Miss Yule is involved in ‘Fowl Play’ @ Edinburgh college of Art

Last Friday I attended an Art training event titled ‘Fowl Play’ at Edinburgh College of Art where we were introduced to a variety of chickens (of every shape and size) who acted as models…well loud and lively ones!

It was a fun and informative workshop where we got to practice drawing and painting techniques that can be applied to classroom based projects.  It was a totally different experience where we observed colours and patterns and had fun trying out various forms of mark making learning new techniques to develop classroom Learning and Teaching strategies. Some of these included collage, painting without the aid of a paintbrush and no drawing techniques. It was a fun and feather-filled afternoon and a very memorable event.

We will be trying out some of these techniques in the department by drawing from live subjects and also forming links with other departments to think about new themes that we could apply these skills to.

Following in Edinburgh College of Art’s footsteps, Perth Museum and Art Gallery are hosting a drawing event on Sat the 1st of November that involves drawing live newts and toads! The event is to help celebrate ‘The Big Draw 2014’ and this year the theme is about exploring the environment. There will be lots of fun activities and exhibitions, so if you are interested in art, helping the environment or even to see the newts then get yourself along!

Miss Yule

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