5.5.20 Home Learning⭐️

Good morning boys and girls,

I hope you are all staying safe and managing to get out for a daily walk or exercise. The weather has to be sunny today so try and get your hour of exercise to help you stay healthy, both mentally and physically. ☀

Remember there are lots of new daily activities on BBC Bitesize that I am sure you will find very interesting. Feel free to take a look!

Click on the link below > Primary > Year 3/P4. 🖥



Here are today’s lessons:

Tuesday 5th May

Literacy: Handwriting

Warm up Task

  • I can practise the size and height of my letters

Record your date, title and I can statement in your jotter. Copy the ‘oo’ join and the sentence ‘The goose flew above the balloon’ neatly into your jotter.



A. Copy the ‘oo’ pattern into your jotter.

B. Copy one row of ‘oo’ letters into your jotter neatly, one row of ‘ue’ letters and one row of ‘ew’ letters as shown in the text.

Remember in the horizontal join the letters hook half way up the line and the letters do not touch each other. 😃


Main Activity

  • I can trace and write pattern, letters, words and sentences in my neatest handwriting.


Extra –  Copy these words into your jotter. Remember to take a finger space between each word and take care with the join from r to e and s to e.

Extension – Draw a table with the headings ue, oo and ew. Find the words that make the ‘oo’ sound in the wordsearch. 📝 


Finisher: Reading – Log into Oxford Owl by clicking on ‘MyClassLogin’ at the top in pink and enter woodp4 with password as the password.

Click on MyBookshelf and search for a book of your choice. Look at the front cover and try to read the first page – if you can it’s a good book for you.

Listen to the story or read the story and try to complete one short activity if you wish. If your book has smaller print or more content you can read 10 pages. 📚 


Maths: Addition

  • I can add on 11, 9, 21 and 19.


Warm up task: Write Q1-4 in your jotter.

Q1. a)-d) – Add 11 by adding 10 to the number then adding 1 more. for example:

  1. a)  28+10=38     38=1=39

Q2. a)-d) Add on 9 to each number by adding on 10 then subtracting 1. for example:

2. a) 28+10=38     38-1=37

Q3. a)-d) Add on 21 to each number by adding on 20 then adding on 1 more. for example:

3. a)  48+20=68     68+1= 69

Q4. a)-d) Add on 19 to each number by adding on 20 then subtracting 1. for example:

4. a)  22+20=42     42-1=41

Remember to check over your answers. You can also use your number square to help you.


Main activity: Addition

  • I can add to the nearest set of 10 the add more or subtract.

TaskRecord your title and I can in your jotter. Work your way through Q1 to Q3 carefully from the text.

Make sure you read the question carefully. For each question you will need to bridge by going to the nearest set of 10 then adjusting by subtracting or adding on more to find the total answer.


  1. a)  Add the blue helmets together for example:

45+30 = 75     75-3=72   (27 is closer to 30 then subtract 3)

Complete the same strategy for Q1-3. You can use your fingers to help you count on and back or use your number square. 👍🏼 


Check over your answers and traffic light your work.🚦

I will post the correct answers and you can be the teacher and self-assess your work – remember to check back!

Finisher: Play 15 minutes of Sumdog. Remember we only have until Friday in our weekly challenge against Primary 4/5.🏆


Interested in Science? 🧬🧪

Glasgow Science Centre at home:


The Monty Hall Problem

Tuesday 5 May. Probability has never been so much fun! Explore the ‘The Monty Hall problem’ with us – will you decide to ‘stick or switch’ when the odds of winning a prize change? The chances of this maths problem being a hit are stacked in your family’s favour! For a further probability activity to try out afterwards you’ll need a pack of playing cards. Fun for everyone with science and maths over 7s will enjoy!


Reminder: PE with Mrs Wicks is live at 9am on YouTube or you can play back at any time. Why not search for The Body Coach TV and join in with the family – keep fit, active and healthy! 🏃🏼‍♂️

Have a great day! 😃

Mrs Maher 🍎


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