14.05.20 Home Learning ⭐️

Good morning boys and girls,

I cant believe it’s Thursday again already. I hope you are all enjoying clapping for our carers and the NHS and will be again tonight at 8pm. Stephen is using a spoon on the back of a pot while we are clapping – he is very loud 😂

Doesn’t the sunshine in the morning make you smile?! Have you brushed your teeth and made your bed? Great! Then let’s get started. 🙂

Here are your tasks for today…

Thursday 14th May


Warm up task: Spelling practise

  • I can read, write and order the letters in my spelling words accurately.

Task: Take part in 20 minutes of Sumdog Literacy – spelling. Your spelling words are included in your games and you should play and collect coins along the way.

Main Activity – Comprehension

  • I can skim and scan the text.
  • I can answer in a full sentence.

Look carefully at the text and read it twice. It is from the back of an information book. Everyone should complete section A questions in your jotter and only complete B and C if you would like a challenge.



🌶 A. Skim and scan the text then answer these questions to show factual recall.

🌶🌶 B.  Skim and scan the text then answer these extended questions. Think about the evidence you have read and what it suggests.

🌶🌶🌶 C. Look up the words on an online dictionary. Write down the meaning of: canal, condensation, dam, desert, dew and evaporate.

You could use this link as your dictionary: https://kids.wordsmyth.net/we/?ent=dew

Layout like this in your jotter:

  1. Word – canal

Meaning – a channel of water made by humans for boat transportation or for bringing water to crops.


Read and check over your work then traffic light.🚦


Finisher: READING – Read a book of your choice on Epic Books. There are so many exciting books to choose from! 📚


Login > Students >Enter Class Code pmj9348 > Click on your avatar

If you search for a book that you like, Click on the front cover to open it. Then click on the screen to read the first page. If there are too many tricky words it’s not the best book for you. If there are just a few tricky words then this is a perfect book for you. 👍🏼

PLEASE COMMENT if you have any questions or difficulties. 😀


Maths: Subtraction

  • I can build up the 2 times table
  • I can use repeated addition to work out table facts

Warm up task: 2x Table Song

Take part in moving and singing along to Bridget the Lioness to remind you of your 2x table.


Main activity: Multiplication

Write out your two times tables in your jotter neatly. This will help you with today’s task. If you can, recall your 2 times tables facts mentally to work out the answer.


Q1. (a) to (c) Find the cost of two of each.

Q2. (a) to (k) Complete the sum.

Q3. (a) to (d) Find each child’s score. for example:

Q3. a)  2 x 3 = 6    add 6 = 12

Check over your answers and traffic light your work.🚦


Fun Finisher – Sumdog Activity

This week is a short 4 day week so your daily challenge is to Play against the teacher every day on Sumdog from 2-3pm. I will log on and meet you there today at 2pm. 😃

Sonny, Callum, Emily and Szymon, I am trying hard to beat your scores but you are doing so well! I really enjoyed ‘Chef’ where you answer the questions then build your burgers – but you’ve got to be quick. I also enjoyed Junkpile but you need to keep trying if your items fall off. 👍🏼


Reminder: Blair Drummond Safari Park 🌲🦏🐅🐵

You’re in for a real treat TODAY as BDSP go LIVE at 12 on Facebook from the habitat of the TIGERS! 🐯

Join Shonagh on Facebook and she’ll introduce you to their two Armur tigers, Hope and Vitali, that live in the park. She will show you how they care for the tigers, you can ask your own question and take part in the quiz at the end. 🧠

There is also a nice surprise for viewers too! 👍🏼

Have a lovely day! 😃

Mrs Maher 🍎 

13.05.20 Home Learning ✏️

Good morning boys and girls!

I hope that you all managed to get some exercise yesterday. It’s to be sunny today so Stephen and I are going to go for a long walk and enjoy some sunshine. I wonder what we will see along the way? ☀

Did you manage to get on EPIC Books yesterday? I have signed everyone up to join as they have many amazing books free to read online. 👍🏼 It is really important that you all keep reading regularly – even reading a little bit everyday will be enough. 📚

Why not read to a brother or sister, to an adult at home or even read to your teddy! 😃

To read and discover more about these Epic Books all you have to do is visit the link and follow the instructions below:


Login > Students > Enter Class Code pmj9348 > Click on your avatar > Search

If you search or scroll through for a book that you like, click on the front cover to open it. Then click on the screen to read the first page. If there are too many tricky words it’s not the best book for you. If there are just a few tricky words then this is a perfect book for you.


Here are today’s lessons:

Wednesday 13th May

Literacy: Handwriting ✏ 

Warm up

  • I can join words from the letter ‘o’

Write your date, Title and ‘I can’ neatly into your jotter.

Copy the join ‘oi’ and the sentence neatly into your jotter.


Task – Focus

A. Copy the oi pattern into your jotter neatly.

B. Copy one line of oi, one line of ou and one line of oy neatly into your jotter.

Main Activity 

  • I can trace and write patterns, letters and words.
  • I can copy a poem and show my neatest handwriting

Task – Extra

Copy these oy and oi words neatly into your jotter.

Task – Extension

Copy the poem below into your book. Remember your capital letters, commas on the line and your full stop.

Read and check over your work. 🔍


Finisher: READING – Read a book of your choice on Epic Books. There are so many exciting books to choose from! 📚


Login > Students >Enter Class Code pmj9348 > Click on your avatar

If you search for a book that you like, Click on the front cover to open it. Then click on the screen to read the first page. If there are too many tricky words it’s not the best book for you. If there are just a few tricky words then this is a perfect book for you. 👍🏼

PLEASE COMMENT if you have any questions or difficulties. 😀

Maths: Place Value

Warm up

  • I can count on and back mentally

Task – Play Hit the Button. Number Bonds: Make 10/Make 20/Make 100



Main Activity

  • I can count on and back accurately mentally
  • I can make links between addition and subtraction. (Revision)

Q1. (a) to (b) Copy and complete the addition and subtraction facts. Remember if you know one fact you know another.

Q2. (a) to (d) Write four number stories for each display. for example:





Q3. (a) to (c) Use the red dot in the centre and two other numbers of your choice from the box. Write four number stories.

Check over your answers and traffic-light your work. 🚦


Fun Finisher – Sumdog Activity

This week is a short 4 day week so your daily challenge is to Play against the teacher every day on Sumdog from 2-3pm. I will log on and meet you there at 2pm and let’s see if you can beat me! ⭐



It is normal to feel overwhelmed by everything during Lockdown. If you feel like everything is getting too much, remember Mrs McMillan’s ‘Take a Moment’ YouTube channel has: Belly Breathing, a Special Place Meditation and High 5 Breathing to help you.

Breathe and relax.

Have a lovely day everyone! 👍🏼

Mrs Maher 🍎

12.05.20 Home Learning 📚

Good morning everyone!

I hope that you all had a nice long  weekend and managed to spend some time outside in the sunshine. ☀

I have signed everyone up to an exciting website called ‘EPIC BOOKS’ and they have many amazing books free to read online. 👍🏼

It is really important that you all keep reading regularly – even reading a little bit everyday will be enough. 📚

Why not read to a brother or sister, to an adult at home or even read to your teddy! 😃


To read and discover more about these Epic Books all you have to do is visit the link and follow the instructions below:


Login > Students > Enter Class Code pmj9348 > Click on your avatar > Search


If you search or scroll through for a book that you like, click on the front cover to open it. Then click on the screen to read the first page. If there are too many tricky words it’s not the best book for you. If there are just a few tricky words then this is a perfect book for you.


Here are today’s lessons:

Tuesday 12th May

Literacy: Spelling ✏ 

Use your spelling method to help you learn your words:


LOOK: at a small group of words and their letter patterns.

SAY: the words quietly, thinking about the letter patterns.

COVER: the key word list.

WRITE: the group of words you have practised

CHECK: how many you have spelt correctly. If you need to, have another go.


Warm up

  • I can read, write and spell ‘er’ words.

Task – Focus – Record your date, title and I can in your jotter. Write out your words from the key word box using look, say, cover, write, check with a finger space between each word.



A) Look at the pictures. Write the rhyming key words in your jotter. The first one is done to help you. 1. Power – flower.

B) Write five other er key words neatly in your jotter.

C) Write a sentence that includes two of the key words in it.


Main Activity

  • I can use my rule of adding er to make new words
  • I can make new compound words


Task: Extra – A. Use ‘ever’ to make new words. B. Use ‘every’ to make new compound words. C. Write one sentence using two of the words you have made.

Extension – Add er, ed or ing to the words: 1. sit, 2. win, 3. flip, 4. swim, 5. spin, 6. trap, 7. tank, 8. stop, 9. smack, 10. speak, 11. bang, 12. walk. When you have a single vowel before the last letter you must double the last letter before adding on er, ed or ing.

  1. sit – sitting

Read and check over your work. 🔍

Finisher: READING – Read a book of your choice on Epic Books. There are so many exciting books to choose from! 📚

Login > Students >Enter Class Code pmj9348 > Click on your avatar

If you search for a book that you like, Click on the front cover to open it. Then click on the screen to read the first page. If there are too many tricky words it’s not the best book for you. If there are just a few tricky words then this is a perfect book for you. 👍🏼

PLEASE COMMENT if you have any questions or difficulties. 😀


Maths: Place Value

Warm up

  • I can count on and back mentally

Task – Play Hit the Button. Number Bonds: Make 10/Make 20/Make 100



Main Activity

  • I can count on and back accurately.
  • I can make links between addition and subtraction.

Q1. (a) to (d) Copy and complete the addition and subtraction facts. Remember if you know one fact you know another.

Q2. (a) to (d) Use the addition fact and write two subtraction stories.

Challenge: Use the addition fact: 423 + 246 = 669 and write two three digit subtraction stories in your jotter.

Check over your answers and traffic-light your work. 🚦


Fun Finisher

Sumdog Activity – This week is a short 4 day week so your challenge this week is to Play against the teacher every day on Sumdog between 2pm and 3pm. I will log on and meet you there at 2pm and let’s see if you can beat me! ⭐


It is normal to feel overwhelmed by everything during Lockdown. If you feel like everything is getting too much, remember Mrs McMillan’s ‘Take a Moment’ YouTube channel has: Belly Breathing, a Special Place Meditation and High 5 Breathing to help you.

Breathe and relax.

Have a lovely day everyone! 👍🏼

Mrs Maher 🍎

P4 Sumdog Champions🏆

🌟 Well done to everyone who took part in our competition against P4/5.

🌟 We are the WINNERS!!

🌟 Keep your eyes peeled for something exciting happening next week (since it’s a short week) on Sumdog.

🌟 I have been very impressed by your good effort and improved accuracy: Sonny, Emily, Callum, Nathan, Hollie, Isla, Szymon and Ryan.

Have a lovely long weekend and check-in on the blog on Tuesday morning at 10am. 👍🏼

Mrs Maher 🍎


7.5.20 Home Learning

Morning everyone!

I hope that you all enjoyed the sunshine yesterday. 🙂
I am missing hearing all of your lovely stories every day.
Remember that today is your last day of home learning this weekend as it is the May holiday weekend – so no home learning tomorrow or Monday.

Take a Moment

This week’s breathing technique and relaxation activity with Mrs McMillan is the ‘High 5 breathing.’ Those of you that visit her throughout the week will remember this. It’s a great technique to help you regain control when you are beginning to lose your cool! It’s great for everyone – adults too!


Tomorrow is a very special day, tomorrow is the 75th anniversary of VE Day. 🇬🇧 On 8 May 1945, Prime Minister Winston Churchill made an announcement on the radio at 3pm that the war in mainland Europe (WW2) was to end, following Germany’s surrender the day before. This was the beginning of the end for many people but was still being fought on other continents.

Literacy: Writing

Warm up: Spelling

VE Day Vocabulary: War, fight, peace, party, end, Victory, Europe, Germany.

Practise writing your VE Day vocabulary out in your jotter 3 times. Try to use your neatest handwriting. *Can you give your joined up writing a go?

Main Activity – Writing

  • I can describe the main events of VE Day.
  • I can include VCOP to make my writing interesting

You are a newspaper reporter reporting on the celebrations in Scotland on VE Day 9th May 1945. Write a newspaper report and include the correct features from your success criteria.
*Can you include VCOP to engage the reader?*



Success Criteria Checklist:

  • Name of the newspaper
  • Interesting Headline
  • Sub-heading that tells the reader what the article is about
  • Writer’s Name (Reported by…)
  • Introduction (When did it happen? What happened? Where did it happen? Why did it happen? Who was involved?)
  • Main Events of VE Day (This can be facts that you have learned)
  • Short conclusion (bring the report to a close. For example: People will always remember where they were or what they did on VE Day!)
  • Picture with caption (what does the picture show)

Here are some resources that tell you more about VE Day or you could carry out some research of your own on the internet safely or from other sources.

Let’s go back to 8th May 1945… (75 years ago!)

You could use this as a template or set up like this in your jotter using your ruler.


‘Crowds gathered in VE parade in George Square.’

Remember to read and check over your writing.

Maths: Multiplication

Warm up – Take part in dance and say the:

2x Table on Super-movers

5x Table on Super-movers

10x Table on Super-movers

Main Activity – Take part in the 2x, 5x and 10x Table games on ‘Hit the Button’ and aim to improve your score. *Why not challenge an adult?


Finisher: Play 15 minutes of your Sumdog Maths games. Today is the last day of the competition. Next week since it is a short week, I have something exciting planned for you… Watch this space! 😮


Reminder: Shonagh from Blair Drummond Safari Park is live on Facebook at 12. She is taking you to meet the animals from their Pets Farm. Tune in and take part! 👍🏼🐑 🐴 🦙

Have a great long weekend. Stay safe! 🙂

Mrs Maher 🍎

06.05.20 Home Learning🍎

Good morning everyone,

Doesn’t the sunshine put a spring in your step?! Have you brushed your teeth and made your bed? Great! Then let’s get started. 🙂

Here are yesterday’s Maths answers that you can mark. 👍🏼

Did you answer most of them correctly? Well done to you! 🙂

Here are your tasks for today…

Wednesday 6th May


Warm up task: Spelling practise

  • I can read, write and order the letters in my spelling words accurately.

Word list: some, were, come, little, one, when, what, there, their, people. (revise)

Task: Record your date and title. Practise your spelling words in your jotter. You can choose an Activity from your grid. This could be: rainbow spelling, bubble words, ABC words (alphabetical order), curly words, word shapes, capital and lower case words or simply write out 4x in your jotter. Check over your work!

Main Activity – Comprehension

  • I can skim and scan the text.
  • I can answer in a full sentence.



🌶 A. Skim and scan the text then answer these questions to show factual recall.

🌶🌶 B.  Skim and scan the text then answer these extended questions. Think about the evidence you have read and what it suggests,

🌶🌶🌶 C. Draw your own picture of a honeybee and label it carefully using the correct vocabulary.

Read and check over your work then traffic light.🚦



Take part in 15 minutes of Sumdog Literacy. You have been set this week’s spelling word list.⭐

Well done to last week’s SUPER SPELLERS: Emily, Callum, Sonny, Isla, Hollie, Rebekah, Ryan and Robbie. Keep up the hard work! ⭐


Maths: Subtraction

  • I can subtract in sets of 10 and then subtract or add a small number

Warm up task: Subtracting 11, 21, 9, 19.

Q1-4 is based on our strategy from yesterday, subtracting to the nearest set of 10 (rounding) then subtracting or adding on a small number (adjusting). for example:

1.A. 38-11=?     38-10=28     28-1=27

(10 is the closest number to 11)

Follow the same steps to complete: 1. Subtract 11, 2. Subtract 21, 3. Subtract 9 and 4. Subtract 19.


You can even use your number square to help you.

Check over your answers. 🔍

Main activity: Subtraction to 100,  2-digit numbers with bridging.

Complete Q1-3 in your jotter. Read the question carefully and think about your strategy. Use subtraction to bridge to the nearest ten and then adjust by subtracting or adding a small number to work out your answer. for example:

Q1. a)  42-28=    40-30-10     

(Move 2 from the 42 to the 28 to make a helpful number of 30)

Remember you can switch your units around to make a friendly/ helpful number – this is easier for us to work with. You could also use your strategy of rounding to the nearest 10 and then subtract or add the smaller number. Use the way that works best for you! 👍🏼 

Check over your answers and traffic light your work.🚦

Finisher: Sumdog – take part in at least 15 minutes of Maths games today, our challenge with P4/5 is still on until Thursday.

Well done to: Sonny, Callum, Emily, Mason, Nathan, Isla, Hollie, Szymon and Rebekah for good effort and answers so far this week.🏆


Interested in Science?

Today on Glasgow Science Centre at Home: 🧪 🧬


Wednesday 6 May. Strike the right note for a tuneful family activity! Learn about how sound travels, how we get different pitches and make your own straw oboe. To join in at home, you’ll need some paper or plastic straws, some scissors, and adult permission and supervision. Ideal for ages 5 and over.

Reminder: Blair Drummond Safari Park 🌲🦏🐅🐵

You’re in for a real treat tomorrow as BDSP go LIVE from their Pets Farm at midday. 🌊

Join Shonagh on Facebook and she’ll introduce you to their friendly animals that live in the park, including: sheep, donkeys, horses, alpacas, chicks and more.

Have a lovely day! 😃

Mrs Maher 🍎 

5.5.20 Home Learning⭐️

Good morning boys and girls,

I hope you are all staying safe and managing to get out for a daily walk or exercise. The weather has to be sunny today so try and get your hour of exercise to help you stay healthy, both mentally and physically. ☀

Remember there are lots of new daily activities on BBC Bitesize that I am sure you will find very interesting. Feel free to take a look!

Click on the link below > Primary > Year 3/P4. 🖥



Here are today’s lessons:

Tuesday 5th May

Literacy: Handwriting

Warm up Task

  • I can practise the size and height of my letters

Record your date, title and I can statement in your jotter. Copy the ‘oo’ join and the sentence ‘The goose flew above the balloon’ neatly into your jotter.



A. Copy the ‘oo’ pattern into your jotter.

B. Copy one row of ‘oo’ letters into your jotter neatly, one row of ‘ue’ letters and one row of ‘ew’ letters as shown in the text.

Remember in the horizontal join the letters hook half way up the line and the letters do not touch each other. 😃


Main Activity

  • I can trace and write pattern, letters, words and sentences in my neatest handwriting.


Extra –  Copy these words into your jotter. Remember to take a finger space between each word and take care with the join from r to e and s to e.

Extension – Draw a table with the headings ue, oo and ew. Find the words that make the ‘oo’ sound in the wordsearch. 📝 


Finisher: Reading – Log into Oxford Owl by clicking on ‘MyClassLogin’ at the top in pink and enter woodp4 with password as the password.

Click on MyBookshelf and search for a book of your choice. Look at the front cover and try to read the first page – if you can it’s a good book for you.

Listen to the story or read the story and try to complete one short activity if you wish. If your book has smaller print or more content you can read 10 pages. 📚 


Maths: Addition

  • I can add on 11, 9, 21 and 19.


Warm up task: Write Q1-4 in your jotter.

Q1. a)-d) – Add 11 by adding 10 to the number then adding 1 more. for example:

  1. a)  28+10=38     38=1=39

Q2. a)-d) Add on 9 to each number by adding on 10 then subtracting 1. for example:

2. a) 28+10=38     38-1=37

Q3. a)-d) Add on 21 to each number by adding on 20 then adding on 1 more. for example:

3. a)  48+20=68     68+1= 69

Q4. a)-d) Add on 19 to each number by adding on 20 then subtracting 1. for example:

4. a)  22+20=42     42-1=41

Remember to check over your answers. You can also use your number square to help you.


Main activity: Addition

  • I can add to the nearest set of 10 the add more or subtract.

TaskRecord your title and I can in your jotter. Work your way through Q1 to Q3 carefully from the text.

Make sure you read the question carefully. For each question you will need to bridge by going to the nearest set of 10 then adjusting by subtracting or adding on more to find the total answer.


  1. a)  Add the blue helmets together for example:

45+30 = 75     75-3=72   (27 is closer to 30 then subtract 3)

Complete the same strategy for Q1-3. You can use your fingers to help you count on and back or use your number square. 👍🏼 


Check over your answers and traffic light your work.🚦

I will post the correct answers and you can be the teacher and self-assess your work – remember to check back!

Finisher: Play 15 minutes of Sumdog. Remember we only have until Friday in our weekly challenge against Primary 4/5.🏆


Interested in Science? 🧬🧪

Glasgow Science Centre at home:


The Monty Hall Problem

Tuesday 5 May. Probability has never been so much fun! Explore the ‘The Monty Hall problem’ with us – will you decide to ‘stick or switch’ when the odds of winning a prize change? The chances of this maths problem being a hit are stacked in your family’s favour! For a further probability activity to try out afterwards you’ll need a pack of playing cards. Fun for everyone with science and maths over 7s will enjoy!


Reminder: PE with Mrs Wicks is live at 9am on YouTube or you can play back at any time. Why not search for The Body Coach TV and join in with the family – keep fit, active and healthy! 🏃🏼‍♂️

Have a great day! 😃

Mrs Maher 🍎


4.5.20 Home Learning📚


Good morning everyone!

I hope that you all had a nice weekend and managed to spend some time in the sunshine. ☀

Well done, We won last week’s Sumdog challenge against P4/5 again. 😃

Well done to: Sonny, Callum Isla, Szymon, Ryan, Hollie, Nathan, Emily, Rebekah, Lilly and Gabriella. You all made it to the leader board and improved your maths skills. 👍🏼

Here are today’s lessons:

Monday 4th May

Literacy: Spelling ✏ 

Use your spelling method to help you learn your words:


LOOK: at a small group of words and their letter patterns.

SAY: the words quietly, thinking about the letter patterns.

COVER: the key word list.

WRITE: the group of words you have practised

CHECK: how many you have spelt correctly. If you need to, have another go.


Warm up

  • I can read, write and spell words with ‘nch’ and ‘tch.’

Task – Focus – Record your date, title and I can in your jotter. Write out your words from the key word box using look, say, cover, write, check with a finger space between each word.

A) Look at the picture clues. Find words from the key word box that rhyme with these pictures. Record your answers in your jotter.

B) Write three other tch and nch key words from the word bank into your jotter.

C) Write a sentence that includes one tch and one nch of your key words in it.


Main Activity

  • I can use my rule of adding ing to verbs
  • I can use my rule od adding es to make plurals

Task: Extra – Q1-6 Look and read the words in the word bank. Find a word in the box to match each picture.

Extension – A) Make these words plural: scratch, sketch, ditch, pitch, witch, stitch, switch, finch, bunch, lunch, punch, bench, patch and hutch. B) Can you think why we add ‘ed’ and not just ‘s’ to make ch words plural?

Read and check over your work. 🔍

Finisher: Word Hunt. Can you find any other words that have ‘nch’ or ‘tch?’ Record them in your jotter or draw a picture of them.


Maths: Place Value

Warm up

  • I can order numbers from the smallest to the largest.

Task – Q1-6. Write each pair of numbers in order from smallest to largest.


Main Activity

  • I can use symbols to help me to describe number relationships – Up to 1000.

Task – Q1-6. Write the Less than < or Greater than > symbol between each pair of numbers in your jotter. Reminder: in class we asked ourselves the number sentence out loud to help us. For example:

  1. 431<763

(We asked ourselves ‘Is 431 Greater than (>) or less than (<) 763?’ We know that 431 is less than 763 by looking at the Hundreds so we use the < symbol)

Q7-14. Write your own number to make it true. for example:

7. 56<101 (56 is less that 101)

Check over your answers and traffic-light your work. 🚦


Fun Finisher

Sumdog Activity – This week is a short 4 day week and this week’s challenge against P4/5 is addition and subtraction. Take part in at least 15 minutes of Sumdog today. Let’s show them we are Magic at Maths! ⭐


Interested in Science?

Today on Glasgow’s Science Centre 🧪 🧬


Monday 4 May. What is a planisphere and why would we need one to look at the night sky? You’ll see how you can make a planisphere with our handy planisphere print out. We will show you how to use the planisphere for backyard astronomy. You’ll need the planisphere print out (download below), some scissors, blu tack, a split pin (or similar) and some adult permission and supervision. Most suitable for budding astronomers aged 7 and over.


Right now we can’t control what’s going on around us, but we can choose how we respond – everyone at Woodlands wishes you a Meaningful May. Check out the main page for a fun Meaningful May calendar.

Have a lovely day everyone! 👍🏼

Mrs Maher 🍎

01.05.20 Home Learning

Happy Friday Primary 4!

What fun activities do you all have planned for the weekend? I am missing being able to hear all of your exciting stories every day. I know the weather has not been as nice this week, but remember it is still important to get outside for some fresh air.

Here are today’s tasks… 🙂

Remember to only do what you can. You can also complete tasks in any order. 

Friday 1st May

Literacy: Warm up task – Spelling

  • I can read, write and spell my common words

Log on to Sumdog Literacy and click on spelling. Take part in at least 15 minutes of Spelling games that include this week’s words. Can you order the letters in words accurately?🌟

Free Writing Friday ✏🌟📚

This week you are free to write about whatever you want using your Beginning, Middle and End structure. You can write in your jotter, on paper or by word processing. At times we struggle to think about what we’d like to write so here are some ideas to think about.

You could write a: note, letter, list, newspaper report or a postcard. Think of your purpose and audience. It could be more formal writing to a company, business or the government or informal writing to a friend, family member or to your teacher. It could also be imaginative and completely made up story (fiction) or factual information and include true facts (Non-fiction). The choice is yours!


Why not have a look at the idea story wheels above for a stimulus and choose one that you would like to do. I really like the idea of writing a story that is about a stolen diamond necklace, a child who solves crimes or a key to a secret door.

You could also use Scholastic Story Starters (free to use online) and spin the wheel to give you a random story starter. You can also complete your writing by word processing through the Scholastic website.

Success criteria:

  • Interesting title (to capture the reader’s interest)
  • Beginning – opening paragraph to set the scene. How will your story start? How does the main character look and act? Include adjectives and wow words to set the scene of the story.
  • Middle – what happens next in the story? Do the characters go on an adventure? Does something exciting happen? Include exciting openers and wow words to talk about the main event. Include a variety of punctuation. Remember to link your sentences using connectives.
  • End – how does the story come to a close? What happens at the end of the event or that day? The story could end back at the setting where it started from too.
  • Illustration – every story should have a picture that matches. This could show the characters, a scene or objects that are included in the story.

Please don’t worry too much about remembering to include everything, have fun and make it an exciting piece of text. Use the planning sheet if you wish, take time to think of an idea and have a break. Remember good writing doesn’t happen all at once – take some thinking time for ideas then go back to your writing. Let’s see what you can do!

When you’re finished, think about what we would do in class to self-assess:

  • Read through your writing, have you missed anything out? Check it makes sense
  • Check over your capital letters and full stops
  • Check that other types of punctuation have been used in the right places
  • How many wow words have you used?
  • How many different connectives did you include?
  • Did you include outstanding openers to excite the reader and build suspense?

Why not sit on a chair or pillow and read as the author to a brother/ sister/ mum or dad. You could practise your reading with expression and bring the story to life!

Maths: Fractions

Warm up task: Units of time

Write Q1-12 in your jotter and read the units of time. Write the correct number beside it. If you are not sure of the answer, you could do some research.

Main task: Fractions

Write the fraction of shaded parts. The digit on the top is the numerator – this means the number of purple coloured parts of the shape. The digit at the bottom is the denominator – this means the total number of parts in each shape.

For example:

Write the title in your jotter and complete Q1-20. Check over your work.


Sumdog Activity – Take part in at least 15 minutes of Maths games today. Our challenge with P4/5 finishes at 3pm today and the results will be posted. 🏆

Can I say a huge well done to TR for completing a wonderful hanging crescent and star decoration to mark the month of Ramadan! I loved seeing your picture, thank you. ⭐


Interested in Science?
Today on Glasgow Science Centre at Home:🧪🧬

Stargazing – Finding The North Star 🌟

Friday 1 May. Natalie from The Planetarium team is back to share some more brilliant stargazing tips. Learn how you can easily find the North Star and why that is so important to astronomers when they’re gazing up into the starry night sky. Fun for all the family.


Have a lovely weekend everyone and stay safe! 👍🏼

Mrs Maher 🍎