Eco Week 2017


This week, Bishopton Primary is holding an Eco Week to encourage whole school community action on Learning for Sustainability. The Eco Committee have been working hard preparing the structure and activities for the week which will run from Monday 20th March until Thursday 23rd March 2017.

This week is part of our continued journey towards achieving a Green Flag as part of the Eco Schools Programme. More information for this can be found on the Keep Scotland Beautiful website.

The week begins with a No Paper Day on Monday to help us all understand how much we rely on paper daily. All classes will be challenged with completing their lessons without the use of books, jotters, worksheets or textbooks. The photocopier will be out of use! Everyone will be encouraged to use hand driers instead of paper towels to dry hands. Paper towels will only be used in emergencies in the classroom.

Throughout the rest of the week, pupils will be participating in a variety of eco related activities including indoor planting, learning about the importance of recycling, and taking part in the Big Pedal. All classes will also welcome external visitors who will be teaching us all about a variety of eco related topics. There will also be the opportunity for pupils to earn eco points for their class for a variety of different eco related things including turning lights off in class, recycling correctly and having a healthy snack for break and lunch. Winners will be announced at the Eco Assembly on Monday 27th March.

Please keep an eye on the blog for updates on how we get on throughout the week.

This week is all about getting our pupils excited and more knowledgeable about what being an Eco School means. It’s about educating our pupils about the importance of working towards a green flag and what it represents. This week is about being part of ‘keeping Scotland clean and green, today and tomorrow!’


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