think?


P4a Homework 14.11.16

Hello everyone,  here is your homework for this week – please remember to keep practising your 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables so that you remember them.


Twirls – Will be issued to each group on Tuesday.

Crunchies – P13-19 for Wednesday and P20-end Friday. (Reading will be heard in class on these days)

Buttons – P16-21 Tuesday,  P21-26  for Wednesday and P26-end for Friday. (Reading will be heard in class on these days)


Blue group ‘o’

somebody, comforting, wonderful, brother, Monday, dozen, wanted and eat.

Red group ‘o’

gloves, son, front, monkey, woman, month, where and would.

Green group ‘ee’

tie, cries, pie, fried, spies, lie, from and children.

Remember to rewrite the words using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check. Choose 3 words to write a sentence for or challenge yourself and use the VCOP helper to write a short story, underlining or using a different colour for your spelling words. Try to include ambitious vocabulary and connectives in these. Then choose a Spell Well activity to help consolidate your words.

This week in maths we will be looking at rounding to the nearest 10 and 100 and revising our times tables. There is a link below to some rounding games to help and remember your maths homework should be handed in on Friday, please ask if you are unsure.


P5 – Brazil – Favelas – Another side to Brazil

Image result for brazil flag

Today we will be learning about favelas in Brazil. There are many favelas (shanty towns) in Brazil, housing millions of people. Our task today involves you researching different aspects of these areas.

Task:  Using the information provided (Powerpoint, blog links and videos), each group member should take as many notes as they can in the given time. Notes should then be shared within each group to ensure all group members have the same knowledge.

Your notes should be used to write a detailed script which will then be used to produce a news report on favelas in Brazil. All group members should be involved. You should include information on the following:

  • What is a favela?
  • Where can they be found?
  • Why are they there?
  • What are the conditions like?
  • Who lives in them?
  • Why do people choose to stay there?
  • Why are these areas still growing?
  • What could be done to help?

Please use only these links when researching today.

KidsSearch – Favelas

Rio’s Favelas

Favela Life: Rio’s city within a city

Favela Life: A Child’s View

Newsround: What is life like in a Brazilian favela?



P5S – Brazil – Scotland v Brazil

Image result for brazil flag

Our latest task for our Brazil topic had us comparing Scotland with Brazil. We even had to compare Bishopton with a village in Brazil: Trancoso. We looked at the houses, streets, shops, schools and even the beaches. Please tell someone at home something you learned about Brazil or Trancoso.

After looking at lots of information and photographs on both countries and villages, each group had to use their information to create a comparison poster. How you did so was entirely up you! You were asked to be creative. Did you succeed?

Have a look at the finished posters. Our Hot Raindrops group have not quite finished their poster so it will be added very soon.











Homework Week Beginning 14.11.16

Homework this week:

• Spelling sound of the week is ‘ff’.

• We are reading non-fiction books this week.

• New common word walls have been given out today to the majority of our reading groups. The remaining group will receive their word walls tomorrow. If you could go over a section of the words each night and give a tick to each one that your child recognises, and I will be going over these in class also.

• Maths homework will be given on Wednesday as usual and it will be on the months of the year.

Week beginning 14th November

Hi Everyone,

Homework this week : Maths activity (any night)

New sounds : u and l

2 Books : Please ensure books are back  in homework bags on the Tuesday evening, ready to swap over on the Wednesday. If your child forgets to put the book in, it means that another child will go without reading for a night as we don’t have extra copies to send home.

Keep the junk coming in!  We need it for building a chair for their teddies (an activity they will be doing with their buddies on Friday).

We will be visiting the library again this Friday, at 11.15am.  Please ensure that the book your child took out last week is back in school by then so we can return it.  Not everyone has chosen to take it home so it may be in their school tray, so don’t panic if you haven’t seen it.

Is it possible for 1 extra parent or gran/grandpa to be available at 11 o’clock to join us on our trip to the library? If so, put a wee note in the diary. We would be back by 12.15 at the very latest.

Look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday for parents’ appointments.

Miss Mackay

P5 – Multiplication Practice

Image result for numbers

In maths we have been practicing our multiplication skills. The times tables are used in many maths topics and it is very important that we learn them well. In class we looked at the multiplication trainer and saw how it can help you with the speed of your calculations.

If you have any spare time, or just want a little more practice, please access the link below.  Please remember to set realistic times and make sure you choose  a range of times tables – not just the easy ones! Challenge yourself with the tables you need to work on the most. This is not homework however practice does make perfect!

Maths: Multiplication Trainer



P4M w/b 14.11.16

Hi everyone, here is your homework for this week.

Reading  –

The Chocolate Factories – p16-32

The Mini Wonka Bars – p24-32

Fantastic Mr Fox – p2-13

Muggle Wump Monkeys – pages vary

Spelling –

red group – tion









Green Group – tion









Blue Group











Please complete the addition sheet provided.

Remember to ask if you are unsure.

Mrs McKay

P7S – Week beginning 14/11/16

Good Morning,

Here are your activities for the week ahead. If you have any problems, please let me know straight away.


  • Spelling – Complete Unit/List 5 in your Spelling Homework jotters for Friday 18th November.
  • Personal Reading Challenge – Throughout the year, please read extra texts on top of the class novels. Record what you have read and complete the tasks on the Personal Reading Challenge sheet.
  • Reading – All books should be complete for Friday 25/11/16.

Green group – Stormbreaker or The Hobbit.
Purple group – Thomohawk.
Blue group – Call 999
Orange group – The Hodgeheg or George’s Marvellous medicine. Yellow group –  Escape from Shangri-La or The Outlaw of Varjak Paw

Remember there is no book detective’s homework, all you need to do is read. Enjoy!


  • Solo talk Tuesday 22nd November – Prepare a solo talk which will last 2-3 minutes on a topic of your choice. See the blog for more tips.


P1H Homework w/b 14/11/16

New reading book – to be changed on Wednesday

Sounds – u, l

Wordwall – please go over all dotted words

Bring a bear on Friday for our Bookbug Day

Please bring bookbags every day and reading books as we need to swap on a Wednesday.  If your child does not return their book, there may not be one to give them home.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday at parents night.

Mrs Hunter

P2 Homework w/b 14.11.16

Hi P2

I hope you all had a fab weekend!

Thank you to everyone who took time to draw and/or write about your favourite toys.  If you have still not returned your sheet, please do by Tuesday at the latest as we are going to be sharing them with the class and putting them on display for all to see.

Here is your homework for this week:

Spelling – ff

Wordwall – Please continue to practise all dotted words every night if possible.

Reading – New books will be handed out on Tuesday.

Maths – Months of the Year worksheet

Here are some games that you may also wish to play related to Months of the Year:

Toys Talk – Please continue to prepare for your favourite toy personal talk which is due in a couple of weeks.

As always, any problems, please ask!

Miss Cruickshank

P1 Homework w/b 14.11.16

Hi everyone

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.

Here is your homework for this week:

New Sounds – u & l

We are learning our sounds really well! Please remember to also use the sound cards to make simple words for the children to read and ask them to identify sounds that they hear within words.

2 Books


Thank you to everyone who took time to draw and/or write about your favourite toys.  If you have still not returned your sheet, please do by Tuesday at the latest as we are going to be sharing them with the class and putting them on display for all to see.


P1 will be working with the rest of P1 all day on Friday 18th November to celebrate the children getting their free Bookbug bags. As part of this, all children will be visiting the with their P7 buddies at some point during the day. If you are free and willing to help during this visit, please put a note in your child’s diary.

Please also bring a favourite teddy to school on this day.

As always, if you have any questions, please ask!

Miss Cruickshank

P5S – Homework w/b 14.11.16

tango face smile big by warszawianka - Smiley icon from Tango Project: <br><br> Tango Project icons are Public Domain.

Good evening everyone! I hope you have had a great weekend. Here is your homework and reminders for this week. 

Spelling: Units 18 and 25 should be completed this week. As always, each word should be copied out 3 times and a creative spelling activity for ALL words should be completed in your spelling jotter.  Please complete a different activity from last week. This task should be returned to school by Friday.

Book Detectives: Your Book Detectives homework was issued last Thursday. Please click on the link below for the relevant information for your group. This homework is due for Thursday 17th November.

Book Detectives homework link

Personal Reading Challenge: This challenge is ongoing for the term. Please remember to record the books as you finish them in your reading passport which is kept in class.

Maths: Please click the link below for your maths homework. This task should be completed in your maths homework jotter. Please remember that although the link states this task should be completed by Thursday, you should return it to school by Friday. All jotters should now be covered. Paper can be supplied if needed.

The standard of work being completed has increased weekly. Keep this up P5S!

Group 1

Group 2

  1.  P.E. is on Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure you have a full change of kit for both these sessions: top, shorts and trainers. Girls, please ensure you have socks to wear if you are wearing tights. Once again, you should try to have a water bottle with you as the sessions will be rather energetic.
  2. If possible, please bring in a glass jar for an arts and craft activity we have planned for later this month. The jar should be cleaned out with the label removed. We do not need the lids.
  3. Our next visit to Bishopton library is on Tuesday 29th November. We will need one parent helper to come with us. Please ask at home to see if anyone is available to come with us. We will leave school at 10.00 am and be back in time for break at 11.00am.
  4. The Travel Champions poster competition closes on Wednesday.

Enjoy the remainder of the weekend. See you in the morning.

Mrs O’Neill

Week beg 14/11/16

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.  Homework and news for this week……

P2 Homework

Spelling sound this week is ff.

Reading books out on Monday will be fiction and back to non fiction next week.

Maths on Wednesday will be money related.

Wordwall practise

P3 Homework

Spelling sound this week is ur as in burglar, hamburger.

Reading book back to fiction this week with non fiction books back out next week.

Maths homework on Wednesday will be Money related.

Reading comprehension out on Tuesday for Friday hand in.

Wordwall practise


We had a great time at our Toys trip last week and enjoyed looking at the different toys, old and new.  This week we will be getting into out new cooperative learning groups and learning about old and new toys and how they operate.

Remember you have your toys talk in a couple of weeks time.  Keep practising.  You will be allocated a day to do your talk and this will be handed out very soon.  Remember if you have any worries about it please talk to me in class and we can sort these out.

We are also starting our Christmas nativity songs in class.  We will be doing our own poem and song before the nativity begins.  The poem parts will be handed out this week for Twas a night before Christmas.  Enjoy practising.


Have a great week,

Mrs Fulton

P5 group 2 Maths Homework – w/b 14.11.16

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Thursday.

Have a Go – Word Problems

  1. Mrs. Hughes started P5 with 99 pencils.  So far she has given out 17.  How many pencils does she have left?
  2. Adam has 278 Pokémon cards of which 80 are doublers. he gives these away to his friends.  How many Pokémon cards does he have now?
  3. Holly was watching a film on T.V. for 135 minutes.  The adverts lasted for 15 minutes, how long is the actual film?
  4.  Mrs. Fraser is putting up borders in both the P5 classes.  She has a roll of border 130m long.  She cuts off a 25m length, how much border is left in the roll?
  5. Bishopton Primary was raising money for charity.  Their target amount was £500.  They managed to raise £390, how short of their target were they?
  6. Emma brought 208 colouring pencils to school.  During the first term she lost 26.  How many pencils did she have for starting the second term?

Challenge Question: Eva buys a bracelet at £2.50 and a ring at £1.50.  How much change does she get from £10.00?

P5 group 1 Maths Homework w/b 14.11.16

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Thursday.

Have a Go – Word Problems

  1. Mrs. Hughes started P5 with 99 pencils.  So far she has given out 32.  How many pencils does she have left?
  2. Adam has 278 Pokémon cards of which 88 are doublers. he gives these away to his friends.  How many Pokémon cards does he have now?
  3. Holly was watching a film on T.V. for 137 minutes.  The adverts lasted for 19 minutes, how long is the actual film?
  4.  Mrs. Fraser is putting up borders in both the P5 classes.  She has a roll of border 103m long.  She cuts off a 25m length, how much border is left in the roll?
  5. Bishopton Primary was raising money for charity.  Their target amount was £500.  They managed to raise £385, how short of their target were they?
  6. Emma brought 200 colouring pencils to school.  During the first term she lost 28.  How many pencils did she have for starting the second term?

Challenge Question: Eva buys a bracelet at £2.65 and a ring at £1.48.  How much change does she get from £10.00?