Category Archives: Citizenship
Harvest Service and the Macmillan Coffee Morning.
On the last day of term, all the children in the school performed a song, a poem or a talk about Harvest time.
Parents came along and thoroughly enjoyed this.
After the service we had our Macmillan Coffee Morning, where older children helped to serve delicious home baking contributed by pupils and parents.
Thank you very much to everyone who came along and to those who contributed home baking.
£279 was raised for such a worthwhile and important charity. Well done everyone!
Bike Week
Christmas Events
Once again we had a number of events for everyone to enjoy.
These included the Christmas dinner, the trip to the Pantomime, The Nativity, The Christmas Quiz, The Christmas Party and finally the Christmas Service.
Thank you to everyone who helped out, contributed and came along to the different events!
Armistice Centenary
The children made wonderful artwork to help decorate the Hall for the 100th Anniversary of the ending of the First World War.
Throughout the weekend the artwork was praised and commented on by a number of people in the community.
On Sunday at the War Memorial, one of our pupils read out a poem, which he had written, in front of the large crowd, who had gathered to remember the fallen.
Later on in the afternoon, children were invited to come along and play games to celebrate the ending of the War. A BIG THANK YOU to Mr Adrian Davidson who organised and ran these games. Winners received special memorial coins marking the Centenary.
Following on from this, the children took part in a candle lit parade to the Memorial and helped to remember each person, who died in the First World War , with a sparkler.
A BIG thank you to Walter Hanlon, who encouraged the children’s involvement in this special occasion.
Our Harvest Service
We held our end of term service in the Village Hall yesterday and this was followed by The Macmillan Coffee Morning.
Parents and Grandparents were entertained as each class from Nursery to P7, sang songs with a Harvest/Autumn theme. P7 did readings and Rev Perkins joined us as well to talk about this special time of the year.
Thank you to everyone who joined us and contributed baking. Thank you to all parents as well who contributed money for their children to have cake and juice.
Our House Dance Off!
Today all the children were put into their houses.
After we had done this, there was a whole school Dance Off, where the children won points from the teachers, for their houses, by dancing with super moves!
All houses earned a lot of points, but the winners were Allandale.
Congratulations to all children who earned points for their Houses and especially to those children, who danced even though it is not their favourite thing to do!
I Bike Breakfast
On Friday, 3rd. November, Robyn Warburton and Dr Bike from Comrie Croft came to Braco Primary to promote cycling to school.
Everyone was invited to come along, if they wished, to a Breakfast run by Sustrans. Children were also offered the chance to have their bike checked over by Dr Bike.
In class Robyn held a short Get Together about her work and how she wants the children to be more interested in promoting cycling, walking even riding scooters to school. She will be returning again to help run another event.
Thanks to Robyn and the Comrie Crew for arranging this for the school.
Braco Children Help Our Village to be Clean!
Harvest Service
On our final day of this term, the whole school attended a service in the church to celebrate Harvest.
Reverend Perkins led the service and she was joined by all the classes singing songs, doing readings and poems.
Mrs Dawson thanked everyone for coming and for donating food to the Food Bank in Stirling (Start Up Stirling).
Mrs Rogers was also presented with flowers before leaving us to go on Maternity Leave. .