7.5.20 Home Learning

Morning everyone!

I hope that you all enjoyed the sunshine yesterday.ย ๐Ÿ™‚
I am missing hearing all of your lovely stories every day.
Remember that today is your last day of home learning this weekend as it is the May holiday weekend โ€“ so no home learning tomorrow or Monday.

Take a Moment

This week’s breathing technique and relaxation activity with Mrs McMillan is the ‘High 5 breathing.’ Those of you that visit her throughout the week will remember this. It’s aย great technique to help you regain control when you are beginning to lose your cool! It’s great for everyone – adults too!


Tomorrow is a very special day, tomorrow is the 75th anniversary of VE Day. ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡งย On 8 May 1945, Prime Minister Winston Churchillย madeย an announcement on the radio at 3pm that the war in mainland Europe (WW2) was to end, following Germany’s surrender the day before. This was the beginning of the end for many people but was still being fought on other continents.

Literacy: Writing

Warm up: Spelling

VE Day Vocabulary: War, fight, peace, party, end, Victory, Europe, Germany.

Practise writing your VE Day vocabulary out in your jotter 3 times. Try to use your neatest handwriting. *Can you give your joined up writing a go?

Main Activity – Writing

  • I can describe the main events of VE Day.
  • I can include VCOP to make my writing interesting

You are a newspaper reporter reporting on the celebrations in Scotland on VE Day 9th May 1945. Write a newspaper report and include the correct features from your success criteria.
*Can you include VCOP to engage the reader?*



Success Criteria Checklist:

  • Name of the newspaper
  • Interesting Headline
  • Sub-heading that tells the reader what the article is about
  • Writerโ€™s Name (Reported by…)
  • Introduction (When did it happen? What happened? Where did it happen? Why did it happen? Who was involved?)
  • Main Events of VE Day (This can be facts that you have learned)
  • Short conclusion (bring the report to a close. For example:ย People will always remember where they were or what they did on VE Day!)
  • Picture with caption (what does the picture show)

Here are some resources that tell you more about VE Day or you could carry out some research of your own on the internet safely or from other sources.

Letโ€™s go back to 8th May 1945… (75 years ago!)

You could use this as a template or set up like this in your jotter using your ruler.


โ€˜Crowds gathered in VE parade in George Square.โ€™

Remember to read and check over your writing.

Maths: Multiplication

Warm up – Take part in dance and say the:

2x Table on Super-movers

5x Table on Super-movers

10x Table on Super-movers

Main Activity – Take part in the 2x, 5x and 10x Table games on โ€˜Hit the Buttonโ€™ and aim to improve your score. *Why not challenge an adult?


Finisher: Play 15 minutes of your Sumdog Maths games. Today is the last day of the competition. Next week since it is a short week, I have something exciting planned for you… Watch this space! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


Reminder: Shonagh from Blair Drummond Safari Park is live on Facebook at 12. She is taking you to meet the animals from their Pets Farm. Tune in and take part! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿด ๐Ÿฆ™

Have a great long weekend. Stay safe!ย ๐Ÿ™‚

Mrs Maher ๐ŸŽ

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