P5H Homework and Reminders – w/b 20.3.17

Good afternoon everyone, I hope you are having a lovely weekend even though the weather is not the best. Please continue reading for your homework and reminders.

Spelling: This is your final spelling homework of the term. Please complete lists ure or ing  in your spelling homework jotter for Thursday. Please continue to write out your spelling words 3 times using SaCaWaC in the same way as we do in class. You should then write a sentence for each of your first 6 spelling words. This week we are again focusing on using ambitious connectives in each sentence. Here are some examples: however, instead of, also, after, meanwhile, unless and as well as. Try to include one in each of your sentences. Remember this does not mean you forget about using ambitious vocabulary too. We are trying to use both of these to make your sentences the best they can be.

Reading: We are now at our last two chapters of Danny the Champion of the World. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have. Please remember your homework was to read chapters 21 and 22 for Tuesday 21st March.  If you do not complete the reading you will be unable to take part in the class lesson.

As always if there are any words that you are unsure of please take a note of them in your Book Detectives jotter (remembering the page number) and, if possible, use a dictionary to find out their meaning . We will start our lesson by discussing these in class.

Personal Reading Challenge: You now only have 2 weeks to go with your personal reading challenge. You have all set yourself a target which you are aiming to reach (or beat!) by the end of the challenge. Please remember to record the books you have read in your Reading Passports which are kept in class. Remember to choose your books carefully to ensure they are at the correct level for you.  You can also bring a book from home into school as this will allow you to read it during our ERIC time and will count as part of your reading challenge.

Maths:  There is no maths homework this week due to Eco Week, however you can still practise your tables by accessing the links below.  Remember we will be continuing our Table Challenge in class this week.

Multiplication Trainer        Division Trainer

Eco Week: This week I would like you to chose an activity to complete by Thursday. A link for the activities will be posted on Monday. On Thursday you will be asked to present your Eco Week homework to the class and explain why you chose it.

Here are your reminders for this week:

  1. On Monday we are having a “No Paper Day”. This includes the use of paper towels. There are hand dryers which can be used however if you prefer you may bring in a small hand towel to use instead.
  2. P.E. will be on Monday and Thursday this week. Please ensure you have a P.E. kit in school. Please also remember to  have a bottle of water with you as you will be working hard.
  3. All Pupil/Parent Response sheets should be returned to school by Thursday. This will allow me to prepare for any areas your parents may wish to discuss at their appointment.
  4. Parents’ Night appointment times were issued last Tuesday. Please ensure the confirmation slip is returned as soon as possible so that I know who will be attending parent’s night.
  5. This week is our first Big Pedal week. You may bring your bike or scooter to school. Please remember a helmet must be worn during our daily sessions in the playground. A plastic bag should be brought to protect your bike seat from the rain.
  6. On Thursday Primary 5 will be taking part in a danceathon in aid of Red Nose Day. A donation of 50p is required to participate.
  7. Friday is Red Nose Day. This will be a non-uniform day where you should wear something red to school. A donation of £1.00 has been suggested for doing so.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

See you tomorrow.

Mrs. Hughes

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