Clothes for Tomorrow

There will be an assault course set up in the gym hall tomorrow so children are asked to come to school wearing sports clothes. Football colours are, as usual, not allowed.

Secondly, as it is St. Andrew’s Day tomorrow, children are allowed to wear tartan to school (don’t worry if you don’t have anything).

Miss Donaldson


☃️ Christmas Fayre 🎄

I hope to see lots of you at the Christmas Fayre tomorrow! The fayre starts at 10:00 so if you are wanting to buy the snowman that you made make sure you are there as early as you can to ensure no one buys it first. They are so adorable I’m sure they’ll sell really quickly!

Miss Donaldson ☺️✨

Christmas Show Songs 🎤🎄

With our Christmas Show fast approaching we have been practicing our songs in class. If you could also practise them at home that would be great!

The Gift

Nearly two thousand years ago,
Under a starlit sky,
Many events were taking place
As the ancients had prophesied.

And a gift was given from heaven to earth,
The everlasting light,
So let us adore the Saviour born,
Emmanuel here to night.

Darkness was over Bethlehem,   Brightly the star did shine,            Showing the way to where he lay            In a manger for all to find.

And a gift was given from heaven to earth,
The everlasting light,
So let us adore the Saviour born,
Emmanuel here to night.

Never before in history,                            Had there been such a sign,                      For God was born in human form          For the sake of all mankind

And a gift was given from heaven to earth,
The everlasting light,
So let us adore the Saviour born,
Emmanuel here to night.
So let us adore the Saviour born,
Emmanuel here to night.



Unto Us Child Is Born

Unto us a child is born,                             Unto us a son is given.
He shall reign in all the earth,
He will be called Immanuel!

Angel voices sing,
Hallelujahs ring,
For today in Bethlehem
The love of God has come to men,
The Saviour of the world is Christ the King!


Leave your cares aside,
Seek and you will find,
For today in Bethlehem
The love of God has come to men,
The Saviour of the world is Jesus Christ!


Come let us adore,
Now and evermore.
For today in Bethlehem
The love of God has come to men,
The Saviour of the world is Christ the Lord!

CHORUS (repeat 3 times)



You could sing along with the video below.