📚 Wednesday 25th March ✍🏼

Good morning Primary 5!  I hope that you are all doing well and enjoying spending lots of time with your families!  Today to keep active you could follow one of the dance tutorials on GoNoodle: https://family.gonoodle.com/.  If dancing is not your thing why not try some yoga?  Cosmic Kids has lots of tutorials on their YouTube channel 🧘🏼🧘🏽: https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga/videos


Today we will be working on comprehension!


Wednesday 25th March


I can demonstrate my understanding of a text by making an inference.


Warm Up:

Watch the following BBC bitesize clip to remind yourself about the skill of inference.  https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zs44jxs/articles/zqmyw6f

Remember inference is all about using what you have read to make a good guess!

Main Task:

It had grown busy while I had been in the water. Deck chairs had been dragged out. Families had pitched little tents. Balls, Frisbees and kites seemed to be everywhere. Hundreds of adults were just laid there, rigid on their towels while the children ran around shouting and squealing irritatingly.

It always got like this at the weekend. I had warned Granddad. It would have been better to have come in the evening when all the crowds had gone home. I sighed. Granddad seemed oblivious, sat in his chair reading his book, his feet buried in the sand.

The sun was at its height and beat down mercilessly.

“Perhaps you should put some cream on Granddad,” I said with concern.


1) Where is the scene set? Find evidence from the text to support your answer (use quotes).

2) Why did the narrator think it would have been better to have come in the evening?

3) Why is the narrator concerned about Granddad?

4) Do you think the narrator is having fun? Explain your answer.

5) Would you like to be there? Explain your answer referring to the text (quote from text).



Complete this online quiz to practise your inference skills. https://www.educationquizzes.com/ks1/english/comprehension-inference/


Yesterday’s short story by David Walliams came from his book ‘The World’s Worst Children 2’ and is entitled ‘Spoiled Brad’.




Warm Up: Mental Maths

  1. 72 ÷ 6 = ?
  2. What are the factors of 18?

____    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____

  1. A calculator costs £3.99.  How much does it cost to buy 3 calculators?
  2. 60,000 + 800 + 90 + 6
  3. Write down the number twenty-one thousand, seven hundred and twelve
  4. 644 + 50
  5. How many tens are there in 230?
  6. Round 732 to the nearest 100
  7. Half 52
  8. 80 subtract 17
  9. What does the 7 stand for in the number 72,612?
  10. 32 ÷ 8 = ?
  11. What is 1,000 less than 3,236?
  12. What is the remainder when 37 is divided by 5?
  13. A train journey takes 1 hour and 45 minutes.  If I set off at 10:30am what time would I arrive?
  14. The temperature on a cold day is -2°C.  It rises by 5°C throughout the day.  What temperature is it now?

Main Task: Subtracting 10, 100, 1000, 10000

25.03.20         Subtracting 10, 100, 1000, 10000

I can use a range of mental strategies to subtract an extended range of numbers.


Activity 1: Subtract 10

  1. 5,496
  2. 3,300
  3. 69,999
  4. 19,901
  5. 8,102
  6. 6,000

Activity 2: Subtract 100

  1. 9,950
  2. 80,110
  3. 98,700
  4. 40,032
  5. 37,000
  6. 10,009

Activity 3: Subtract 1,000

  1. 8,469
  2. 5,126
  3. 78,956
  4. 83,569
  5. 20,014
  6. 90,000

Activity 4: Subtract 10,000

  1. 96,451
  2. 56,478
  3. 17,789
  4. 10,945
  5. 147,836
  6. 100,245

Activity 5: 500/1000 more and less

Traffic Light today’s work and leave a comment to say how you found subtracting 10, 100, 1000 and 10000 today.  🙂


Make up 4 of your own subtraction questions.  Write one where you subtract 10, another where you subtract 100, then 1000 followed by 10000.

Try one of the online activities by snappy maths to practice the skills you have been working on today.  http://www.snappymaths.com/addsub/addsubp10/addsubp10.htm (They all work on tablets and phones too).

This is a really good option: http://www.snappymaths.com/addsub/addsubp10/interactive/addsub1000int/addsub1000int.htm

This one great if you are in the mood for a challenge!



The last thing that I wanted to tell you about before I let you go is the BBC school radio website.  There is lots to have a listen to; from music lessons where you can learn about what all the different instruments sound like, to audio stories, history lessons and French lessons (we listened to some of these already this year, do you remember radio Labo?).  There is enough on there to keep you busy for months! Have an explore and learn more about something that interests you: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/audio-stories/zh3t2sg

Have a great day!

Miss Donaldson 🌼

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