Home Learning 18.06.20

Good Morning  P3.  Happy Birthday SA – hope you have a fantastic day!

This week we are focusing on Health and Wellbeing for our home learning tasks- there will still be aspects of literacy and numeracy in these tasks but the main focus will be HWB.  Remember you can still use Sumdog, Active Learn and Epic to continue your number and literacy learning if you wish or revisit any tasks on the blog.


Today we are focusing on Food Health


Warm up

  • Go onto Epic Reading site I have assigned some books about healthy eating for you to explore.
  • Use the Epic Reading website or app to go to Epic and use our class login which is dwt5812 choose your name and explore the books.



  • Make some notes from the book you read.  Choose a part that you found interesting to draw or write about.


Main Task

Eatwell Guide

  • Watch this video to revise the different food groups that make up the Eatwell plate.

  • Use this site to explore the healthy plate and sort foods into the correct group.

  • Create your own balanced plate for one meal by drawing, cutting out pictures or copying and pasting images online.

Challenge – Create your meals, drinks and snacks for the day that would meet the guidelines of the Eatwell plate.

  • If you are able you could plan with an adult a healthy meal you can help prepare.


Fun Finisher

Go on a food hunt look at some of the foods you have  in your kitchen and decide which food group(s) they belong to.  If the food has a label this might help you.

Remember to ask an adult first.

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