Home Learning 17.06.20

Good Morning P3.

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This week we are focusing on Health and Wellbeing for our home learning tasks- there will still be aspects of literacy and numeracy in these tasks but the main focus will be HWB.  Remember you can still use Sumdog, Active Learn and Epic to continue your number and literacy learning if you wish or revisit any tasks on the blog.

Today we are focusing on Physical Health.

Next Monday Woodlands will be taking part in North Lanarkshire’s Virtual Sports Day – so the tasks today will be good practise for that.

Warm up

Before starting follow this video to stretch and warm up your body.

Timed challenges.

  • Set a timer for 30 seconds.
  • Record how many of the following you can complete in thirty seconds.


Number Completed


Jumping Jacks


High kicks




Sit ups




Press ups


Side to side jumps


Repeat the exercises and see if you can beat the number you did the first time.

Cool Down your body by following this video.


Main Task

Create your own fitness routine

Write/ draw

  • A warm up routine
  • Main exercises with times or amounts (remember to include rest times too)
  • Cool down stretches

Follow your fitness routine.  Ask the people in your house if they would like to join you.

Fun Finisher

Follow this Cosmic Yoga routine to stretch and cool your body down fully.

If you prefer choose your own cosmic yoga routine to follow from You Tube.

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