Autumn Walk

Today we went on an Autumn walk.  Whilst we were out, we took some notes on what Autumn looks like, what colours we see in Autumn and what the weather is like in Autumn.  We also found lots of chestnut trees so we spent some time rummaging through the leaves to find conkers.  Then we returned to the classroom and created some Autumn poems.  The children had so much fun they asked if we could create a poem on every season!

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Miss Donaldson  🙂


This Week…

Just a quick thank you to everyone who came along last night to Meet the Teacher, it was great putting some faces to the names and the children really enjoyed showing you around our classroom.

Also, a huge well done to our first star writers of the year!  Great work!

Have a great weekend and I’ll see you all on Monday!

Miss Donaldson  🙂

Meet the Teacher

Image result for meet the teacher

Just a quick reminder that our ‘Meet the Teacher’ night will be taking place on Thursday 19th September (this Thursday).  This is an informal occasion to give you the chance to meet myself, visit your child’s classroom and get an idea of the kind of activities that we will be doing this year in primary 5.  I’m looking forward to seeing everyone who can make it!

Miss Donaldson  🙂

Change to P.E. time

As the Primary 7’s are visiting the High School for the next 6 weeks, our gym time will change from before lunchtime to first thing in the morning.  As a result, could all children please come to school wearing their gym kit on Wednesdays and bring their school clothes with them in their bags.  This will mean that we don’t lose any of our precious gym time getting changed!

Thanks in advance,

Miss Donaldson  🙂

Roald Dahl Day 2019!

Today was Roald Dahl Day and, to celebrate, Primary 5 took part in a Roald Dahl quiz (well done to the winning team ‘The Golden Tickets!’) and became illustrators by redesigning the front cover of their favourite Roald Dahl book.  I think they look great!

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Honey, Honey, Honey!

Today Mr McMullan kindly offered Primary 5 the chance to see how the honey is harvested from our bee hives!  It was so interesting!  We can’t wait to see how much money Primary 7 can raise this year through the sale of their honey and lip balm.

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Miss Donaldson  🙂

Homework Presentations

Today Primary 5 have had such a fun time listening to everyone’s ‘All About Me’ homework presentations.  I was absolutely thrilled with how much time and effort you all clearly spent on them!  (Also a huge thank you to all the mums and dads for the time you all spent digging up pictures and craft materials – the children were all really proud to show the class their work).

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No rest for Primary 5 though, new homework jotters and activities have been handed out today.  Please let me know if you have any questions or are in need of any materials for the Art and Design activity.

Homework is to be handed in on Mondays.

Miss Donaldson  🙂