Home Learning 16.06.20

Good Morning P3 – I hope you are all okay and enjoyed the HWB tasks from yesterday.

Tuesday Tues GIF by Justin - Find & Share on GIPHY

This week we are focusing on Health and Wellbeing for our home learning tasks- there will still be aspects of literacy and numeracy in these tasks but the main focus will be HWB.  Remember you can still use Sumdog, Active Learn and Epic to continue your number and literacy learning if you wish or revisit any tasks on the blog.


Today we are focusing on Sun Safety


Warm up

Watch this video telling the story of ‘George the Sun Safe Superstar’.

Watch this video about Sun Safety.

  • List some of the things you can do to be sun safe.

Main Task

Copy and complete this Sun Safety text.


Create a Sun Safety Kit.  Think about and draw the items you would need if you were going out in the sun on holiday, on a day trip etc.  Choose three of your items and explain why you would need them.


Fun Finisher

Create a poster persuading others to be Sun Safe.

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