Day: September 15, 2015


Sumdog is a big favourite here at Grandtully, great for getting our pupils thinking about their mental maths. Each pupil has a log in and can log in from school or home. Look out for Mrs Gibson’s challenges!

Favourite website

My favourite website is sumdog because it is so fun and it can teach you  so much and you can have different topics and you can get pets and challenges to complete and you  get to change your outfit and your hair and some times they want to see what level you are in your learning. My favourite topic is maths because it is the most fun and some times you get easy ones and some times you get hard ones.

Please leave a comment and tell us what your favourite website is, we would love to know.


Active, Achieving, Determined, Creative
A wee school with BIG ideas
Loves learning and making
Always happy, enthusiastic and relaxed
Not afraid to face our fears
We have made many films, stories and hatched 14 chicks
Always looking for the next idea
Grandtully, a wee school in Highland Perthshire.