All posts by Mrs Rendall

IT Group

The IT group have been doing surveys throughout the school (still maintaining class bubbles) and have created some videos as a result of the information they collected.

They are continuing to do videos to help younger pupils understand how to use, and look after, all technology and equipment in the school.




JRSOs (Junior Road Safety Officers)

The JRSOs have produced a video for the rest of the school to promote the wearing of hi-vis vests and the use of reflectors, now the daylight is getting shorter.

The JRSOs gave out reflectors on Friday the 9th for pupils to wear when out and about.

P7 Good Luck Mugs!

P7, who are now S1, received a leaving gift, certificate and some sweet treats all wrapped up and delivered to their door from everyone at Firth Primary School.

The FOFs kindly organised the personalised mugs and delivery.

If anyone has a photo of our S1 pupils and their mug, we would love to add them to our post.

Thank you!


With our return to school in August, we are expecting to spend a bit of time learning outside.  This is a safer and healthier environment for everyone and we are going to make the most of the experience.

Last term the FoFS began to apply for grants and funding for the playground space, and they are continuing their hard work at the moment in the hope of moving towards a new and improved outdoor learning environment.

Mrs Drever was able to secure funding and resources before lockdown, as well as a professional learning workshop for staff about outdoor learning.  We were lucky enough to have an instructor from ‘Learning Through Landscapes’ to teach us a little bit more about using outside spaces with classes.

Outdoor learning in Scotland | Learning through Landscapes

Outdoor Learning and Landscapes

We are excited about each class group taking on an outside project and working towards achieving a long term space for ongoing learning outside.  Whether that is learning about nature or doing maths in the open air.  Anything is possible.


All our super itinerant staff have come together to produce a plethora of exciting and creative activities for you to try.

Why not try something new and let us know how you get on.

PE Orkney Schools Peedie Olympics 2020 FINAL

MUSIC & INSTRUMENTAL Orkney Schools Peedie Olympics 2020 Final

DRAMA Orkney Schools Peedie Olympics 2020 FINAL

ART P4-7 Orkney Schools Peedie Olympics FINAL[1]

ART P4-7 Orkney Schools Peedie Olympics FINAL

ART P1-3 Orkney Schools Peedie Olympics 2020 FINAL

Miss Harcus has been busy getting a new webpage ready for all budding Peedie Olympians.


A huge well done to the P6/7 class who won the Orkney Sumdog Maths competition.

There were schools from all over Orkney taking part in the competition.

There had to be 10 pupils in the class, or more, taking part and their combined scores were pitched against the other schools.

Firth P6/7 were out in front early on as they started with great enthusiasm and no-one could catch them as they continued to work hard!

Once 10 pupils had signed up they were top of the leader board and that is where they stayed for the remainder of the week.

It was very exciting as the pupils climbed the board, overtaking and challenging each other, even.  Once they had run out of questions, each pupil being allowed 1000 each, they had reached their place.

A proud teacher moment for me!


This was a fantastic effort from our school community.  We had photos from lots of different people all having a go and we ended up with some spectacular images.

It was the most difficult job to decide on some winners.  There were 3 judges and each person had a different idea about what ‘lockdown’ meant to them, and then they considered the age of the photographer and then the photography skills.

So, after a few discussions and lots of debate, the judges eventually came up with a few photos which they have chosen for prizes.








All the other super photos can be seen in the photography gallery at the bottom of the home page.

Thank you all very much for your contributions and efforts to support our school.