Category Archives: Uncategorized

P2K Homework w.b. 27/08/18


From tomorrow each child will be given a new school reading book to read aloud and discuss this week. These will be collected in next Tuesday.

Word Walls have also been issued this week. Children will have this word wall until they are confident reading all of the words.


This week we are looking at 2D shape. The homework sheet is all based around 2D shapes. The sheet should be completed and handed back by Friday.


Our new spelling sound this week is ‘ch’.

Please remind children to hand in any letters they may have in the mornings along with their diary.

Literacy Cafe opening for Primary 1 & Primary 2

The Literacy/Reading Cafe will open  Monday 27th August from 5.15-6.30pm for our current Primary 1 and Primary 2 children.

At the café children and their parent/carer will learn how to read together, share our new skills in reading and have a snack provided by us.

If you would like to attend, please inform the school office or email the school at


for your name to be added to the attendance list and let us know of special dietary requirements?

Hope to see you there.

Mr Collins

Literacy Café returns for our P.1 & P.2 pupils

Welcome back everyone.

Our Monday Literacy Café will reopen  from 5.15 – 6.30pm for five sessions.

Literacy Cafe dates:

Monday 27th August

Monday 3rd September

Monday 10th September

Monday 17th September

Monday 1st October

At the café children and their parent/grandparent will learn ways to make reading together more fun, share a tasty snack provided by us and learn new skills in reading.

If you would like to attend, please could you phone the school office for your name to be added to the attendance list as numbers are limited.

Please let us know of any special dietary requirements your child may have.

Hope to see you there.

Mr Collins

The last LITERACY CAFE before the holidays

The Literacy/Reading Cafe will open this Monday the 18th June from 5.15-6.30pm for any of our current Primary 1 children and for some of our new entrants starting in August.

At the café children and their adult will learn ways to make reading together more fun, share a tasty snack provided by us and learn new skills in reading.

If you would like to attend, please could you phone the school office for your name to be added to the attendance list and let us know of any special dietary requirements.

Hope to see you for our last meet up before the holidays!

Mr Collins


Renfrewshire Council is looking for parents/carers to come to Bishopton Primary on Monday 11th June at 6.30pm to evaluate the schools’ successes as a Nurture Pathfinder School and suggest ways that parents would like to see it developed in the future.

If you can attend, please telephone the school office: 01505 862203

Many thanks

Mr Collins



The Literacy/Reading Cafe will reopen this Monday the 4th June from 5.15-6.30pm for our current Primary 1 children again.

At the café children and their adult will learn ways to make reading together more fun, share a tasty snack provided by us and learn new skills in reading.

If you would like to attend, please could you phone the school office for your name to be added to the attendance list and let us know of any special dietary requirements.

Hope to see you there.

Mr Collins

Come along to the Literacy Cafe; Week 2

The Literacy/Reading Cafe will open this Monday the 21st May from 5.15-6.30pm for our current Primary 1 children again.

At the café children and their adult will learn more ways to make reading together more fun, share a tasty snack provided by us and learn new skills in reading.

If you would like to attend, please could you phone the school office for your name to be added to the attendance list and let us know of any special dietary requirements.

Hope to see you there.

Mr Collins

Literacy Café – Week 1 roundup


Just to remind you that the Big Idea this week was using

Picture Clues to support your child reading.

We chatted about using the, ‘Three Sharings’.

I’ve also including a link to Read, Write Count, sharing a book  for extra ideas. 

Please remember to phone the school if you can make it next Monday or have any questions about supporting your childs reading journey.

Keep reading!

Mr Collins





Children in Need Thursday 16th November

Image result for Children in Need Pudsey

Good evening everyone!

Just a little reminder that this Thursday, Bishopton will be raising money for Children in Need. All children are invited to wear spotty clothing to school and take part in fundraising activities. If your child does not own spotty clothes they are welcome to wear something else! Throughout the day, the children will visit the gym hall for a spotty disco and will have the chance to purchase from the bake sale. The infant classes (P1-3) can take part in a ‘design an outfit for Pudsey’ and have the chance to win their own Pudsey bear!

Suggested donations for dressing up are £1 and 10p-20p for a cake from the bake sale. If any children from P4 to P7 are able to donate baked goods (without nuts please!) towards the bake sale that would be fantastic!

We are looking forward to raising money for such a great cause. Thank you in advance.

Miss Bachell, Miss Cuthill & Mr Donaldson

Stars of the Week

Well done to everyone!

<img src=”×300.jpg?X-Amz-Content-Sha256=UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD&X-Amz-Security-Token=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEGUaCWV1LXdlc3QtMSJGMEQCID%2FBzpWRs47Uw8Cvo62WOi6y80FnCnDT9PEgGuSvUoilAiAGvc5t9XfVC%2FA7ywDjAvOhRW6GlvLRvqUDiKaCiEnY%2FSq5BQg%2BEAUaDDI3MzU3MDE5NTQzMyIMUAVHQUgQF5yKpqmDKpYFCHPSEK2Bop2ib2buVHPFAq6pxVTyt4onWJoAB48Advk%2BuSeOxjB61OW%2FryjfCnq8paB1o2Hgk8dMq32uBjwevRo3yPd%2Bx%2Fklx6a81wPwwftrI3PCAhJ9t%2F551mIiTNGMTgd1pRdTKLHDxRbDKsGcyuU5w6uL1lga6IGQEFdqG21KcLhEqXyVnsebdxZoFMvnqz8oG8EIo8Z0mETB1q7Gc11mHPt0vF87MpvmoOzfZrrEM4u8cSo8bbu7dpM5Mh4Ls1mk0HbkAs6pMmHIfrpK81BOpzgI9I0lfNKvSRmVXKyocfk8jXtqIYi3%2BOsFY2AugSkZbVvVOpSvCwDfk2dUwBCIv2KTfRj7Xb1FaoWJBWV2ugEvElY8NW6fXJ4P3IaIQ16l26hFhqY2Iv7bl6j8s7S%2FwPJhZeFtdZDcHITtGPtSbHzHbKLEINwv%2BS8qX0Q8nPz908%2FBAe0SWMzMSCanimr9q3Hh38b8mPPdEn%2FEsoxkv4gzaLMVOUeruttb%2BR4z8sZvDIPTD7DynlscUXa67EhLk65c0XRgGoKG3sb%2F2fJGGwdDGM38iNMDnYpvadtu8SagcH3jiQLGb7PdEw2%2B%2BDmXnp8RQbdnbJb5PlWi185Epm8pnL4oS4etnRTWta%2FsChF9m1VkHeOhcX9fkRlgp3lhAxyrYxRiAQ5nu0ljkjFAuZ3DU5FxtBVRFU30BKvg29g7JL8a6t%2BQM2IY4%2FDJop7Gum1WgOboGoOvO3qpoMan%2FEiMirvt4DX3NArseIIk3XEuLUCBI6pBBgupf2XCVqfHzvQtb3hfoij27DDeqRnWxb9HTK2OJBDyRsZAxXFg9Rj48hxqbPp7QtV9BIaBxZo0EVkJl71ez9lw9%2Bzt1vIsBr0NbycwseO4uwY6sgGiv%2BPDXMUP226kwAGI5bJuLfq2YZTER3PRdiYPdQwIfWcCFgn598jr3V8M4CP7MFvAEtjVLzgHQlkVuUM9a34nZQ8PqeO03u1K%2FuHa6GxspB29mhqC1TniUw0pyZZ5xgXjVU56sW8mo1UmU0685alCjJPHq%2FUAoxoCgdWAcbE98PlTXTIiVtYNepcbqF5gULPZyGxYSHPLNA%2F7zG5ZVeVDupU2jth6UbQLYyHuPl70E%2BqN&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAT7MQN47U6WICF5XP%2F20241227%2Feu-west-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20241227T050835Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=900&X-Amz-Signature=e023d08c14a25376e5f67fcc1c1e72953fad511e5474cf9b1a78d331e7aeb559″ alt=”” width=”300″ height=”300″ class=”alignnone size-medium wp-image-22010″ />

Week beginning 28/08/17

I hope you all had a lovely weekend!

Homework was handed out in book bags yesterday. Our sound this week is ‘ch’ and spelling homework/instructions have been stuck into homework jotters. Please remind your child to bring their book bags into school everyday. If any letters are handed out I will ask the children to put it in their book bags. If you have any notes for myself or the school they are best put into book bags too. Thanks!

I am in the process of completing reading records for each child in the class, to ensure they are starting their reading at the correct level. In the meantime, this week I will also allow the children to take a book home to read for pleasure. If you can, please read a little with your child each night. I am also creating word walls for each child, so that they have specific words to focus on in school and at home. Each wall will be tailored to each child.

Last week we started our rainforest topic.  We got into our topic groups and created a poster and a team name.  It was great fun.  The children will be making rainshakers in one of the lessons. P2B will have their lesson this Friday.  If possible we would like the children to bring in an empty, clean plastic bottle for this lesson.  Any size is fine.   Thank you in advance.

Have a pleasant week.

Miss Bachell/Mr Collins

w/b 28.8.17 P4M

Hi everyone, here is your homework for the week.

Reading – Big Cat books were issued today in class. Please read and discss these at home for next Monday.


red – oi/oy











green – oi/oy











blue – oi/oy







Maths – No homework has been issued this week although please use this time to revise number bonds and the times tables you have learned so far.

Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions.

Mrs McKay


Last day in P2H

Good afternoon,

Well what a great last day we had in P2H! We have had a wonderful year and I am very grateful for all of the support which you all have given over the school year. This support has been evident in each and every great achievement your child has made in Primary 2. Thank you very much for all of your cards filled with lovely words and the generous gifts which I have received. I will cherish my time in Primary 2H this year, and I look forward to seeing all of the children continuing to learn and grow as they progress into Primary 3.

Have a fantastic summer!

Thanks again,
Miss Hamilton

Happy Holidays

Holidays are here at last.  Thank you so much for all the lovely gifts and kind words.  They are very much appreciated.  We have had a lovely year and your children have been a delight to teach.

Have a great holiday.  Kids – don’t forget to pop in and see Harry Hedgehog next year.

End of the Year

I cannot believe we are at the end of the year already. Please remember to bring in a plastic bag for work if you did not today. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents that have helped with trips etc over this session. Remember school finishes at 1pm tomorrow. You may bring in a game or a toy as long as it is not sentimental or expensive. I wish you good luck in Primary 7 P6 and it has been a pleasure to teach you this year! Enjoy your summer holidays!

Miss Grant

Design Competition – BAE Systems

BAE Systems are running an exciting design competition open to everyone at Bishopton Primary School to create a sign around the theme of safe driving and sticking to the speed limit when driving through the village.

The winning designs will be chosen by a panel of judges and turned into road signs that will displayed around Dargavel Village. The pupils who created the winning designs will also get a small prize and a framed version of their design.

With the summer holidays about to start, this gives you lots of time to get your arty thinking caps on! All entries must be handed in by Friday 25th August (please ensure child’s full name and class for the 2017/2018 school year is written on the back). The winning designs will be announced at the start of September.

We are sure you will have lots of excellent ideas and can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Library Books

Image result for cartoon books

A number of classes have been visiting Bishopton library this term to encourage the children to increase the amount they are reading. The majority of the books have now been returned to the library however there are still a number which are now overdue. It would be appreciated if you could have a look at home for any books that may have been taken out on the school card and return them to school by Wednesday. Please note you may also return them directly to the library if this easier.

Thanking you.

P3/2 wk beg 26/06/17

I hope you all had a great weekend.  This week is our last week.  School closes for summer on Wednesday at 1pm.  On Monday we will be bringing home our school work and gym bags.  Could each child please bring in a plastic bag for their school work.  They will also bring home their book bags.

Tuesday will be my last day with the class and I would like to take this opportunity to say what a joy they have been to work with this year.  Thank you for all of your support throughout the year.  Have a great summer.

Mrs Fulton

P5H – The Final Countdown

Good afternoon everyone.  We have now reached our final week together as P5H. I can not believe how quickly this year has gone by!  It feels strange that this is my final homework/reminder post to you. Please continue reading to see what’s happening this week.

Personal Reading Challenge: Your Personal Reading Challenge finishes on Wednesday. A huge congratulations to all of you who have made a fantastic effort to increase your reading this term. I have been very impressed by your commitment.  Please remember to bring your book to school as this will allow you to read it during ERIC time. Remember to record the books you have completed this term in your Reading Passport.

We will still be having ERIC time in class so please  remember to bring you books into school.

Here are your reminders for this week:

  1. Our last P.E. slot of this session will be on Tuesday. Due to the P7’s Leaving Assembly the hall will be out of use. Hopefully we will be pairing up with P5S and, as long as the weather allows, we will have P.E. outside.  Please remember to have suitable clothing and a full water bottle with you.
  2. The Summer Reading Challenge has now started. If you would like to take part, please click here to see all the details.
  3. Please remember to bring in a suitable bag to take your work from this term home.
  4. Miss McDowall has put a post on our blog about school books and resources. Please click here for full details.
  5. School closes for our summer holidays on Wednesday at 1pm.  

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of your parents who have supported us this session, especially out parent helpers who have came on our school trips and visits to the library. Without you these would not have been possible.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

See you all tomorrow.

Mrs. Hughes