Category Archives: Sport

Sport’s Day

We had a fantastic day for our Sport’s Day with the sun shining all morning!

All the children were first of all in house teams and went around different stations to earn points for their house.

After this the children participated in different races including running, the sack race and the potato and spoon race.

The final race was a House Relay race.

At the end the Sport’s Cup was won by Orchil!!

Thank you to everyone who came along and supported this event.


SDC11643 SDC11645 SDC11646 SDC11648 SDC11651 SDC11655 SDC11656 SDC11659 SDC11661 SDC11662 SDC11664 SDC11665 SDC11666 SDC11668 SDC11670 SDC11672 SDC11673 SDC11674 SDC11675 SDC11677 SDC11678 SDC11679 SDC11680 SDC11681 SDC11682 SDC11683 SDC11685 SDC11692 SDC11693 SDC11694 SDC11695 SDC11696 SDC11697 SDC11698 SDC11699 SDC11700 SDC11701 SDC11702 SDC11704 SDC11705 SDC11707 SDC11708 SDC11709 SDC11710 SDC11713

Scottish Day

On Tuesday 17th November, the whole school enjoyed a Scottish day. Greenloaning Primary joined us too.

The children were split into groups and rotated around different activities in the school with a Scottish theme.  This included Crazy Golf with our PE specialists, Scottish story telling, playing Scottish songs on the ukele, Art and baking.

A big thank you to Mrs Paget and Mrs MacGregor who came along and helped to plan this day.

SDC10432 SDC10433 SDC10438 SDC10442 SDC10450 SDC10451 SDC10452 SDC10454 SDC10456 SDC10458 SDC10459 SDC10460 SDC10462 SDC10463 SDC10464 SDC10465 SDC10467

Emily Greaves and Celtman

Emily Greaves (The Schools’ Sports Co-ordinator) came and gave us a brilliant talk about her achievement of completing the Celtman.

This is an extreme Triathlon. Emily came 25th in a field of 157 competitors!

She told us about her training plan, the event and what it takes to complete an event like this.

She was a great inspiration to the children and staff.

Emily also raised funds of over £2000 for schools that she works for.

Thank you Emily for visiting us and telling us about your amazing  feat!

SDC10244 SDC10245

Sport’s Day

The weather held out and we had a great Sport’s Day!

Nursery joined the school and took part in the  potted sports first of all.

This was then followed by the different races, which included the Sack Race, the Tattie and Spoon Race and then the running races.

A Big Thank You to Mrs Dawson who organised this and all the staff who helped on the day. Thank you to all the parents who came along to help support this day.


SDC13496 SDC13495 SDC13489

SDC13494 SDC13491 SDC13488 SDC13486 SDC13484 SDC13482 SDC13481

SDC13497 SDC13499 SDC13501 SDC13502 SDC13506 SDC13507

Commonwealth Day

P1-7 went to the Commonwealth Day held at Crieff High School at the Strathearn Campus on Wednesday 25th June, 2014.

We joined the other schools in the Crieff cluster including the High School.

First of all we marched behind the Crieff High School Pipe band with our Malawi flag.

Then we were treated to the opening dance, in which some of our older girls were in.

One of our pupils in P7 was also presented with an award for designing the logo for the day.

Well done BM!

We then split up into classes and did different activities such as rugby, potted sports, music etc…

A big thank you to Emily Greaves and her team from Crieff High School for organising this event!

Sports Day

Well…..the rain held off and we had a great Sports Day!
All the children from Nursery right up to P7 took part. First of all they took part in potted sports in their house teams.
After a short break they competed in the Tattie and Spoon Race, the Sack Race, the Running Race and then the Relay Race.
The house team which won this year was Orchil!
Thank you very much to all our volunteers, who helped to run this. Also thank you to Mrs Dawson and Mr Irvine who organised it all.

The Big Pedal

The whole school took part in the Big Pedal which Mrs Glendinning arranged.

We tried to get as many children to come to school on their scooters or bicycles and staff and parents were encouraged to do so too.

Each day  a bike had a blue horn placed on it and whoever’s bike it was, won some goodies.

Our numbers significantly increased doing this by the last day.

Also on the last day we had great fun dressing up as superheroes.

Thank you to Mrs Glendinning for arranging this for us.