Circle of Success

Circle of Success

“If I try my best, I can reach the Circle of Success”

As a School, we have updated the way we approach Behaviour Management. Both Pupils and Staff agreed that we needed a new approach which better reflects our whole School ethos.

We felt that a change which focused on developing our ‘Relationships’ in School would be the best way forward.

Our pupils worked with Staff to create the idea of the ‘Circle of Success’. This is the standard of behaviour which all within our School Community aspire to.

Our pupils came up with a list of criteria which if met, means the highest standard of behaviour has been achieved. Please see below.


To Achieve the Circle of Success we

  • Make good decisions or ask for guidance in making good decisions.
  • Be safe and keep others safe.
  • Respect others and take part in quality communication.
  • Respect all others and use outstanding manners.
  • Do our best in all we do and have courage to try new things.
  • Model good choices.


Those who have stood out as having tried their very best to meet the criteria of the ‘Circle of Success’ are made our School VIPs for the day on a Friday and receive recognition for their effort through lots of extra special treats throughout the day, including a special 30 minute activity on a Friday afternoon.

Respect and opportunities for all

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