
P3 Trip to the Museum

We thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Kelvingrove last week.

We dressed up, handled Ancient Egyptian artefacts, learned more about mummification and were given time to explore lots of fascinating things in the Ancient Egypt room.

The trip was a lovely end to our Ancient Egyptian topic and really brought the learning to life for the children.

A huge thank you to the parent helpers who accompanied us.

P3 Baking 🍫🍰

P3 had an amazing afternoon using all our new kitchen and cooking equipment.  We baked lots of yummy cakes for our Christmas Fayre, you are in for a treat 😀

Some quotes from the children:

This is my new favourite thing to do at school!

This was the best afternoon ever!

When can we do it again?

Can I lick the bowl?!


P3 Book Week Scotland

The children in P3 thoroughly enjoyed reading one of the books from their book bag – Bear Spotting.  Here are pictures of the children using the story dice from their bags to write a story about their own bears!







P3 How to Make a Mummy

Today we made a mummy!

The children in P3 have been thoroughly enjoying our Ancient Egyptician topic, especially this week when we have been learning all about mummification. On Tuesday we learned the steps involved and today we put our new knowledge into practice!

Have a look at our pictures to see the children carrying out all the steps which vary from putting all the internal organs in canopic jars to applying make up and hair!

P3 Modern Languages

We had a great time celebrating Modern Languages in school today.  The P3 children looked fab in their French colours and those who were presenting at assembly did a fabulous job.  The best bit was definitely eating our French Chocolate Crepes in the afternoon 😀

P1a & P1b Farmyard Fun!!

Both Primary 1 classes are currently learning about the Farm. They have been doing exciting farm activities to help consolidate their knowledge. P1 have been enjoying farm bingo, doing research with colourful pens, farm drawing and… a sneak preview of our Reading Garden! Keep up the fabulous work! 🙂

Both Pri

P1 Magic Money

Primary 1 have been focusing on money this term. They are learning to recognise and identify 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p and even 50p coins! Primary 1 have had so much fun in our money shop, coin rubbing, playing interactive games on the computer and adding coins to make the correct amount. They have worked so hard and will continue to learn about money. Keep up the hard work Primary 1 ☺️


P1b maths fun :)


Primary 1 have been having some fun in maths! We have been learning about numbers 1-10 and how to form them properly and Miss Byrne is letting us try out all the fun maths games! From teddy bear pattern cards to hook-a-duck…we love it. Over and out from P1b 🙂

P4 egg update

image image image image image imageOur chicks are about 10 hours old and are drying out in the incubator.  They are starting to look more fluffy and cute.  Perhaps more might hatch tonight.  Here are the chicks just before Mrs Cassells went home from school.

Friday Fun!!

Sometimes Primary 1 need a little time to chill and explore different fun activities so, every Friday we have a special treat called “Friday Fun”. This means we can choose lots of things to do ! Here we are having great fun with these activities. Some of us are drawing, reading, building construction and a tower and more!


Primary 1 🙂