Last Day of Term! 🥳📚🍎🌟✏️

Good morning boy and girls, 😃

I can’t believe we have made it! Today is the last day of primary 4 and what a year it has been! I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to each and every one of you. It has been a pleasure to be your teacher this year and you have all been such a delight. I will miss you all very much! 💖

Why not take some time to reflect on your year in Primary 4 and share some of your favourite memories. 📸

This year started off well: getting to know your new class, your new teacher, settling in well throughout a new term then enjoying your Christmas as normal. Soon after the New Year we returned for a new term in January and learned lots of new things until all of a sudden the Lockdown happened due to Covid-19. You have had to change from learning in the classroom to learning and home. I am very proud of each and every one of you. 🌟

I’d also like to thank all of the parents for being supportive this year, both in school and with online learning. I hope you all have a fantastic Summer holiday and I am super excited to see all of your smiling faces again come August. 😃

This poem is for you…


I wanted to leave you with ‘Special Moments’ from P4… 😍

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I also took some time to reflect and think back on the many laughs we have had during school with all of you boys and girls in the class. I have chosen one person each for the ‘Most Likely to’ awards. I hope you have fun reading them and laugh too. 🏆


Take care everyone and remember to stay safe! 👍🏼

Love, Mrs. Maher 🍎

23.06.20 International Olympic Day🥇🏀🎾⚽️

Good morning boys and girls,

I hope you had the best fun taking part in yesterday’s Virtual Sports Day. I hope that next year we can be together for our annual exciting event at school, just like we would normally do. 😃

Today it is International Olympic Day. It is held every year on 23rd June to mark the importance of games and sports in our lives. It also promotes the participation in games and sports across the world, no matter of age, gender, cast or religion. 🥇

✏️ Did you know:

  • The International Olympic Day was first celebrated on June 23 in 1894 in nine countries — Austria, Belgium, Canada, Great Britain, Greece, Portugal, Switzerland, Uruguay, and Venezuela
  • The National Olympic Committees of these nine countries had organised ceremonies and competitions, marking the importance of sports in our lives
  • Olympic Games Tokoyo 2020 has been postponed due to the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic
  • Olympians, athletes and fans all over the globe will come together today to be active in the world’s largest 24-hour digital workout


LITERACY – Comprehension ✏️ 

  • I can skim and scan the text
  • I can answer in a full sentence

🏀⛳️All About the Olympic Games 🎾⚽️

Read the text carefully twice and answer the questions in full sentences. Remember to include: capital letters, fingers spaces and full stops at the end of your sentences. 😃

I have given you the quanswer to help you: (words from the question to help you begin your answer)

  1. The Olympic Games began __________.
  2. Only ________ and ________ were allowed to take part in the ancient Greek Olympics.
  3. The Olympic Games take place __________.
  4. If an athlete comes first in an event, they win the ________ medal. If an athlete comes second in an event, they win the ________ medal. If an athlete comes third in an event, they win the ________ medal.
  5. The Olympic torch ________.
  6. The colours of the Olympic rings are ______, ______, ______, _______ and ________.

🔍 Read and check over your writing. 🔍

✏️ Draw an illustration of the coloured Olympic rings. ✏️

📚 🌟 Want to know more about a specific Olympic Sport? Want to know more about Olympic athletes? Then Log into your EPIC reading account and search ‘Olympics’ from the search bar and enjoy some remarkable reading time.


MATHS – Sumdog 💙

Take part in at least 15 minutes of Sumdog to practise your maths and numeracy skills. 😃

I will reward you with 50/100/200 coins for third, second and first place for daily activity.  🏅 🌟


🏃‍♀️ ACTIVE – Olympic Day Workout 🏃🏼‍♂️

Don’t miss the opportunity to #StayActive and work out with some of the world’s best athletes this Olympic Day. 😃

You could ask for permission from a parent or adult and join in with a home workout with an Olympican to #StayActive either on the website above or @Olympics in Instagram. 👍🏼

Or you can create your own home workout that you could do in the living room or in the garden. You  will need to choose 10 different exercises that require no equipment and time yourself doing these each for 1 minute to create your own 10 minute home workout. 😃

For example: mountain climbers, squats, bird dogs, twist challenge, shadow boxing, bicycle kicks, hip circles and knee up lunges. 😅

Check out the video for more details:


🏃🏼‍♂️GET INVOLVED! #StayActive #OlympicDay 🏃‍♀️

Have a Terrific Tuesday! 👍🏼

Mrs Maher 🍎

22.06.20 Virtual Sports Day🥇

Good morning everyone,

Today, Woodlands Primary is taking part in the North Lanarkshire Schools Virtual Sports Day. 🥚 🥄😃

Head over to the Main blog page for all of the info. There are 7 events that will happen throughout today. 🏃🏻‍♂️ 🥚 🥄 🏃‍♀️

Remember to post your pictures and videos to the Woodlands Twitter Page @WoodlandsCnauld with the hashtag #NLSportsDay for us to retweet for the chance to win £50. 📸

Have the best fun today! 😃

Mrs Maher 🍎

🥳💖 The Last Friday of P4! 🍎🎉

Good morning boys and girls,

I can’t believe we have arrived at the very last Friday of Primary 4! 😮 On Monday, Woodlands Primary is taking part in the North Lanarkshire Schools Virtual Sports Day. 🥚 🥄

There are 7 events that will happen throughout the day. On Monday you should post your pictures and videos to the Woodlands Twitter Page @WoodlandsCnauld with the hashtag #NLSportsDay for us to retweet.

The best photo or video will win a £50 worth of sports equipment for our school. Check out all of the info on the main blog page. 😃

Here are today’s Health and Well-being lessons with the theme of ‘KEEP LEARNING‘ 📚💚

What are you going to do to maximise your learning this week? 🤔

Friday 19th June 2020

LITERACY – Write a ‘Recipe for Success’ ✏️ 

Today’s task is to write your own recipe for success in Primary 4. 😃

You will need to include:

  • a Title (A Recipe for Success in P4)
  • You Will Need: (4 things that you feel you will need most to succeed or do well in P4)
  • Method (How to use them throughout the year 2-5 sentences)
  • Matching illustration

Here is an example to show you. Remember in the ‘You Will Need’ section, you only need to write 4 things. ✏️

You can choose to use paper or record in your jotter neatly. Read and check over your spelling and check that what you have written makes sense. 🔍


MATHS – Measuring Volume and Capacity💙

1. Take part in making/baking from a simple recipe. You will need some help from an adult with this task. It could be something as simple as making/preparing a snack or baking and measuring out the ingredients that you will use. Have fun! 😃

2. Complete the measuring worksheet by looking carefully at the water level. You also need to think carefully about the scale as you may need to count in 10’s, 5’s and 25’s. (Half of 50 is 25)

Read and check over your work.🔍


ACTIVE – Orienteering 🗺 

Why not take some time out of your day to learn the First Steps in Orienteering. Here is a step by step guide you can follow which even includes a badge at the end. 🛡 Enjoy! 😃


Have a Fantastic Friday everyone! 😃

Mrs Maher 🍎

18.06.20 Home Learning🌟

Good morning boys and girls,

This week we are focusing on Health and Well-being for our home learning tasks with aspects of literacy and numeracy in these. 💚

Remember you can still use Sumdog, Active Learn and Epic to continue your number and literacy learning if you wish or you can revisit any tasks on the blog. 😃

Here are today’s lessons on Be Active – What are 2 ways in which you can be more healthy this week? 🏃🏻‍♂️


Thursday 18th June 2020



Write a set of instructions for a recent game you have played. This could be a simple board game such as Connect 4 or any other you like to play.😀

Purpose: to instruct how something should be done through a series of sequenced steps.✏️

Here is an example:



Success Criteria:

  • Title (How to Play…)
  • You Will Need… (materials to play)
  • How to Play… (These are your numbered steps i.e 1-6)
  • Include Time Connectives (First, Next, Then, After that, Meanwhile, Soon after and Lastly)
  • Include imperative verbs (bossy verbs that instruct the players)
  • Include a matching illustration to your instructions

You can write your instructions out on paper or in your jotter neatly with clear numbered steps. Read and check over you spelling! 🔍



Create 5 of your own active fitness Stations. These could be any 5 activities that you can practise at home with no PE equipment required: squats, burpees, star jumps, mountain climbers, bench dips (using your arms), planks, leg raises and press-ups.🏃🏻‍♂️

Create a grid in your jotter with a list of 5 different fitness tasks and across give yourself 3 attempts:  Try 1, Try 2 and Try 3. Time yourself with one minutes for each and record your score of how many completed in 1 minute. Circle your best Try out of 3.⏰

Why not put some music on like we did in the gym hall and see if that helps you to stay focused and increase your score each time. This will help you to improve your fitness. 🏃🏻‍♂️


Have a Terrific Thursday! 😃

Mrs Maher 🍎

17.06.20 Home Learning ✏️

Good Morning P4,

I hope you are all okay and enjoyed the HWB tasks from yesterday. 😃

This week we are focusing on Health and Wellbeing for our home learning tasks with aspects of literacy and numeracy in these. 💚

Remember you can still use Sumdog, Active Learn and Epic to continue your number and literacy learning if you wish or you can revisit any tasks on the blog. 😃

Here are today’s lessons on Connecting – Take time to talk and listen to others, be there for each other and feel connected. 👥

Tuesday 17th June 2020


LITERACY – Plan a Zoom Call💙

Create your own party invite – for a friends/family Zoom call. 🎉

Here is an example of an invitation to remind you of the layout and imaging.

Task: Plan a Zoom call (video call via wi-fi) for you and 9 other friends/ family members for a celebration by designing your own party invite.

Party invite should include:

  • Dear…
  • You are invitied to…
  • Time:
  • Date:
  • Place:
  • From…

You may wish to use paper, your jotter or make one at home using any materials that you have. Remember to make this look bright and as colourful as you can.


MATHS – Planning a Party Budgeting💙

You are going to plan the Zoom call party with a budget of £10 for the food and drink for all 10 people. This could be items such as paper plates, plastic/paper cups, crisps, sweets, juice, cakes, sausage rolls etc. Each person  needs to have the same items.

You may choose ANY ITEMS that you wish to have that you would usually enjoy in a social setting as long as it does not amount to a total more than £10. i.e. crisps, sweets, fruit, cakes,  juice etc.

You have the choice to either make up your own items and pricing. Write the items down and give them a price then add up all the costs for 10. How much did you spend? Was there any change from £10? If there was, how much? Record in your jotter.

Or you could use the online shopping tool for Tesco/Asda. This will let you add items to your basket and calculate the total.

Remember you get more for your money when you buy multipacks of items of 10 rather than individual items..

Budget carefully!


ACTIVE -Plant and Flower Hunt

Why not take some time today to get outdoors for a long walk and see which plants and flowers that you can find.


Have a great Wednesday everyone! 😃

Mrs Maher 🍎



16.06.20 Home Learning 📚

Good morning Primary 4,

Today is our second day of our Health and Wellbeing focus. Today’s theme is Take Notice – What can we do to value the world around us? 🌳🍂🌸🌻🐿🌺🌼

LITERACY – Handwriting (nature)
✏️ 🌺

Copy your nature poem ‘At the Bottom of the Garden’ in your neatest handwriting and demonstrate all of the joins that you have learned.

Take a new line for each new piece of information, begin each line with a capital letter and include the correct punctuation. 🌳🕷🐞🍃🌼🐜🐛🦋🐝

Remember to take care with your horizontal join from the letter ‘o’ and take care with your flick for the letter ‘r’ as this helps you join to the next letters more easily.

Why not read out your poem to a friend or family member? 👍🏼


MATHS – Data Handling (nature) 🌻🕊

Read the bar graph carefully that shows the trees planted in Atholl wood. There are four types of tress: oak, beech, birch and elm and the number of trees planted are shown. Answer questions 1-3.

Read the pictogram carefully that shows the number of Finches at the bird tables. One picture of a Finch represents 10 finches and half of a picture represents 5 Finches. Answer the questions 4a-b, 5a-b and 6.

Why not learn more about ‘Types of Finches’ on RSPB and hear their calls. You could look out for them while taking part in your daily exercise or walk. 😃🌳


ACTIVE – Nature Walk Scavenger Hunt

Take some time out of your day to sit in the garden or get outdoors and enjoy some fresh air. Take part in our Nature Walk Scavenger Hunt. Stephen and I got so close to a little squirrel yesterday who was looking for food. You never know, what you might find! 🌳🌸🐿🍃🌼🕷


Have a Terrific Tuesday everyone! 😁

Mrs Maher 🍎

15.06.20 Home Learning🍎

Good Morning Primary 4,

I hope you all had a great weekend! I can’t believe this is the last full week of term. This has been such a quick year! 😊

I am heading back into school this week to continue getting organised for August. What are you doing today? Get in touch and let me know! 👍🏼

This week’s focus is linked to Health and Wellbeing. 💚

Here are today’s lessons liked to Connecting – How can you make time for others?


Monday 15th June 2020 ✏️ 


Literacy – Spelling ✏️ 

Compliment Clouds – Spelling

It is important to give compliments. When someone gives you a compliment and says something nice to you, it makes you feel good. When you say something kind to someone else, it also makes you feel good. When you are in class or at home, try to give compliments. For example:

“You’re a good friend!”

“You’re really kind!”

“You’re really helpful!”

Task:  Create 3 compliment clouds with accurate spelling. Use your compliment word bank below or think of your own positive words to describe 3 of your friends/family members. You can draw the clouds and write the words in your jotter or you can make the compliment clouds if you have materials available at home and hang them up. 🌈 ☁️ 😃

You must complete 3 compliment clouds, each with a name inside and 5 positive words that describe what you like about them. 😃
🔍 Remember to check over the order of your letters to show accurate spelling.


kind, caring, talented, loving, energetic, helpful, hard working, imaginative, playful, responsible, clever, artistic, elegant, beautiful, handsome, wonderful, silly, funny, thoughtful, cool, incredible, amazing, brilliant, special, generous, brave and honest.



Throughout the week,  keep a kindness diary. Write down times when you were kind to others and when others were kind to you.

Here are some random acts of kindness to inspire you:


Design your own board game using times tables of your choice.

You can add in your own ‘Acts of kindness’ or use some ideas from above. Players should perform these before moving on in the game. Complete by colouring in the game board and playing as 2 or more players.



Why not take some time out today to get outdoors In the fresh air. Go for a walk and see which birds you can find. Here are some kinds of birds that you will see from Springtime while you are out and about on your adventures.

Have a great Monday! 😃

Mrs Maher 🍎

12.06.20 Home Learning🌟


Good morning boys and girls,

Well done for making it to the end of another week. 😃

Unfortunately, we didn’t manage to beat Primary 3 in the NLC Sumdog Contest as they placed 65th and our final position was 140th. However, can I say a huge WELL DONE to all of those who tried. 👍🏼


Here are today’s lessons:

Friday 12th June 2020


Literacy: Writing  ✏️ 

Warm up – Sumdog Spelling

  • I can order letters in my spelling words accurately

Super Spellers from last week with good accuracy: Callum, Nathan, Lilly, Emily and Isla. 🌟

Take part in at least 20 minutes of your Sumdog Spelling words game dated 12.6.20. 😃

I will give 50/ 100/ 200 points for accurate spelling and time played today. 👍🏼


Main Actvity – Narrative  ✏️ 

This week is Narrative writing on a story that is imaginitive. If you are struggling to think of an idea, I have given you some ideas below. You are free to write as much as you like – it can be as short as a few sentences for Beginning, Middle and End or three detailed paragraphs for BME. The choice is yours! 😃

The first thing to do is spend time planning your story. You could use either a story planning sheet or a story mountain to help you plan what happens. ✏️

You can use these posters to give you some help:

Here is an example of what a good one looks like:

You could perhaps write about:

  • Magical Powers – Suppose you had the power of magic. You could do anything you wanted to do. You could make all of your wishes come true. What would your first three wishes be? How would you make them come true? What would happen? Write your BME.
  • If I was – If you were not you, who would you like to be? Somebody you know? A super hero? A special kind of person? I would be __________. Think of what would happen. Write your BME.
  • Space Adventure – In the box is a very special spacesuit just for you. Open the box carefully. Put on the spacesuit. Climb into your spaceship and – off you go! Write your BME.
  • Ben’s Adventure – This is Ben the dog. He’s got nothing to do and no one to play with. Don’t let him get bored! Make up a friend for him and send them off on an adventure. Write your BME.
  • Help! – Imagine one day you go to school and just as you go in, everything shrinks. Except you! Suddenly everything is tiny and you’re a great big giant. What do you do? Write your BME.
  • Pirate Pete – This is Pirate Pete. He is sailing on a gigantic ship across the seas. Pirate Pete is looking for an island with a cave. He wants to hid some treasure in the cave. What happens? Write your BME.
  • The Dreaded Dragon – The dreaded dragon has come to town. The people are frightened and run away. The hide in their houses. But along comes someone who saves them. Who? Wrote your BME.


Success Criteria: (My Story has) 🤔 

  • an interesting Title
  • Described the setting and atmosphere using descriptive language (adjectives/ adverbs/ wow words)
  • I have introduced my character(s) and told the reader about them (adjectives/adverbs)
  • I have explained what is happening at the beginning of the story – B
  • My story has an interesting and believable problem – M
  • My character solves the problem in a believable way
  • I have shown the thoughts and feelings of my character as they deal with the problem
  • I have finished writing effectively to complete the story – E
  • I have written in paragraphs – new idea or event for each
  • I can include Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation in my writing
  • I can add speech in my story *Bonus Points*
  • I can read and check that my writing makes sense

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👍🏼 Remember to include the characters thoughts and feelings and read over your writing as you go.

🌟 If you would like a challenge, your Middle paragraph could have a new event where there is a twist or turning point in the story.

🔍 Check your punctuation and that you have not missed any words out.

📖 When you are finished, read over to check your writing makes sense.

🤩Who are the Star Writer’s going to be this week?


Well done to this week’s EPIC READERS! 📚

Maths: Problem Solving 🧠🤔

  • I can calculate a two step problem
  • I can guess, check and improve
  • I can keep on trying when things get difficult

Choose one problem solving card out of the choice of three. You will need to read the card carefully and use your counting on and back skills for addition and subtraction. You should use your strategy of Guess > Check > Improve to solve the problem. If you do not get it right first time, keep on trying! 👍🏼

I will post the answers on Monday. 😃


Fun Finisher – Sumdog 

Take part in at least 20 minutes of Maths games today. 🌟



Remember to have fun over the weekend and enjoy spending time at home with your family. Take care and stay safe! 😃

Mrs Maher 🍎