Complete each task to the best of your ability. Please let me know if you are struggling with any task or need advice, as soon as possible. Ask your parent/carer to write a note if you are unable to attempt any task. As always, if you require a paper copy of any of the homework tasks, just ask. Thank you, Miss McDowall.
- Reading – please read and finish your new book for:
- Red, Orange, Yellow, Green and Blue groups – Monday 19th June
- Purple – Monday 19th June
- Maths Revision – Complete the task in your Maths Homework jotter for Monday 19th June. Click here to access the task. Remember to write the date, an appropriate title and show all your working. Use the Mental Maths link and Maths Revision link to help you.
- Feel free to practise your 72 Learn Its using the links below:
- P.E. – Thursday (cricket) and Friday (cricket)
- Practise the songs for the Leavers’ Assembly on MonTuesday 27th June, 1.45pm. Click here to access the songs and lyrics.