Home Learning 15.06.20

Good Morning P3 – I hope you all had a fantastic weekend.  I can’t believe this is our last full week of school before we finish for the Summer holidays on Wednesday 24th June.

This week we are focusing on Health and Wellbeing for our home learning tasks- there will still be aspects of literacy and numeracy in these tasks but the main focus will be HWB.

Remember you can still use Sumdog, Active Learn and Epic to continue your number and literacy learning if you wish or revisit any tasks you have enjoyed on the blog.


Today we are focusing on Friendships


Warm up

Watch this video – What does a ‘friend’ mean to you.

  • Write down the qualities of a good friend from the video
  • Try to think of any other qualities that a good friend has.


Watch this story about getting along with others and think about the important lessons that helped Howard be a good friend.


Main Task

Create a Friendship Recipe outlining what it means to be a good friend.

Ingredients – the qualities you think are important for a good friend eg kind, helpful, respectful.

Method – How these qualities are used eg My friend can help me if I don’t know what to do.


Fun Finisher

Make a card or write a letter to a friend include why they are a good friend and give examples of things they have done for you that make them a good friend.


Sometimes even good friends can fall out- think about these scenarios that could cause a fall out.  What could you do to deal with these situations – let your friend know how you feel and still stay friends.

If you have someone at home you could act out the scenarios and what you would do to sort these situations out fairly and stay friends.


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