Home Learning Weeks 3-6

Home Learning | Charlton Horethorne CE Primary School

Dear Parents and Carers

We have prepared a new Home Learning Pack for the next 3 week phase of lockdown in response to your feedback and comments.  We have kept the same basic format and we have added in some extra ideas to keep it interesting.P1-5 teachers would really appreciate if you could return to school the empty case and reading books from the first 3 week phase of work.  The returned resources can be left in the porch at reception this Friday, the 29th of January.  P6/7 do not have anything to return on this occasion.

New Home Learning Packs will be prepared and ready for you to pick up on Monday the 1st of February, during school hours.  Please get in touch if these hours don’t work for you.

Core SubjectsYou will find booklets for language and maths in the pack.  These are the core subjects and we hope you have a go at working through these activities.  If you need support or advise you can use Seesaw to get in touch with a teacher and they will try their best to help.

Videos OnlineWe are offering online videos this time, which means the children can see and hear their teachers, as this has been highlighted as an important part of a child’s health and wellbeing.  This will be accessible from Seesaw and will link with a booklet provided in the Home Learning Pack.  The lessons will be recorded, and you will be able to watch them at your leisure, pausing and playing the recording to give yourself thinking time.

School Community Project
We have also included an activity about our School Community Project.  This is a project which is evolving as a result of the Friends of Firth School (FoFS) discussing ideas and offering to support the school to develop better outdoor learning environments

In the Home Learning Packs we have included activities to involve everyone in the planning and development process of the outdoor classroom space.  We would be delighted to capture inspiration from all generations and how we can continue to build something, even remotely, so people feel part of our whole school community.

Weekly Check-inWe would really appreciate an update every week to hear how the learning is going.  The proud moments have been lovely to see.  This will also let us know if you want to be supported in a different way or if you are happy with the provision.

You can check-in using whichever format is easiest for you.  If you use Seesaw to upload your photos, you can also choose to share them on the class blog, or just with the teacher, it’s up to you.

Headteacher TimeMiss Ritchie will be adding a weekly video with a story and message for all our pupils.  This will be available on Seesaw along with a reflection of the week’s achievements to round-up and bring together the successes of the school community.

Thank you,

From the Firth Staff Team

Websites from 2020




Health and Wellbeing

Food and Technology


Expressive Arts

Languages (1+2)


Note in relation to the use of online resources

Where online resources have been referenced, access to the resource is currently free.  In some cases, this may be for a limited period and members should monitor their engagement on this basis.

All online references have been selected on an illustrative basis for the relevant potential learning activities.  There may be other websites and platforms which will provide similar activities.

In referencing these websites, we do not endorse any advertisements shown on the page, the views of those presenting or the wider content of the website.