Good morning boys and girls,
I cant believe it’s Thursday again already. I hope you are all enjoying clapping for our carers and the NHS and will be again tonight at 8pm. Stephen is using a spoon on the back of a pot while we are clapping – he is very loud
Doesn’t the sunshine in the morning make you smile?! Have you brushed your teeth and made your bed? Great! Then let’s get started.
Here are your tasks for today…
Thursday 14th May
Warm up task: Spelling practise
- I can read, write and order the letters in my spelling words accurately.
Task: Take part in 20 minutes of Sumdog Literacy – spelling. Your spelling words are included in your games and you should play and collect coins along the way.
Main Activity – Comprehension
- I can skim and scan the text.
- I can answer in a full sentence.
Look carefully at the text and read it twice. It is from the back of an information book. Everyone should complete section A questions in your jotter and only complete B and C if you would like a challenge.
A. Skim and scan the text then answer these questions to show factual recall.
B. Skim and scan the text then answer these extended questions. Think about the evidence you have read and what it suggests.
C. Look up the words on an online dictionary. Write down the meaning of: canal, condensation, dam, desert, dew and evaporate.
You could use this link as your dictionary:
Layout like this in your jotter:
- Word – canal
Meaning – a channel of water made by humans for boat transportation or for bringing water to crops.
Read and check over your work then traffic light.
Finisher: READING – Read a book of your choice on Epic Books. There are so many exciting books to choose from!
Login > Students >Enter Class Code pmj9348 > Click on your avatar
If you search for a book that you like, Click on the front cover to open it. Then click on the screen to read the first page. If there are too many tricky words it’s not the best book for you. If there are just a few tricky words then this is a perfect book for you.
PLEASE COMMENT if you have any questions or difficulties.
Maths: Subtraction
- I can build up the 2 times table
- I can use repeated addition to work out table facts
Warm up task: 2x Table Song
Take part in moving and singing along to Bridget the Lioness to remind you of your 2x table.
Main activity: Multiplication
Write out your two times tables in your jotter neatly. This will help you with today’s task. If you can, recall your 2 times tables facts mentally to work out the answer.
Q1. (a) to (c) Find the cost of two of each.
Q2. (a) to (k) Complete the sum.
Q3. (a) to (d) Find each child’s score. for example:
Q3. a) 2 x 3 = 6 add 6 = 12
Check over your answers and traffic light your work.
Fun Finisher – Sumdog Activity
This week is a short 4 day week so your daily challenge is to Play against the teacher every day on Sumdog from 2-3pm. I will log on and meet you there today at 2pm.
Sonny, Callum, Emily and Szymon, I am trying hard to beat your scores but you are doing so well! I really enjoyed ‘Chef’ where you answer the questions then build your burgers – but you’ve got to be quick. I also enjoyed Junkpile but you need to keep trying if your items fall off.
Reminder: Blair Drummond Safari Park
You’re in for a real treat TODAY as BDSP go LIVE at 12 on Facebook from the habitat of the TIGERS!
Join Shonagh on Facebook and she’ll introduce you to their two Armur tigers, Hope and Vitali, that live in the park. She will show you how they care for the tigers, you can ask your own question and take part in the quiz at the end.
There is also a nice surprise for viewers too!
Have a lovely day!
Mrs Maher