Business Studies mural

A huge thank you goes to Advanced Higher Art & Design pupil Heather Stewart (S6) for her design and contribution to the developing Business mural on the stairwell at BHS. There have been many positive comments from both staff and pupils as the design has developed and it plans to keep on going!

The mural was inspired by last year’s IDL project between Art, HE, Business and Science where S1 pupils took inspiration from British illustrator Jon Burgerman.  A team of eager S2 pupils have been busy adding to the mural during junior Art club sessions on Thursday lunchtimes and we are looking for more input. The hope is that it will grow and grow as more pupils become involved. If you’re interested, ask your Art teacher.

Mr O’Hara PT of Business is delighted commenting ..“As a department, we are working very hard to re-energise and modernise Business and IT: the mural really symbolises this. We are very grateful to Heather Stewart and the S2 girls who have given up their time to create such an eye-catching mural which highlights the direction our department is moving in.”

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