🚲 Friday 12th June 🛴

👋🏼 Good morning everyone!  Can you believe that the week is over already?  I feel like it has flown in! 💨

👏🏼 Well done to ZM, MM, RA and CK for being crowned yesterday’s Sumdog winners for answering the most questions accurately – enjoy your 200 coins! 💰 In addition to that, well done to MM, RA, YS, ZM and RL for using the Epic! app to practise their reading this week! 📖 🥳

🏃Fancy completing a ten-minute shake-up?  Why not try ‘Judy Hopps’ Training Test’: 🏃‍♀️ https://www.nhs.uk/10-minute-shake-up/shake-ups/judy-hopps-training-test


Today we are going to be learning about Haikus!  🇯🇵 “Haiku” is a traditional form of Japanese poetry which are typically about the seasons or nature.  🌸🍁🌳🌼

Haiku poems consist of 3 lines.  The first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables.  The lines rarely rhyme.  Here’s a Haiku to help you remember:

I am first with five

Then seven in the middle

Five again to end.

Here are some examples:


Friday 12th June

Haiku Poetry

I can write poetry in the Haiku form.


Warm Up:

For your warm up today I would like you all to watch this video which will explain haiku poetry a little bit more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tb6RC0zB_-4


Main Task:

For our main task today we are going to be writing a haiku about a coral reef.  🐠 First, we need to brainstorm some describing words which we may want to use in our poems.  If you would like some inspiration, you could watch this video that has lots of great footage of coral reefs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2BKd5e15Jc

Okay, now we have some great descriptive words, let’s start forming our 3 lines.  Remember haiku poems always have 5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllables in the second line and 5 syllables in the third line.

Your success criteria today:


Can you create another haiku about something of your choice?  How about writing one about lockdown or your favourite hobby?


Warm Up: Mental Maths

  1. Which number comes halfway between -3 and 1?
  2. 89 x 10
  3. 3,001 – 10
  4. Write down a multiple of 5 that is greater than 30 but smaller than 40
  5. What comes next? 5,555     5,560     5,565    5,570    ?
  6. 62 + 16
  7. _____ + 12 = 1,271
  8. Add together 73, 12 and 25
  9. 30,000 + 3,000 + 20 + 3
  10. If the time is 11:55, and lunchtime begins at 12:15, how much longer do we have?
  11. 4 x 9 = ?
  12. Which is the largest even number? 35,473  35,472   35,476   35,479   35,475
  13. Partition 64,003
  14. What is 5 greater than 62,837?
  15. Write down a number than can be equally divided by both 4 and 9
  16. Write using numerals: forty-nine thousand and thirty-three


Main Task: Dividing by 12

12.06.20         Dividing by 12

I can build up my knowledge of table facts.


Activity 1: Supermovers

Let’s start again with a reminder of the twelve times table from the chirpy cockerel! https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/ks2-maths-the-12-times-table-with-chirpy-cockerel/z7v7rj6


Activity 2: Missing Number

  1. 72 ÷ 12 = _____
  2. 36 ÷ 12 = _____
  3. _____ ÷ 12 = 2
  4. 108 ÷ 12 = _____
  5. _____ ÷ 12 = 4
  6. 60 ÷ 12 = _____
  7. _____ ÷ 12 = 12
  8. 144 ÷ 12 = _____
  9. 12 ÷ 12 = _____
  10. _____ ÷ 12 = 7
  11. 120 ÷ 12 = _____
  12. 48 ÷ 12 = _____
  13. _____ ÷ 12 = 6
  14. 84 ÷ 12 = _____
  15. 132 ÷ 12 = _____
  16. _____ ÷ 12 = 8
  17. _____ ÷ 12 = 11
  18. 24 ÷ 12 = _____
  19. 96 ÷ 12 = _____
  20. _____ ÷ 12 = 5

Activity 3:

Now let’s practise division using the chunking method:

If you need a reminder, watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiqLQ8lEj2w


🌶 Challenge:

These questions have remainders!


Traffic Light today’s work and leave a comment to say how you found dividing by 12 and dividing by the chunking method today. 🚦



🚨Hit the Button Division facts will give you a little extra practise in dividing by 12: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqU8zu14u5I

🎳 Multiplication Bowling for some extra 12 times table practise: https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/504/Super-Maths-Bowling-Multiplication

This week Mrs McMillan has made a Rainbow Relaxation video for you all.  Let’s all ‘Take a Moment’. 🧘‍♀️


Have a great weekend,

Miss Donaldson 🤹‍♀️

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